Google AdWords Interview Questions and Answers 2024

Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords, is an online advertising platform for businesses and individuals to create and display ads on Google's search result pages and other websites that participate in Google's advertising network. We shall cover the most possible Google AdWords interview questions & basically the questions are categorized into beginner, intermediate & advanced level. Where we have covered questions on different concepts like pay per click (PPC), Click through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), cost per mile (CPM), and Cost per action (CPA). With the detailed explanation on each question, this guide will be a good resource for referring to ace the interview.

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Google AdWords is a Google-developed online advertising network in which businesses compete to display concise ads, service offerings, product descriptions, or videos to website visitors. It may insert adverts in search engine results, such as Google Search, non-search websites, mobile applications, and videos (YouTube). 

AdWords enables you to benefit from the advantages of web advertising by displaying your adverts to the appropriate people, in the right location, and at the right moment. AdWords has various advantages; however, the following are the most important reasons for choosing it for digital marketing: 

  1. Results are obtained faster than using SEO: Without a doubt, SEO may also help your website rank at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), but doing so takes time. If you use it right, you can get that slot quickly. Using time, SEO may grow the firm with keywords and other approaches, whereas AdWords can begin working on brand recognition immediately. When you mix the two, you may elevate your business to a higher level. 
  2. Increasing brand awareness: The average person spends more than three hours daily on the internet. It implies that your ad will most likely be seen by the same people several times. Whether or not they click on it, they become acquainted with your business and its services. 
  3. Budget control: Google Ads provides you complete control over how your money is spent. You may also specify how much you want to pay every month, day, and per advertisement. You will only be charged when someone clicks on your ad. 
  4. Reach out to more customers using Gmail: Google has linked native Gmail advertisements with Google AdWords and made them available to all marketers, allowing you to target more prospects via their Gmail account. 
  5. A high return on investment: Unlike other marketing tactics, Google Ads requires you to pay only for clicked advertisements. You may receive a high return on your investment by optimizing Google Ads campaigns, which may not be attainable with other marketing tactics. 

Below is the step-by-step guide to setting up a Google Ads campaign:  

  • Create an account at or log in if you already have one. 
  • Determine your campaign's daily budget. Google estimates the coverage you can obtain with the budget you enter to help you make the best option. 
  • Determine the geographic location of your target audience. This is crucial for excluding people not covered by your products or services. 
  • Select a network. If you want your ad to appear in Google's search engine, uncheck the "Display Network" option. 
  • Make a list of your keywords, and remember to include the matches! 
  • Determine the highest offer you are willing to pay for each click. 
  • Write the text for your first ad. 
  • Enter your payment details. 

Google Analytics is a free Google application that gives detailed statistics on how visitors interact with your website. It displays how many visitors discovered your site and how they interacted with it and other website analytics, offering ideas for improving a website.

You may also connect Google Analytics with your AdWords account to receive a complete picture of your consumers' activity, from when they see or click your ad to what they do on your site. This data can help you determine how much of your website traffic or revenues originate from AdWords, allowing you to enhance your advertisements and website.

Every month, auctions are conducted billions of times, resulting in advertising related to what visitors are looking for. The search engine conducts the auction that sets the ad locations and each advertiser's CPC once it has processed the request. Other operations include the following:  

  • The AdWords system locates all adverts whose keywords correspond to a search when a user searches. 
  • The algorithm ignores any ads that aren't eligible, such as those that are offensive or target a different nation. 
  • Only the ads with a high enough Ad Rank may display from the remaining advertising. Your bid, ad quality, and the predicted influence of extensions and other ad formats determine Ad Rank. 

Objectives must be set before any form of marketing effort can begin. Setting attainable objectives for your campaign can keep you on track and provide you with a direction to work.

When you set up the advertisements in Google Ads, you will be prompted to specify your campaign objectives (known as Campaign Goals), so it's best to have this clear before you begin. SEM campaigns aim to increase sales, generate leads, drive visitors to your website, increase app downloads, or raise brand recognition. Why do you want to launch a Google Ads campaign? The answer to this question will bring you directly to your goals.

PPC is an online advertising method used to drive traffic to websites in which an advertiser pays a publisher (usually a search engine) whenever the ad is clicked on. Pay-per-click advertising is commonly associated with high-ranking search engines such as Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising (previously Bing Ads). Advertisers often use search engines to bid on relevant keywords for their target audience and pay only when their advertisements are clicked.

As a digital marketer, I will use the pay-per-click model to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and profitability of online marketing and push the cost of operating advertisement campaigns as low as possible while meeting defined targets.

PPC or pay-per-click works on the concept that the advertiser must pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads to get to their business website. The amount paid can be either fixed or decided by bidding. The greater the bid, the more likely an ad will appear at the top. A pay-per-click campaign designed to "purchase visits" to a website or page. The goal is often to perform a particular user action, such as signing up for a website account or purchasing a product. Much research is required for successful PPC Ads.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising could be low several times-cost method of driving customers to your website. The following are the advantages to consider. 

  1. PPC advertisements target viewers at a low cost: It might be a good value for money because you only pay when a person visits your website. You are free to determine how much money you want to spend. 
  2. PPC advertisements get immediate traffic: Organic search engine optimization (SEO) strategies might take months to provide results. But PPC efforts will be seen nearly immediately.  
  3. Pay-Per-Click is Measurable and Trackable: One key advantage of PPC advertising with Google Ads is that it is simple to measure and track. PPC campaigns may be set up to measure effectiveness precisely. You can calculate your return on investment precisely. 
  4. Increase brand awareness: Being at the top of a search engine is a terrific method to increase brand visibility. Even if the consumer does not click on your ad the first time, viewing your name at the top will gradually introduce your brand to them and may encourage them to seek services from you. 
  5. PPC is customizable: You may make several little tweaks as you run your campaigns to improve depending on what is most effective.  

Google Ads makes it simple for companies to advertise on Google platforms. In contrast, Google AdSense allows owners of platforms such as blogs, websites, and forums to commercialize their properties by displaying advertisements for other businesses. Google Advertising customers may need to modify their ads to perform better in the Google Ads Auction, which is used to choose which ads are shown via AdSense.

The distinction is that AdWords purchases advertising from Google, whereas AdSense sells advertising space to Google.

The main disadvantage is some PPC AdWords accounts lose a lot of money because of bad marketing approaches, resulting in no sales or leads. Many more lose money on low-quality leads or low-value sales. The following are some other disadvantages of pay-per-click marketing: 

  1. Extensive expertise is required: It takes time to create an effective PPC campaign. Keyword research, identifying the ideal audiences, reviewing Google Analytics data and regularly monitoring and tweaking campaigns are all required. PPC, like many other kinds of digital marketing, is a talent that takes time to master. 
  2. PPC is costly: Paid search is too costly. Even if it is beneficial, there may be other methods to generate revenue and leads. Content marketing or SEO will generate more sales and leads at a lesser cost. 
  3. More competition: The cost per click and bid for Google advertising have risen in parallel with the rate at which advertisements are being spent. Ultimately, the competition will only rise as the profit potential decreases. If your company does not have a large ad marketing budget, you may pay more than you earn from clicks. 
  4. The number of clicks does not match the number of conversions: The cost a company must pay Google depends on how many times an advertisement is clicked. However, not every click results in a sale. Once the user arrives at the website or landing page, the company must encourage the consumer to purchase.

Quality Score is a Google metric with a scale of 1 to 10 used to evaluate ad campaign quality. The Quality Score assesses the relevancy of your advertising and landing pages to user searches. It is essential since it impacts the cost of each click. You will be charged for the adverts depending on Google's quality score.

For example, if the quality score is 7, it is deemed neutral. It has no impact on the cost per click. A score of 8 to 10 indicates that Google will reward you with a reduced CPC. A good QS may save up to 30% of the expenditure, whereas a bad QS can raise the cost of the ad by two or three.

The CTR (Click-Through-Rate) is the proportion of clicks an advertisement receives. The CTR is measured using a straightforward formula: the number of clicks received by the ad divided by the total number of times it has been seen, multiplied by 100.

For example, if an ad is shown 200 times and 20 users click on it, the CTR is 10%.

A keyword can be defined as the words, groups of words, or phrases that determine (depending on the matching rules) whether an ad will be displayed when a user does a query (search) in a search engine. There are two different types of keywords. Such as 

  1. Short-tail keyword: Generic keywords known as "short tail" don't provide much context or specifics. They usually relate to a product or category and are composed of one or two words. For example, "Red chair", "android mobile", and "washing machine". 
  2. Long-tail keyword: Long Tail Keywords, on the other hand, are longer and more specialized, usually consisting of more than three words. For example, "Red color chair for office", "Android mobile below 6.3" display", and" Samsung front load washing machine".

Your search ads will display on the Google Search Network. The Google Search Engine and a considerable number of websites with search engines that will show Google search ads make up the majority of it. When you begin running ads on this network, they will appear next to search results from Google and other Google search partners.

The Google Search Network successfully locates an active crawler, making it efficient. Advertisers and customers who are actively seeking goods and services can connect through the network. The Google Search Network often generates more conversions and has a better conversion rate than the Google Display Network.

Short tail keywords have a few benefits, including the following: 

  • They may be able to drive a significant amount of traffic to your website.  
  • They are simple to fit into copy and adapt to online content, and 
  • They are attractive to a broad audience. 

The following are some of this strategy's drawbacks: 

  • Because it is such a broad term, a significant portion of the visitors will arrive at your website and then depart immediately because the lack of precision indicates they could be seeking something else. 
  • Additionally, there is greater competition to place your advertising utilizing these keywords, which increases the difficulty and cost of doing so. Because so many businesses are competing and raising their bids, short-tail CPC ads are substantially more expensive than long-tail advertisements. 

Expect to come across this popular question in Google ads interview questions. 

  • CPC (cost-per-click): The charge that Google applies to each click on your ad. Because each click is the outcome of a fresh auction, the cost of each click will be somewhat different. As a result, the phrase "average CPC" is frequently used. 
  • CTR (Click-through rate): The click-to-impressions ratio (CTR = clicks/impressions). For example, if your advertisement was shown 100 times and clicked on 5 times, the click-through rate would be 5%. The CTR is a crucial part of the AdWords system. 
  • CPM (Cost-per-mille): The price for displaying an advertisement 1,000 times (mille is a Latin word that means 1,000). With a cost-per-impression pricing approach, this is more usual. The number of times an advertisement clicks is irrelevant in a CPM system. For advertisements on the Display Network, advertisers have the option of using the CPM pricing model. 
  • CPA (Cost-per-action): A visitor's price to complete a desired action on your website. Advertisers are only compensated when a user converts when using a CPA model. A conversion might be a sale, a lead, a newsletter sign-up, or anything else. This strategy directly links return on investment (ROI) to advertising costs. 

A must-know for anyone heading into a Google ads interview, this question is frequently asked in Google adwords interview questions.  

While running advertisements, you will come across some search queries that you do not want to be displayed on. It's pointless to be listed against the "cricket shoes" if you're the search phrase one selling "tennis shoes."  Negative Keywords come in helpful in situations like these.

Adding negative keywords is beneficial for advertisers to ensure they are not wasting money. You can manage your Advertising Budget and Returns like a master by managing every sort of term under which your ad appears!

Because of the simplicity with which AdWords and Google Analytics may be integrated, defining objectives in Google Analytics and importing them into AdWords is a wonderful approach to monitoring success. Goals defined in Google Analytics may be imported into AdWords as conversions (since a conversion happens when a visitor achieves a goal). Google Analytics now permits the setting of four groups of five objectives each. The following are some examples of objectives: 

  • An online purchase;  
  • Downloads of documents like white papers or brochures;  
  • Views of certain pages 
  • Engagement, such as when a visitor stays on your site for more than five minutes or visits more than five pages; 
  • Form completion, such as a Contact Us form;  

Setting properly calibrated goals for a sponsored search campaign is crucial because each visitor to your site costs you money. 

Google AdWords Express, formerly known as Google Boost, was introduced in July 2011. It may be considered as a lite version of AdWords, particularly aimed at assisting local small companies in establishing an AdWords marketing presence with a very quick ramp-up period, generally fifteen minutes or less. As AdWords grows more complicated, it becomes increasingly difficult to characterize it as a simple, self-service platform. AdWords Express is Google's attempt to simplify things for the average user. Small companies with a local focus, a limited budget, and little time or resources to manage AdWords are ideal candidates for AdWords Express. 

In AdWords Express, Google chooses the keywords depending on the categories you've matched to your company. Google also suggests a budget depending on your categories; however, you are free to specify whatever budget you like. All AdWords Express campaigns are set to show advertisements within 25 kilometers of your company location by default; this cannot be changed. 

The placement of your ad on a search engine results page is determined by its "Ad Rank" (SERP). There are two factors: your bid (i.e., the amount you are willing to spend) and your quality score.

You cannot simply state that you want your ad to always appear at the top of the page since Google will recalculate your ad rank each time someone searches using the phrases that trigger your ad. Rather, it is a shifting objective, and you must examine whatever ad position appears to create the highest ROI for you. Typically, the most desirable ad locations are the top 10 results and the top positioning that permits your ad to appear most prominently on the page. The first three advertisements usually get the best real estate on a search engine's results page.

"What prevents my competition from clicking on my ad all day and raising my Google bill?" is a common concern we receive from new AdWords clients. Google has a specialized staff that tracks fraudulent traffic and will repay you for invalid clicks. Google considers the following factors when evaluating click fraud traffic: 

  • Other click patterns 
  • Click time 
  • The IP address of the click 
  • Other click patterns 

This technology can detect some types of fraud in real-time. Repeated clicks from places recognized as sources of invalid clicks are two examples of fraud that may be detected in real-time. If Google determines a click to be fraudulent in real time, you will never be paid for it. You may view the number of incorrect clicks that Google captures on the dimension tab. Furthermore, Google examines the data on a bigger scale to find trends that indicate false clicks. Charges incurred as a result of these clicks are repaid, and the refund amount is displayed in your account's billing area. 

AdWords provides a variety of bid strategies that are adapted to various campaign types. You may choose the ideal method for you based on the networks your campaign is targeting and your advertising objectives. Following are the bid strategies I will choose from: 

  • Cost-per-impression (CPM) bidding: To ensure that your message is seen by the customers. 
  • Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding: It assists in increasing conversions on the website. 
  • Demographics: It is beneficial if the website's conversion rate is to be maximized. 
  • Cost-per-click (CPC) bidding: It is beneficial if you want to bring customers to the website. 

It's no surprise that this one pops up often in interview questions for Google ads.  

The maximum cost-per-click bid, often known as "max. CPC," is the most amount you're ready to spend for a click on your ad when using CPC bidding. This bidding strategy might be a good bargain because you only pay when a person clicks on your ad and learns more.

If you utilize CPC bidding, you'll have the choice of using manual bidding and choosing your own bid amounts or automated bidding and letting AdWords decide your maximum CPC bid for you to achieve the most clicks, given your overall budget.

You have more control over your bids when you use manual bidding; for instance, you may set various bids for certain keywords or Display Network targeting strategies. You don't have to spend a lot of time setting and maintaining your bids with automated bidding.

CPM bidding allows you to bid on your ad depending on how frequently it shows on the Display Network. If your advertising aim is to bring your company's name in front of more people, you could be more concerned about ad impressions than clicks and visits to your website.

When you place a CPM bid, you specify how much you are ready to spend per 1,000 ad impressions. When CPC and CPM advertisements compete for the same spot, the two types of advertising are compared on how much they're prepared to pay for the impression. The maximum CPM bid for a CPM ad reflects how much the advertiser is ready to spend for every 1000 impressions.

The following are the different types of bidding strategies: 

  1. Location of the targeted search page: The bids are automatically adjusted to assist you in placing your advertising on the front page of search results or at the top of the page. 
  2. Target cost-per-acquisition (CPA): Sets your bids automatically to assist you in acquiring as many conversions as possible while meeting a predetermined average cost-per-acquisition target. 
  3. Maximize clicks: Sets your bids automatically to assist you in receiving the most clicks within a specified budget. 
  4. Target outranking share: Increases or decreases your bids automatically to assist your advertisements in outranking ads from other domains. 
  5. Target return on ad spends: Set your bids automatically to optimize conversion value while attempting to achieve an average return on ad spend. 
  6. Improved cost-per-click: Based on the possibility that a click would lead to a conversion, it automatically changes your manual CPC bid upward or downward. 


A common question in Google Adwords interview questions for freshers, don't miss this one.  

The primary distinction between SEO and SEM is that SEO relies on organic search traffic, whereas SEM focuses on both organic and paid search traffic. The below table consists of other key differences between SEM and SEO.


1. SEO is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. 

1. SEM is an abbreviation for Search Engine Marketing. 

2. The SEO search result does not target any particular audience. 

 2. The specified audience is targeted by the SEM search result. 

3. The potential for SEO traffic is limitless. 

3. Traffic potential for SEM has been restricted by budget. 

4. It will take time for the results to reflect. 

4. Results will appear immediately. 

5. Appropriate for low-budget organizations. 

5. Suitable for large-scale organizations. 

6. Long-term advantages. 

6. Short-term advantages. 

The Quality Score is primarily determined by the three factors listed below: 

  • Experience on the landing page: For Google, quality refers to the overall user experience, not just the ad itself. As a result, it considers the quality of the landing page to which the ad connects. The more relevant the information is, as well as the ease of access and use, the more points it will receive. 
  • Advertisement relevancy: Measures the ad's quality in relation to the keyword. Ad relevance must develop copy that includes the keywords for which we want to place so that all of the elements are effectively related. 
  • Predicted CTR: This indicator represents the expected proportion of clicks based on the account's past data. It assesses the chance that your advertising will be clicked, regardless of ad location, extensions, or other ad formats that may impact significance and exposure. 

A solid keyword selection may mean the difference between success and failure in Google Ads. As a result, a good keyword or key phrase should include the following elements: 

  • The competitiveness and the cost per click: You may set a price restriction by assessing the click-to-conversion rate and the Return on investment of each new customer. 
  • The volume of Keyword Searches: You must investigate search volume and ensure that your keyword choice will generate traffic. 
  • Keyword Relevancy: The most crucial aspect of choosing keywords is that a term or phrase is relevant to the website's content. 
  • User intention: It is critical to determine whether the consumer seeks broad information, has a particular need linked to your items, or is ready to buy. 

Mention Facts About Those Myths. 

The following are the top three most common misconceptions about quality scores:  

  1. The quality score reduces when the CTR is low on the display network. No, it does not. Google recognizes that display network advertising will have lower CTRs. This is taken into consideration. Quality Scores are calculated separately for Google Search and the Display Network. 
  2. Ads must be in prominent areas to get top Quality Scores. Google is kind enough to account for the placements in which your ad appears. Your CTR, compared to other advertisers when their ad is in the exact location on the page, is more essential than your CTR. 
  3. Match type is important. But when calculating Quality Score, Google only considers the precise match of any term in your account. 

The principle is simple and clear: experiment with essential parts of your advertising, like calls to action, titles, visible URLs, landing pages, and content. In each A/B test, two identical ads will be tested in all but the version of the element to be evaluated. You may run a second A/B test and compare the winners if you have more than two versions.

Before drawing conclusions from an A/B test, we must wait until both versions have gotten considerable impressions and clicks. Using this method, you can filter the creatives and alternatives that truly connect with your target community and produce increasingly powerful Google Ads campaigns. A / B tests are the most effective technique to obtain this essential information while minimizing expenses and maximizing outcomes.

The Display Network is a collection of partner websites, mobile sites, and applications, as well as Google websites (such as Gmail, Google Finance, Blogger, and YouTube), that display AdWords advertising that is appropriate for the content on a particular page. 

Advertisers can benefit from the Display Network in the following ways: 

  • Increase brand recognition and consumer loyalty. 
  • Increases client interaction. 
  • Choose more precisely the locations and target markets for their advertisements. 
  • Reach a wide range of customers with diverse interests by using engaging ad layouts. 

Search queries are classified into three categories. They are as follows: 

  1. Transactional search: A user is looking to buy something or do something particular. The searcher may be looking for a local bookstall, getting ready to buy a new book, or registering at the bookstall for future online purchases. 
  2. Navigational search: A searcher is aware of the webpage they are looking for and typically has a specific objective in mind. For example, suppose you need to check your bank balance online with Axis bank but are unsure of the right URL. You'd type in "Axis bank" or "" Typically, there is just one correct answer for the searcher in this sort of search. 
  3. Informational search: A searcher seeks specialized information on a certain subject. This category includes a wide range of queries. Examples include "covid symptoms" and "moon phases." This sort of search might also be commercial in nature: the information a searcher is seeking to begin the purchasing process, "What is the best smartphone under $200?" is an example of an informative search. The common thread here is that the searcher seeks additional information rather than a specific website. These searches might also be restricted to a specific place. For example, the search "dentist in New York, US" suggests that the searcher seeks local information.

Every campaign has one or more ad groups. An ad group helps you to structure your campaign into groups of advertisements and keywords that are directly related to one another, which can enhance your Quality Score and help you increase your ROI. This helps Search Network campaigns deliver advertisements relevant to the queries of the individuals you're seeking to target. You may design relevant adverts to present to clients exploring websites about comparable themes for campaigns targeting the Display Network.

You'll want to build different ad groups for each subject or product that you're advertising, just as you did with your campaign structure. Consider generating ad groups based on the regions or categories on your website once more. For instance, the same electronics store may develop ad groups for sub-categories such as small cameras and SLR cameras.

The performance graph is presented in the main table's campaign, ad group, keyword, and ad sections and provides a visual view of your statistics. You may select which metrics are displayed, compare the two measures, or compare a measure over two-time frames. To modify the graph data, click the graph symbol and choose the metrics to compare from the pull-down menu. The above image is an example of a performance graph.

Target customers on mobile by displaying ads when users search or visit Display Network sites on their mobile phones, such as iPhones and Android smartphones. Depending on your marketing objectives, you may choose to target one or more devices.

Mobile devices with complete internet browsers, such as smartphones, may show desktop webpages and mobile-optimized sites. High-end mobile devices may also hold applications, which users can download through their app store or website. Because of the range of media available on mobile devices, you may display your adverts in a variety of ways and personalize your message to be attractive to people on mobile devices.

Once your advertisements are active, you'll need to set up conversion tracking. Conversion tracking is a Google Ads technology that lets you measure conversion rates by placing a code on a website. Knowing the conversion rate for each keyword allows you to determine which keywords are the most profitable and which aren't.

Google generates this code, which must subsequently be inserted into the website's code. A conversion is an activity taken by a customer that provides value to your company.

The campaign settings can be selected from four basic choices. Such as 

  • Use the default settings on Google (not recommended). 
  • Load configurations from an active campaign in your account (new accounts do not have this option). 
  • Ignore the alternatives for the load setting and choose the campaign settings by yourself. 
  • Load parameters based on the kind of campaign: 
    • Online videos (in-stream) 
    • Display Network only (display ad builder). 
    • Display Network only (text advertisements). 
    • Search Network only.  
    • Mobile and tablet devices only. 

Some ad extensions may be implemented manually, while others require automation. Below is a list of the various ad extension kinds available: 

  • Manual extensions 
    • Application extensions 
    • Call extensions 
    • Review extensions 
    • Locations extensions 
    • Callout extensions 
    • Sitelink extensions 
  • Automated extensions 
    • Previous visits 
    • Consumer ratings 
    • Social extensions 
    • Seller ratings 

Listed below are a few advantages of using Keyword Planner: 

  • Obtain historical data and traffic estimates: Keyword Planner will display facts such as keyword search volumes to assist you in deciding which keywords to utilize for your campaign. You may also obtain traffic projections, such as projected clicks, for a specific bid and budget to choose which bids and budgets to set. 
  • Keyword research: You may gather keyword ideas by searching for terms promoting a product or service, your landing page, or other product categories. The program will arrange similar keyword suggestions into ad groups automatically. You may also combine two or more keyword lists to save time manually matching keywords.

Some advantages of integrating Google Analytics and AdWords are: 

  • Add useful Analytics to your AdWords account, such as the bounce rate, percentage of fresh sessions, and pages/sessions. 
  • Benefit from improved remarketing capabilities. 
  • Make use of your Analytics data to improve your AdWords experience. 
  • Enhance the multi-channel funnel reports in Analytics with richer data. 
  • Import Analytics objectives and E-commerce transactions efficiently into your AdWords account. 

One of the most frequently posed Google display ads interview questions, be ready for it.  

Relevant for Google Ads is a term used to describe an algorithm that enables the search engine to choose websites that offer helpful material associated with the user's search terms.

Before Google established this algorithm, advertising may surface even if the queries did not match. When a person searches for Maldives vacations, adverts such as "Cheap flights to London" may emerge. This difficulty was addressed by relevance, and now search engines reward advertising whose title and content fit the search parameters. This is why having a landing page relevant to your ad's aim is essential. If Google detects that you are attempting to trick and switch users, they will discontinue placing your adverts.

A Buyer Persona is a hypothetical representation of your ideal consumer. They are based on demographic and analytical factors (such as gender, age, and marital status), as well as behavior, motives, likes, habits, and objectives.

Since commercials are targeted to a certain demographic, developing a buyer persona is necessary for their conception and creation. It will be much easier to develop helpful and appealing information to visitors if you can get to their level when planning your ad copy.

Remarketing is a strategy that enables you to communicate with users who have visited or used your mobile app or website. 

Most site visitors will leave without purchasing anything. Remarketing keeps your chances of converting those visitors into customers alive by engaging with them on the web and social media with personalized display advertising. 

There are five primary types of remarketing campaigns. 

  • Standard Remarketing: This sort of remarketing includes display advertising to previous visitors as they travel across various websites that utilize Google Display Network applications and social media websites like Facebook. 
  • Dynamic Remarketing: It entails showing advertising to users that are targeted particularly to them based on how they have viewed a web page. 
  • Video Remarketing: It presents advertisements to viewers who have engaged with your YouTube channel or videos. 
  • Email Remarketing: It employs a strategy that involves sending remarketing display advertising across many sites to customers who receive an email from you. 
  • Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSAs): This feature provided by Google AdWords lets you tailor your search ad campaigns to previous visits to your website. 

The following are some crucial considerations for using keywords in Google AdWords: 

  • Remove duplicate keywords: Because Google only displays one ad per advertiser for each phrase, there is no need to include the same keywords in several ad groups or campaigns. Remove the duplicate that performs poorly since the better-performing keyword will activate your ad more often. Keep in mind that duplicate keywords are acceptable for ads targeting various geographic regions. 
  • Negative keywords can be used to reduce unwanted clicks: Negative keywords can be used to filter out searches for specific products or services, queries that aren't related to your business, or those who are unlikely to make a purchase. 
  • Optimize underperforming keywords: It's important to constantly examine your keywords to make sure they're all operating well and giving you a fair return on investment. Here are some essential metrics to look at when determining if a keyword is working well or not: 
    • First-page bids: In order for your ad to appear on the first page of Google search results when a search query perfectly matches your term, you should check your keywords' projected first-page bids. This is the estimated cost-per-click (CPC) bid that is required. 
    • Keyword diagnosis: A keyword diagnosis will provide you with a full assessment of each keyword's quality score and suggestions for development. 

The following are the benefits of dynamic search ads: 

  • Advertisement updated regularly: When you run dynamic advertisements, you don't have to bother manually updating your ads. Google will scan your website to check for new content and modifications. This guarantees that your advertisements are constantly up to date. 

This is a significant advantage since your dynamic advertisements will always have the latest up-to-date information. 

  • Creates appropriate headlines using advertisements: You don't have to worry about producing a meaningful headline while running dynamic advertisements. Google will create the most suitable headline for your ad automatically. This implies that your dynamic advertising approach will get the finest outcomes. 
  • You have complete control over your targeting: Google dynamic search advertising lets you choose who to target with your ads. You have the option to display advertisements based on your entire website, certain pages, or chosen categories. Based on titles, text strings in the URL, or keywords on a page, you may focus on these categories and pages. 

With dynamic advertisements, you can't display items that are either momentarily or permanently out of stock. 

  • Capture traffic: By using dynamic advertisements, you may reach more eligible and engaged leads on Google. These ads increase traffic and conversions by marketing your brand to a larger audience. You reach customers who are searching for your products using other keywords. 

Trying to optimize for every relevant keyword might be difficult. You don't have to worry about ranking for a large number of relevant keywords with dynamic advertisements. Using dynamic advertisements to reach new leads can boost your traffic and revenue. 

  • Saves time: Dynamic ads are incredibly advantageous in terms of saving your company time. When you're operating many marketing initiatives, it's difficult to find time to continuously launch fresh campaigns. PPC campaigns need effort. 


A Google account is required to set up an AdWords campaign on Google. We may begin with the following steps after the account is set up and running: 

  1. Choose a campaign type: Your first step should be to select the campaign you want to launch. You can utilize display advertisements, search ads, retail ads, video content, or something different. 
  2. Decide on a goal: Once you've decided on the ad campaign you want to build, you may select a specific target to optimize for. This might be improved web traffic, lead generation, or sales. After that, you may determine how you wish to achieve your goal by receiving phone calls, website visits, or Email subscriptions.Once you've decided on the ad campaign you want to build, you may select a specific target to optimize for. This might be improved web traffic, lead generation, or sales. After that, you may determine how you wish to achieve your goal by receiving phone calls, website visits, or Email subscriptions. 
  3. Choose a campaign name: A name is required for every campaign, and you may select one right now. Something brief is usually a smart choice. 
  4. Include location targeting: You may specify where your ad will appear. Your target audience may live in a particular location, so you may target your ad campaign to specific nations, states, regions, and postal codes based on your requirements.  
  5. Select the bidding strategy: Manual CPC is the best choice since it gives you total control, but you may also consider alternative solutions.  
  6. Plan your daily spending and other information: You may specify your campaign's budget, distribution method, and start and finish dates. 
  7. Submit Ad: You're finally ready to start working on your advertisement. To complete the campaign, enter one or two headlines, a summary, and any ad extensions you like. When you're finished, it's ready to go live. Submit your advertisement for approval. 

A staple in Google Adwords interview questions for experienced, be prepared to answer this one.  

The following are the areas for online ads that will help to target the marketing campaigns even more precisely: 

  1. Keywords: Words or phrases related to products and services that are used to display advertisements whenever customers search for such terms or visit related websites. 
  2. Gadgets: Your advertising can display on various devices, and you can control which gadgets and when they appear. 
  3. Ad timing: Display your advertising at specific days or times of the week, and set the frequency with which they show. 
  4. Geographic location: Selection of the appropriate consumer geographic location to reach the advertisement. 
  5. Language and Age: Choosing the appropriate age and language of business customers. 

This question is a regular feature in Google display ads interview questions, be ready to tackle it.  

The following are the main factors I will consider when developing a business's landing page: 

  1. Designing a user-friendly website page: Invest time and money in creating a professional, well-designed, user-friendly page. The less complicated, the better. The content might be wonderful, but if the design is outdated or unfriendly to users, it will cost the most. When the customer arrives at the landing page, it should be relevant to what he was searching for and make it obvious what action he will take. 
  2. Contact information: Google advises that you include your physical address on your website; this increases confidence by demonstrating that you are a legal business with an open front doorway. At the very least, you'll want a functioning phone number or an email address. 
  3. A link to the privacy policy: Make this visible at the bottom of every page where you direct paid visitors. It should be easy to find in your page's footer. If your form has a call-to-action button, you may insert the URL directly below it. 
  4. A well-defined business model: The landing page should explain the business model. It should contain the service, product, or course the business offers. What will happen if your visitors opt in, and what will they get in return for their requirements? 
  5. Adequate disclaimers: In some situations, Google may need a disclaimer next to each testimonial; this depends on your business. One big disclaimer in your footer that says "Conditions apply" may be enough. 

Understanding your industry's market and your competitors' strategies is crucial. I will do keyword research using various tools, including 

  1. Related Searches: This "tool" is entirely free and appears at the bottom of every Google search! The search engine recommends related terms to users as they input their query or at the bottom of each Top 10 search results page. It is critical to check these terms since you may come across words and phrases that you had not previously considered. 
  2. Keyword planner: The Keyword Planner tool is intended to assist advertisers in discovering significant keywords as well as locating data about specific keywords, such as search counts, competition, and ad price. 
  3. Google Trends: Google Trends is a valuable search trends tool that displays how frequently a specific search phrase is entered into Google's search engine in comparison to the site's overall search volume over a specified time period. 

The following are the quickest and most efficient strategies I will utilize to improve the quality score a few notches: 

  1. By improving the relevance of the landing pages: The landing page is the component of the Quality Score that determines whether the campaign passes or fails. Spending time on a strong and improved landing page will only have a minor effect. If the page is really terrible, it is necessary to look for and solve the evident problem. For instance, if the landing page just contains an e-mail address, then we need to add some extra content, information, and links so that users may learn more about the advertiser before electing to share their information with the company. 
  2. By creating relevant and interesting advertising copy: Write relevant and appealing ad language, and use the top-scoring keywords within an ad group in the headline, description, and URL slug of your ad. This allows the person searching to see their search term in the ad content, boosting their likelihood of clicking on the ad and so raising CTR. 
  3. Better keyword structure: By doing stronger keyword research, you can establish the correct foundation for your campaigns, which will ultimately make your keywords more relevant to your ad copy and landing sites. 

"Keyword match types help regulate which Google searches can activate your ad," according to Google. Match types are used to limit or expand who sees your advertising based on a variety of qualifying criteria. Choosing the best match option is a must if you want to get qualified visitors to your advertising. 

Google utilizes four distinct keyword matches: 

  • Broad Match: Broad match is the default match type for all keywords. Ads for searches with misspellings, synonyms, related queries, and other relevant variants may appear for keywords with a broad match.
    • Keyword example: Cricket shoes 
    • Search example: Sneakers 
  • Broad match modifier: Keywords with broad match modifiers use a plus sign (+) prior to the keyword to increase the relevancy and variety of the matched search keywords. Ads may display in any order in searches that include the +keywords. 
    • Keyword example: +walking+shoes 
    • Search example: men's walking shoes, shoes for walking 
  • Phrase match: When searching for a key phrase or minor modifications of it, with additional phrases in front or behind, ads may show. Ads are not displayed if a word is added in the middle of a phrase or the sequence of the words in the sentence is altered. 
    • Keyword example: "walking shoes." 
    • Search example: "Best walking shoes". "Walking shoes for women." 
  • Exact match: Ads may appear when you search for a specific term or one with slight variations. (For example, grammatical or spelling variations). These variants are denoted by square brackets.
    • Keyword example: [blue walking shoes] 
    • Search example: blue walking shoes 
  • Negative match: Negative keywords can also be used to prevent your advertising from appearing for phrases you want to block. Because they do not sell trail running shoes, a shoe business can decide to avoid the term "trail running shoes." 
    • Keyword example: Wayfarer Sunglasses 

The ad won't show for Search example: Wayfarer sunglasses, cheap wayfarer sunglasses. 

Because a footwear website primarily handles shoes and sandals, the organic (SEO) traffic they will obtain will be only relevant to footwear. However, utilizing SEM, Company web pages might be positioned using similar phrases (for example, "sneakers") that we know can bring in revenue at some time.

The keyword "sneakers" and any associated phrases might be precisely positioned using SEM, resulting in more relevant traffic that SEO alone would have ignored.

This implies that if your website lacks a certain term, I will prefer to utilize SEM to fill in the gaps, attracting people to your landing sites and generating new leads.

The daily budget is the amount you're prepared to spend each day, on average, for each ad campaign in your account. The amount is totally up to you, and you may change it whenever you want.

While setting a bid, I prefer to specify the maximum amount I am willing to spend for one click on the ad, 1,000 ad impressions, or one conversion. Depending on the auction, the real expenses may change. Regardless of how much real prices vary, your daily budget limits how much you can spend over the average number of days in a month.

You may explore the information in the account in a number of different ways. The left side of the screen's tree navigator is the first method. Activated campaigns are shown in blue and are labeled with a file symbol. You can navigate the tree navigator fast between ad groups. The tree navigation panel may be minimized if you don't wish to utilize it by clicking the two arrows in the upper right corner.

You may also dig down from a campaign to an ad group by clicking within the main table. The main table will show a campaign, an ad group, or the complete account's data. Regardless of the technique you choose to switch between campaigns and ad groups, the section showing the breadcrumb navigation is a useful way to check your location inside the account. When viewing account-wide statistics, you will see that "All online campaigns" is shown at the top. The title of the campaign will be displayed next to the open file folder symbol if you are viewing data from a campaign.

The following are the best practices for creating effective Ads:  

  • Link the advertisements and keywords: At least one of your keywords should appear in your ad copy to demonstrate to potential customers that it is related to their search. However, you want to make sure that your ad language is understandable, so avoid using too many keywords in your ad. 
  • Ads should be matched with landing pages: Examine the page you're connecting to from your ad and ensure that the discounts or products mentioned in your ad are present. Look for call-to-action terms on your landing page as well. 
  • Use Ad extensions: Provide more details about the business with ad extensions, such as site links, addresses, and call extensions. Ad extensions, which "extend" from your text advertising, tend to boost ad exposure and can assist in improving your ad's click-through rate (CTR). 
  • Make the adverts mobile-friendly: People are more likely to call you or ask for your location when viewing mobile advertisements. Create mobile-friendly advertising with mobile call-to-actions such as "Find local retailers" and direct visitors to mobile-optimized landing pages. 
  • Add a call to action: Tell customers how they can buy your items or contact you if you're selling anything or providing a service. Purchase, call now, order, or get a quotation calls to action make it obvious what the subsequent steps are. 

If you're using AdWords to boost conversions like sales, leads, and downloads, you'll want to track your return on investment (ROI), which is the proportion of net profit to costs. 

You may utilize the amount of money you have earned from using AdWords advertising to determine how to allocate your budget by calculating ROI. For example, if one campaign generates a better ROI than others, you may allocate more of your money to the successful campaign and less to the unsuccessful one. 

The specific technique to calculate the ROI depends on the objectives. 

ROI = (Revenue - Cost of goods sold) / Cost of goods sold

You will need to know the amount of income produced by your campaigns and your advertising expenses in order to calculate the ROAS. Here is the equation: 

ROAS % = Revenue from campaigns / advertising costs x 100 

Consider implementing the target return on ad spend (ROAS) flexible bidding approach if we use conversion tracking and have established conversion values. While attempting to attain an average return on ad spend equal to the objective, this bidding approach might assist you in increasing the conversion value. 

The critical measures listed below can demonstrate whether a campaign is successful: 

  • Conversions: Conversions can assist in determining whether the ads are influencing visitor behavior connected to brands that we deem valuable, such as sign-ups or page visits. 
  • Reach and frequency: The number of site visitors exposed to an advertisement is called reach. Improved reach indicates that an advertisement is seen by more prospective clients, which may result in increased awareness. The average number of times a visitor is exposed to an ad over a period of time is referred to as frequency. 
  • Impressions: Impressions let you know how frequently a search result web page or another website on the Google Display Network will display your ad. Impressions are particularly significant in branding initiatives since they show how many buyers saw your ad. 
  • Customer involvement: To measure user interest in Search Network adverts, utilize click-through rate (CTR). On the other hand, customers on the Display Network are surfing through websites. CTR isn't as useful because people look for information rather than specific keywords. You might wish to think about other metrics, such as conversions for Display Network advertisements. 

The measures listed below may assist in increasing conversions and ROI: 

  • Utilize extremely relevant keywords and ad content: If you employ broad keywords and ad language, a buyer may come to your site expecting to discover something you don't provide. Highly focused keywords and ad copy assist in ensuring that your advertising appears exclusively on searches for your product or service. 
  • Use a landing page that is most appropriate to your advertisement: Customers expect to see a webpage displaying the identical product, deal, or information advertised in the ad when they click on it. If consumers don't discover what's promised as soon as they land, they're more likely to depart your site without making a purchase or signing up for your service. 
  • Alter the bids: The value a keyword generates in relation to its cost is the primary factor in determining your bids. To gain more visibility and traffic, up the bid for any profitable keywords. 
  • Add effective websites as placements: For campaigns running on the Display Network, visit the Placements tab to view every website, app, and video where your advertisements were displayed. 

I will consider the following questions and suggestions to develop a profile based on their responses to establish the buyer's persona: 

  • Who exactly are they?: Education, Age, Job description, basic demographic information, Unique Identifiers 
  • What drives them?: Primary and secondary goals, and Primary and secondary obstacles 
  • How can we assist them?:  
    • Messages for marketing: How would you characterize your company's offering to that person? 
    • Sales messages: How would you market the solution to the user? 
  • Why are they in need of us?: Objectives for users, Common issues and concerns 
  • Pain Points: 
    • What are the problems they face? Identify the motivator that prompts a person to conduct a Google search. 
    • Find the terms that describe the customer's pain points. 
    • Interview customers directly or do internet surveys. 

Ads must abide by Google's legal requirements in addition to editorial standards. This section presents an outline of these rules as of this writing; however, these are certain to alter from time to time. Make sure to revisit these recommendations on Google's AdWords site on a regular basis. (Searching for "AdWords legal" is the easiest method to go to Google's help center on this topic.) Google gives country-specific standards for ads promoting various types of goods and services, so if you are conducting multi-country campaigns, this is usually an excellent place to start. 

If an advertiser breaks Google's rules, it may have significant consequences on their ability to use AdWords in a respectable manner moving forward. The following are some of the possibilities: 

  • Ads may be rejected. 
  • The advertiser may be automatically barred from creating new accounts. 
  • AdWords could deactivate the domain. 
  • Your AdWords account may be suspended. 

There are two key advantages to ad extensions, which are so common that almost any advertiser may benefit from them: 

  • They enable you to submit additional information: Larger ad text allows you to convince targets why they should click on your ad. 
  • They improve your visibility on SERPs: The increased size of longer adverts makes them more effective. 

Ad extensions, by themselves, can considerably enhance your clickthrough rate (CTR) - perhaps by several percentage points. This is in addition to mentioning their other advantages, which include: 

  • Improved ad ranking: Google determines your ad position based on a number of variables, including projected CTR, relevancy, and landing page experience. Simply installing ad extensions will enhance your ranking since it allows Google to provide a wider range of ad styles. 
  • Better lead quality: By giving more details, extended ads enable low-quality leads to disqualify themselves, resulting in fewer unnecessary clicks. People that visit your landing page are far more likely to perform the intended action. 
  • Better utilization of your PPC budget: Ad extensions can help cut your cost-per-click (CPC) since they enhance your CTR, which means you're receiving more out of your paid ad spend. 

This is a frequently asked question in Google Adwords basic interview questions. 

  • CPV (Cost Per View) bidding is the standard method for determining the price of your AdWords video ads. Unlike conventional display advertising, which costs you for impressions, CPV charges you only when a viewer sees your video. 
  • CPC (Cost Per Click) bidding, you may specify a maximum price for the cost of an AdWords click. This bidding strategy offers good pricing because you only pay when a viewer clicks on your ad. 
  • CPM (Cost Per Impressions)- This is the charge you pay each time your ad appears on the Google Search or Display networks. In contrast to CPC, you pay for ad impressions rather than clicks. 

A campaign feature in Google AdWords called "ad rotation" rotates your Google AdWords ad within the ad group automatically. You may ask Google to cycle the advertisement in a certain way, such as depending on the advertisements that are doing the best or equally. 

Setting up ad rotation for your campaign is simple and clear; Below are instructions to be followed to set up ad rotation. 

  • Log in to your Google Ads account. 
  • On the top, click the campaign tab. 
  • Choose the campaign from the list of all campaigns for which you wish to configure ad rotation. 
  • Navigate to the Settings tab. 
  • In the "Advanced options" section, scroll down and choose "Ad delivery: Ad rotation, frequency capping." 
  • Then, click "Edit," 
  • Select the method of ad distribution in which you want your advertising to appear. 
  • Press the "save" option. 

If your advertisement is rejected, Google will notify you through email and state that your advertisement has been rejected. Then, using the information provided by Google AdWords, you may determine the cause of the rejection. Following your discovery, you may start working on resolving the problem. You could need to modify your text copy at that moment, but at other times you might need to change both the website's material and the ad copy.


Google AdWords Interview Preparation Tips and Tricks

Google Ads has become the critical method for driving website traffic. As a result, the popularity of learning more about the depth of Google Ads and Google Ads courses has skyrocketed recently. The following are the Google AdWords interview tips and tricks: 

  • First, construct your resume according to the job description to help you make connections between your CV and the description, and read them both again. 
  • Don't forget to add data when you begin to consider the points you want to highlight in your interview. This aids your interviewer in realizing the extent of your contribution as well as your total accomplishments. 
  • Additionally, you ought to review your past jobs. Although it may not seem like something you should prepare for, the majority of us have accomplished more than we realize, and it's simple to overlook some of our own victories. 
  • Next, bring your own questions to the interview. This not only demonstrates your interest in learning about Google AdWords and the position you're applying for, but it also demonstrates your dedication to doing research on the company. 
  • Don't forget to be prepared with Google ads interview questions. Sometimes we tend to forget simple and basic questions. If those simple questions are not answered, it creates a bad impact on the outcomes. 
  • Be proficient in the following category of questions: 
    • Google shopping Ads interview questions and
    • Google Display Ads interview questions Google display Ads interview questions

How to Prepare for Google AdWords Interview Questions?

Before attending a Google AdWords interview, you should be well-prepared and fluent in the following skills: 

  • Powerful analytical skills 
  • Familiarity with creating a Google Ads account. 
  • Must be extremely proficient with tools like heatmap programs, Google 
  • Knowledge of landing pages. 
  • Need to be proficient in keyword research. 
  • Analytics, keyword research programs, etc. 
  • Excellent copywriting abilities. 
  • Creating a campaign for remarketing. 
  • Strong abilities in competitive analysis and user research. 

This article contains all potential Google Ads interview questions and answers 2023 to assist you in cracking top company interviews. The top companies hiring in respective job roles are shown below:

Top Companies 

Job Roles 









Google AdWords specialist 

Google AdWords Manager 

Advertising Manager 

Google AdWords Expert 

Digital marketing expert 

Google AdWords analyst 

Digital marketing executive 

Social media executive 

What to Expect in Google AdWords Interview Questions?

The majority of the questions asked by interviewers are based on the current trends or recent changes in Google Ads technologies. Every year, there is a huge change in digital marketing strategies, tools, and technologies. It is recommended to stay up-to-date with changes occurring in Google AdWords. 

Be prepared to handle practical questions, where you might be given a Google AdWords task to complete in Infront of the interviewer. Have thorough practical knowledge of Google AdWords and PPC campaigns before entering the interview hall.


We hope this article about Google Ads interview questions, is helpful for you in cracking top-company interviews. But this article itself is not enough to crack the interview; with a concentrated approach to preparation, your existing skills gained by Digital Marketing classes, and up-to-date on current Google AdWords developments, you may quickly land the dream position in digital marketing. 

As this article was categorized into Google AdWords interview questions for freshers and experienced candidates, it covered a wide range of different questions. By covering all category questions, you will succeed in Google Ads interview and advance in your digital marketing profession.

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