JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers

JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, object-oriented programming language that adds interactivity and functionality to web pages, allowing users to interact with web content in a more dynamic and responsive way. Apart from Web Development, it is also used for server-side programming and desktop application development. You can stay in the know with the frequently asked JavaScript interview questions with answers that will help you crack your next JavaScript interview and land your dream career as a JavaScript Developer. We have compiled questions on important JavaScript topics such as Closure, Event bubbling, Capturing, and Template Strings in ES6, meant for beginners, intermediate and expert professionals at the same time. Take your JavaScript proficiency to the next best level well with these expert-curated JavaScript interview questions and answers. Let us get started with the questions and answers.

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Let’s first understand what is an compiled language and interpreted language.

  • Compiled Languages are languages in which we turn a program first from human-readable format to machine format, generally through a compiler. After that we execute that code. So, it is generally a two-step process. Languages like C, C++ and Java are example of Compiled languages. For example if we have a “C” program(hello.c), we will first convert it into machine code by using a gcc(gnu C compiler) like below:
gcc hello.c -o hello

If no error it will generate an executable “hello” and we will run it by:

  • Interpreted Languages are languages in which code doesn’t needs to be compiled first. Language like Perl, Python are interpreted languages. To run a python code we just need to run it directly by command like below:

The above code does not need to be compiled first but it does require that python is installed on any machine that needs to run the script.

  • JavaScript is a special case where you directly execute your source code. A webpage will directly execute your JavaScript. So, for that reason many people think JavaScript as a interpreted language.

However there is a compilation step just before the interpretation step in JavaScript. So, JS is both compiled and interpreted language.

  • Compilation Step – During this step the compiler mainly registers the variable declarations.

Let consider the below example. The compilation steps mainly looks at the var keyword. It is not bothered with what is assigned in these variables.

var a = 10;
var b = 20;

Example for  Compilation Step

When the compiler goes to line 1, it encounters var a and registers it in the global scope and then goes to line 3 and registers the var b. Line 5 is only a console and it doesn’t finds any var, so don’t do anything.

  • Interpretation Step – During this the actual execution takes place. 

For the above example, the interpreter starts at line 1 and see a variable a and ask the compiler, if it have a variable “a” in Global scope and the compiler have it. So, it assigns the value 10 to it. Next the same step is repeated for line 3 and interpreter assigns 20 to variable “b”. 

Now once the interpreter goes to line 5, it finds console. It first looks for console at global scope from the compiler but don’t find it. So, it checks in the JavaScript global and finds it. Inside the console there are variable a and b, which it finds at global scope. It then adds them using addition operator and display the result.

The variable “var” was since the beginning of JavaScript i.e. since 1997. So, if someone didn’t updated there browser since the beginning(or past 10 years) the keyword “var” will only work on there browser. 

The variables "let” and “const” were introduced recently in ES6(In 2015).  There were some design mistakes made with “var” and these were rectified with “let” and “const”. 

The problem is that “var” is function scoped and it causes a lot of problems.
Consider the below example where we are using “var” inside a traditional “for” loop. But we are also able to access and update “i” outside of the “for” loop.

for(var i=0; i<5; i++) {
  console.log(i); //Output- 0 1 2 3 4
i = i + 2;
console.log(i); //Output- 7

Since, “var” is function scope so we can put our “for” loop inside a function and then “i”  won’t be accessible outside.

function incrementI() {  
  for(var i=0; i<5; i++) {
incrementI(); //Output- 0 1 2 3 4
i = i + 2;


Exception: ReferenceError: i is not defined

 Traditional languages like C, C++ and Java as they are blocked scope and it is what was desired from JavaScript. So, the variable “let” and “const” introduced in 2015 were made block scoped.

 The “for” loop declared with “let” will also throw an error, when we try to access “i” outside of it. It is because the scope of “i” ends with the “for” loop.

for(let i=0; i<5; i++) {
    console.log(i);  //Output- 0 1 2 3 4
i = i + 2;


Exception: ReferenceError: i is not defined

We will understand “const” now. It is similar to “let” and have block scope. But it was created to declare constant variables in JavaScript. We cannot assign a new value to a variable after the initial declaration for primitive types like integers and strings.

const c = 12;
c = 14;
console.log('c is ', c);


Exception: TypeError: invalid assignment to const `c'



But can add or update values for non-primitive like arrays and objects. 

const arr = [1, 2, 3];
console.log('arr is ', arr); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
const obj = { name: 'Robin', skill: 'JS' };
obj.skill = 'React';
obj.profession = 'Developer';
console.log('obj is ', obj); 
// { name: "Robin", skill: "React", profession: "Developer" }

This is one of the most frequently asked JavaScript interview questions for freshers in recent times.

 JavaScript has both strict and type-converting equality comparison. For strict comparison we use === and for type-converting comparison we use == . Let’s look at each of it in details :

Strict Comparison(===)
For strict comparison the items been compared must be the same type.

  • Two strings are strictly equal when they have the same sequence of characters, same length, and same characters in corresponding positions. 
console.log("Coder" === "Coder"); //true
console.log("Coder" === "coder"); //false
  • Two numbers are strictly equal when they are numerically equal (have the same number value). NaN is not equal to anything, including NaN. Positive and negative zeros are equal to one another.
console.log(23 === 23); //true
console.log(NaN === NaN); //false
console.log(0 === -0); //true 
  • Two Boolean operands are strictly equal if both are true or both are false.
console.log(true === true); //true
console.log(false === false); //true
  • Two objects are strictly equal if they refer to the same Object.
var obj = {};
var newObj = obj;
console.log(newObj === obj); //true
  • Null and Undefined types are not equal
console.log(null === undefined); //false
console.log(null == undefined); //true

Type-converting comparison
The == does a type conversion before comparing, if both items are of different types. 

As you can see in the below example. String 1 is equal to numeric 1, when using ==. It is because the type of String 1 is converted to Number before comparison. 
It is the similar case with “1 == true”. The 1 is converted into Boolean, which is true before comparison.
Same expressions are not true while using ===, as we know it doesn’t do any type conversion.

console.log('1' == 1); //true
console.log(1 == true); //true
console.log(1 === true); //false
console.log('1' === 1); //false

Both null and undefined  represents empty values. Let’s understand them first and then we will see what is the difference.

To understand “undefined” we have to understand what is declaration and definition of variables. When we declare a variable as in below diagram by “var value”, the compiler makes space for a variable “value”. The definition means that we assign a value to the variable and it’s allocated in that space. You can also do these two together by
var value = 42;

Declaration and definition

So, every language have a way of handling the value of a variable between function declaration and definition.
In JavaScript that is handled by type “undefined”. The type undefined is a primitive type which have only one value possible i.e. undefined. 

It is also similar to “undefined” and is a primitive type. It also have only one possible value i.e. null. It is also used to represent empty values, but is generally assigned by the users.

var a;
console.log(a); //undefined 
a = null;
console.log(a); //null

Function declaration is like most other traditional languages, but in JavaScript we use the keyword “function”.
In function expression we assign an anonymous function to an variable. They are very useful when we pass function as arguments to other function or return an function.

function funcDeclaration() {
  console.log('Function declaration');
let funcExpression = function() {
  console.log('Function expression');
console.log(funcDeclaration()); //Function declaration
console.log(funcExpression());  //Function expression 

One of the key difference is that, we can call a function declaration even before defining it but same is not true for function expression and it will give reference error. Let’s move both the function call to the top. 

console.log(funcDeclaration()); //Function declaration
console.log(funcExpression());  //ReferenceError
function funcDeclaration() {
  console.log('Function declaration');
let funcExpression = function() {
  console.log('Function expression');


Exception: ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration `funcExpression' before initialization



But why did we got this Reference error in function expression call. This is to do with the compiler and interpreter step in JavaScript, which we understood in Question 1.
The compiler runs first and finds all the “var” , and the function declaration are also treated as variable declaration because in JS all function declaration are object declaration.
So, the function declaration call doesn’t give as any error.
But the same is not true about function expressions. Here when the compiler runs it registers a variable functionExpression at line 8, but it doesn’t knows what it is. So, when the interpreter runs at line 2, it throws a runtime error, because it doesn’t know what is functionExpression.

This is one of the most frequently asked JavaScript interview questions for freshers in recent times. Be careful with the expression this one.

Closures are one of the most complex topic in JavaScript, but they are everywhere in JavaScript.

Closures are basically, the inner function having access to the variables in the outer function scope, even after the outer function has returned. To use a closure, simply define a function inside another function and expose it. To expose a function, return it.

Consider the below code. The variable b have an scope in outer function i.e. from line 4 to line 10. So, at line 13 when we call the outer function, it can access the value of b, but at line 14 there is no outer function.

So, how does the innerFn() access the value of b. This is where the JS feature of Closures comes into play.

When the “var inner” is created at line 6, the JS engine not only stores the function object information but also its scope information. So, it stores a scope of variable b inside the inner function object.

Now it doesn’t matter where you call inner, whether in this file or some third party file. It will always remember the value of a and b, as if a snapshot is been taken.

var a = 10;
function outer() {
  var b = 20;
  var inner = function() {
  return inner;
var innerFn = outer();



This is a common yet one of the most tricky JavaScript interview questions and answers for experienced professionals, don't miss this one. Here is how to answer this -

JavaScript “this” keyword simply means that whatever scope you are inside, it belongs to that. Now the scope can be a function or and Object. Although, there are some exception to this rule. We can have “this” in various context. Let’s go through them.

“this” in simple function
In a normal JS function like below, the “this” refers to global window object.

function foo() {
  console.log(this === window);  

Running the above code will give.

above code output

There is a special case with strict mode.

In strict mode “this” to be undefined , as global object refers to undefined instead of window object. 

function foo() {
  'use strict';
  console.log(this === window);  

above code output

“this” in an object property
In an object which have a property as a function, the value of “this” is the Object itself.

var obj = {}; = function() {
  console.log("Inside obj foo");

above code output

this is Object itself

“this” with constructor function
When a function is called with “new” keyword, it is known as constructor function. And the value of “this” refers to the newly created instance.

function Person(fn, ln) {
 this.first_name = fn;
 this.last_name = ln;
this.displayName = function() {
    console.log(`Name: ${this.first_name} ${this.last_name}`);
let person = new Person("Tim", "Horton");
let person2 = new Person("Mary", " Poppins");

The newly created instance is nothing but an object, because everything in JS is an object.

above code output

One The loop is mainly used to iterate over properties of an Objects.
In JavaScript Arrays are also Objects and each characters in an string have an index. So, we can use them also to iterate over Arrays and Strings also.

//Object example

const obj = {
  'frontend developer': 'Thomas',
  'designer': 'Mary',
  'backend developer': 'Harry',
  'engineering manager': 'Vikas'
for(const key in obj) {
  console.log(`${key}: ${obj[key]}`)

//Array example

const array = ['frontend developer', 'designer', 'backend developer', 'engineering manager'];
for(const index in array){

//String example

const string = 'frontend developer';
for(const index in string){

String example

The for..of loop was introduced in ES6 and is used to iterate over Objects that have [Symbol.iterator] property. This includes array, strings, Map, Set and NodeList. They cannot be used to iterate over Objects are not iterable.

If we check the __proto__ of an array, we can find the [Symbol.iterator] property.


But it is not the case with Objects as it is not iterable.


Some use of for..of loop are below:

//Array example

const array = ['frontend developer', 'designer', 'backend developer', 'engineering manager'];

for(const item of array){

//String example

const string = 'developer';
for(const char of string){

//Map example

const map = new Map();
const emp1 = {name: 'Vikas', Degree: 'MS'};
const emp2 = {name: 'Thomas', Degree: 'MBA'};
map.set(emp1, 'frontend developer');
map.set(emp2, 'engineering manager');
for(const [key, item] of map) {
  console.log(key, '-', item);

Map example

Hosting means we can use a variable even before declaring it. When the compiler runs(details in Question 1) and finds all the var declaration, it move them to the top of the file.

Let’s consider this below example. Here we are assigning values to  on name , age and profession without declaring them first. They are declared on line 8, 9, 10 and yet the interpreter doesn’t throws a runtime error. It is because it doesn’t matter where the variables are declared. They are always hoisted to the top by when the compiler makes the first pass.

name = "Thomas";
age = 45;
profession = "Engineering Manager";
console.log(`${name} aged ${age} is ${profession}`);
//Thomas aged 45 is Engineering Manager
var name;
var age;
var profession;

This is also true for function declaration, as the compiler also treats function declaration as variable declaration as in JS all function declaration are object declaration. But same is not true for function expression and it will give reference error. 

console.log(funcDeclaration()); //Function declaration
console.log(funcExpression());  //ReferenceError
function funcDeclaration() {
  console.log('Function declaration');
let funcExpression = function() {
  console.log('Function expression');


Exception: ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration `funcExpression' before initialization



But why did we got this Reference error in function expression call. This is to do with the compiler and interpreter step in JavaScript, which we understood in Question 1.
The compiler runs first and finds all the “var” , and the function declaration are also treated as variable declaration because in JS all function declaration are object declaration.
So, the function declaration call doesn’t give as any error.

But the same is not true about function expressions. Here when the compiler runs it registers a variable functionExpression at line 8, but it doesn’t knows what it is. So, when the interpreter runs at line 2, it throws a runtime error, because it doesn’t know what is functionExpression.

The output right now will be as below, as the method chaining is not understood by the compiler.

Exception: TypeError: A.x(...) is undefined

We can get the desired output by “return this” in each function.
Now “this” is the object “A”. So, A.x() will result in console logging ‘x’ followed by returning the object “A” to y().
After that the function A.y() will print ‘y’ followed by returning the object “A” to z().
Finally, ‘z’ is printed on console.

var A = {
    x: function() {
        return this;
    y: function() {
        return this;
    z: function() {
        return this;

The sort() method is used to sort the elements of an array. But the output of the above is not what expected out of sort() function. The output will be [ 1, 15, 2, 30, 4, 45, 7 ] and it is far from desired.

This is because the default sort is according to tring Unicode points. The fix to it is by adding an anonymous function and tell to sort according to ascending or descending order. 

Ascending order is as below:

const array = [1, 2, 15, 4, 30, 7, 45];
console.log(array.sort((a, b)=> a-b)); //[ 1, 2, 4, 7, 15, 30, 45 ]

Descending order is as below:

const array = [1, 2, 15, 4, 30, 7, 45];
console.log(array.sort((a, b)=> b-a)); //[ 45, 30, 15, 7, 4, 2, 1 ]

The most obvious answer to think is the value of “i” will be 0. So, let’s put i = 0 and see what happens.

let i = 0;
console.log(i * i); //Gives 0
console.log(i + 1); //Gives 1
console.log(i - 1); //Gives -1
console.log(i / i); //Gives NaN

Everything is ok, but the last one produce NaN(Not a Number) because “0 divide by 0 will produce infinity”

So, we need a number which is like zero but gives 1 if we divide it by itself. Fortunately there is such a number in JavaScript. The number is the minimum value that is allowed in JavaScript and is represented by Number.MIN_VALUE

let i = Number.MIN_VALUE;
console.log(i * i); //Gives 0
console.log(i + 1); //Gives 1
console.log(i - 1); //Gives -1
console.log(i / i); //Gives 1

Now, what is this MIN_VALUE and why it produces the above correct desired result. If we console log it we can see it’s a very small number 5e-324.

console.log(Number.MIN_VALUE); //5e-324

Now, this number in most cases behaves like a zero(0). Like when we multiply it by itself(i * i), add it to 1(i + 1) or substract it from 1(i -1).
But when we divide this small number by itself it produces 1.

When an event happens on an element, it first runs on which it was clicked, then on its parent, then all the way up on other ancestors. It is the default behaviour of the browser.

Event capturing is the opposite of bubbling and it means when you click on parent element, it goes till the child.

We will first see Event Bubbling. The HTML contains an parent element containing a child element called Child1. When we click on the “Child1” button, first the console log of child is displayed and then the parent is displayed.

Event Bubbling

We will now see Event Capturing. The HTML contains an parent element containing a child element called Child1. When we click on the button, first the console log of parent is displayed and then the child is displayed. Notice that in addEventListener we have to pass a value of true.

Event Capturing

 IIFE means Immediately Invoked Function Expression. Let’s first see a normal way to create function in JavaScript, also known as function as “Function declaration”. This is most similar, to the syntax of declaring functions in most other traditional languages like C++ and Java.

Consider the below example which have a simple function to add two numbers. Notice that these function definitions always start with the function keyword. You can’t omit it as it’s invalid syntax.

example which have a simple function to add two numbers

In JavaScript functions are first class citizens. So, there is another way to declare them. It is known as “Function Expression”.  We will refactor the above addNumbers() code. Here we are treating as if addNumbers is a variable declaration. But then assigning an anonymous function to it.

 variable declaration

IIFE(Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is nothing but a function expression, but it is defined and invoked at the same time. Here we had got rid of the addNumbers name itself and calling it also at the same time. Notice, that we are passing 2,3 immediately after the anonymous function is declared.

Immediately Invoked Function Expression

As JavaScript for most part is function scoped, so IIFEs are great way to create private variables.

Promises in JavaScript are like promises in real life. You promise to do something, and then it is done or not done. A promise may be in one of 3 possible states: resolve, rejected, or pending.

They are mainly used to do asynchronous task like calling a REST api and getting the result back. So, these network calls takes time. When the network call is been made, the promise is in Pending state. Once the network call is successful the promise returns a resolve and if it fails it returns resolve.The resolve is captured by the then() callback function and reject captured by catch() callback function.

Consider the below example. Here inside promiseCleanRoom we generate a random number between 0 and 1. If the number is greater the 0.5, we send a resolve or else we send a reject.
Depending on the case either .then is executed or .catch is executed.

Below is the resolve case

resolve case

Expect to come across this, one of the top JavaScript interview questions for experienced professionals in web development, in your next interviews.

 A callback function, also known as a higher-order function, is a function that is passed to another function as a parameter, and the callback function is executed inside the that Function.

Callback function are used everywhere in JavaScript. In JavaScript, functions are first-class citizens. They can be “stored in variables, passed as arguments to functions, created within functions, and returned from functions”.

Let’s look at the example below. Here we call function mainFunc with function “x” as argument and then from inside mainFunc, calling it after some console log.

function mainFunc with function “x”

When we use anonymous function inside our function call for callback like in the below code.

function inside our function call for callback

The in-built for Each, map, reduce, filter uses callback functions internally. Check the below example and here we are passing a function, just like above calc code.

callback functions internally

Recursion is a technique for iterating over an operation by having a function call itself repeatedly until it arrives at a result.
Now, in recursive function there are two parts. One is termination condition and other is the recursion itself.  The termination condition is very important or else the recursion never stops and goes into infinite loop. 

Let consider the below simple example to add numbers from the current passed number backwards till 1. Say we pass 3, then 3+2+1 = 6. In the below example If(n≤0) is the termination condition and return n + add(n-1); is the recursion. 

termination condition

The recursion works as shown in the diagram below.
It works like loop, so the first call will go to recursion part and give “3 + add(2)”. 

Now the add(2) will be called and will be expended into “2 + add(1)”.
After that add(1) will be called and expanded into “1 + add(0)”. 

Finally the add(0) will trigger the termination condition If(n≤0) and produce 0.
After this everything will be added 3 + 2 + 1 + 0 to give 6.


 A Higher Order Function is a function that takes one or more function as argument. We use them at many places in JavaScript, and are also called callback functions.

Consider, the below JS code which uses filter to filter-out Adult people. Here, we have a callback function isAdult  which is called on every item.

JS code

These callbacks are usually defined inline as anonymous function. So, the refactored code is below.

JS code

 We can further refactor it using arrow functions as below.

JS code

So, the array methods of map(), filter(), reduce(), forEach() are all Higher Order Functions.

Beside this eventListener like below are also Higher Order Function, as they use a callback function.

JS code

Template Strings are also known as Template Literals. They are the new way to write Strings in JavaScript and been introduced in ES6. We can now write Stings using back-ticks(``), which have a special way to interpolate variables.

They are very useful in Expression interpolation and Multi-line strings. Although they don’t add any new feature to JavaScript, but they are a better visual way to write strings.

Expression interpolation
The old JavaScript way is quite cumbersome and we have to use many + operators to concatenate Strings, whereas with back-ticks we interpolate variable name using ${}.

Expression interpolation

Multi-line strings
The old way to have multiline strings is to have a newline(\n) inserted after where we want the next line.
Template strings provides a new way. You just go to the next line and the text will be displayed in next line.

Multi-line strings

Default parameters are the parameters, which are used if we don’t pass the value to that argument in a function while calling it.

Earlier to ES6, it was a bit difficult to handle a situation like this. In the below example if user didn’t supplied a value to argument , we check inside the function “add” if “a” has a value or assign 0 to it. Same is done for “b”. 

So, now we can handle all three situation successfully like when we pass no arguments, or pass only value of ‘a’ or pass only value of ‘b’.

JS Code

The same can be done in ES6 by changing the parameter to contain the default value. Re-writing the above with ES6 default parameters.

JS Code

Spread operators(…) were introduced in JavaScript in ES6 version. Just like plus(+) and minus(-) are operators, spread(…) is also an operator in JavaScript. Basically Spread operator spreads on demand. 

When you pass arguments to a function using Spread operators they are called Rest parameters.

Consider the below example for arrFunc. We can pass any number of arguments to a function and use the …arr to get it. Now inside the function the arr gets converted into and array. This functionality is quite similar to arguments object.

JS Code

Now see the restFunc, here we are using rest parameter to get the remaining of the arguments. We can get argument a, b, c and then the rest is converted into array. 

JS Code

The Spread operator can be use separately from function parameter and have some very useful use in array manipulation. They can now also be used with Objects.

Consider that we want to copy an array to other array. Now as you can see in the problem that when we assign variable y to x, we are referencing it and any changes to y will reflect in x. 

In the first solution, we use the new JavaScript method Object.assign() to copy all contents of “a” to an empty array and then assigning it to “b”.

But the better and simple solution is with Spread operator where we spread the array “c”, and take its content in an array.

JS Code

Another use it that if we pass an array to build in functions, which expects normal arguments. Consider the below examples. 

JS Code

We can also use Spread operator in Objects. So, by it we can do both clone and merge as shown in below example. Notice, that in mergedObj foo is “baz” as Object cannot have duplicate keys.

JS Code

 Destructuring is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. You can also handle nested structure by using nested destructuring syntax.

Object Destructuring
Consider the old way to assign variable to Object properties without destructuring.

Object Destructuring

Now we will refactor the above using “Object Destructuring”. Basically, you use an object literal on the left-hand-side of an assignment expression for object destructuring.

Object Destructuring

Nested Object Destructuring
If there is nested object as in below case, we can destructure it by adding it’s value to another object syntax 

Nested Object Destructuring

Array Destructuring
Let’s first see how to do it without destructuring. Here we use the index to assign the variables.

Array Destructuring

 Array destructuring is similar to object destructuring, but here instead of keys you assign any variable.

Array Destructuring

Skipping Items
It is possible to skip items in array destructuring by omitting items with comma(,).

Skipping Items

A must-know for anyone looking for top JavaScript coding interview questions. This is one of the frequently asked JavaScript questions today.

ES6 introduced the keyword class in JavaScript. But class in JavaScript is still different than those used in Object Oriented Programming languages like C++ and Java. The ES6 classes are nothing but synthetic sugar for constructor function and internally behaves exactly the same.

Consider the below example of Constructor function. Here we have a constructor function named “Mammal”. It have two properties of legs and name. It also have a function called walk(), which uses the legs and name property. We are creating an instance called person, which then is calling the walk function.

JS Code

 The same can be written with ES6 classes with constructor, but it is exactly the same.

JS Code

Async await help in allowing us to write completely synchronous-looking code while performing asynchronous tasks behind the scenes.

Async await are basically promises under the hood. But they have made the code for promises very easier to implement. If promises had simplified the code for callbacks, then async await have simplified the code for promises.

Let’s first check a nested promise example. Here we have three functions which return promises- cleanRoom, removeGarbage and winPizza. Now, when the cleanRoom function is run and resolve is returned from the promise, then the immediate .then block will be run . In the .then we are returning the next removeGarbage and in its .then we are returning the winPizza. We are passing the message from one function to other, so it will be appended.

JS Code

We will refactored the code with async await. Here, instead of three functions we have one function cleaningTheRoom, which have a keyword “async” infront of it. It means that the function will have await statement(s). In the “await” we can have the value returned by a Promise stored in a variable. This type of code is much more cleaner then promise.

JS Code

The Promise.all  method returns a single Promise that resolves when all of the promises in the iterable argument have resolved or when the iterable argument contains no promises. It rejects with the reason of the first promise that rejects.

Let’s refactor the async await code from previous question to use Promise.all. Notice, that we are also using array destructuring at line 6, to receive all the values returned by the promise.

JS Code

 We should use Promise.all in only cases like above, where the result of one Promise is not dependent on other promise.

In Promises we handle any error or reject in the .catch block. Let’s look at the below example, where we are sending reject() from cleanroom(). So, now the error will be caught by the .catch block and then we are displaying the same in console log.

 JS Code

Now, when we refactor the above code using async-await, we don’t have any .catch block. So, we take help from the good old try…catch block available in JavaScript. 

JS Code

Don't be surprised if this question pops up as one of the top interview questions for JavaScript in your next interview.

Constructor functions are the equivalent of classes of traditional programming languages like C++ and Java. Sometimes people will refer to them as reference types, classes, data types, or simply constructors.  

If you aren’t familiar with classes, they are a construct that allows you to specify some properties and behaviours (functions), and multiple objects can be created with those properties and behaviours.  

A common analogy you’ll often hear is, a class is an architecture’s map and an object is a house created using it. Multiple houses can be created from a single map, as multiple objects can be created from a class.

Let’s start with creating a simple function using object to create employee objects.

JS Code

 Now consider the line var newObj = {} and return newObj. They will be same in every function which we create. So, JavaScript gives us a special type of function known as Constructor function to create them.

We will refactor the above to use Constructor function. Look at the below code.

JS Code

We are adding the keyword new to create the object. It basically takes care of the creation and returning of the newObj. But gives this a new name this.
Note, that we don’t need to put those two line in our code and automatically put by JavaScript engine.

JS Code

We can also add methods to a Constructor function and then it can be called with any object created with new keyword.

Let us first consider the below code for normal Constructor function. Here we can directly access the variable “name” by
 Now, this might be not desirable at many places and in Traditional languages like C++ and Java, this is  solved by the having “private” variables in class and then having “Getters” and “Setters” to access them. 

JS Code

Now, we implement the same in JavaScript using Closures. We have two closure functions setName and getName which are basically “setters” and “getters”. Now, the variable _name is private and cannot be accessed outside the function by person._name and we can access it only by person.getName() 

JS Code

In JavaScript everything is an Object. So whenever we create an function, there is a one object which is created for that function. But actually there is another object which is created which is known as the Prototype object.
Now to access the Prototype object we have a reference on the function object also known as prototype. Notice the small “p”.


When we create an instance of the function with the new keyword interesting things happens. It create something known as __proto__. This is created by the JavaScript engine for every function call using the new keyword.

Prototype object.

Now, let’s look how to create an function using prototype and the benefit of it. The below code have two function haveFun and drinkBreak. The function haveFun is an normal function inside the Constructor function. The function drinkBreak is created outside and added to the Prototype Object using it’s reference prototype.

Both the function seems to be doing the same thing, then what’s the benefit.
The benefit of declaring function using prototype is that it’s created once in the Prototype object. So, now whenever we create a new instance of the Constructor function the function is not created again. As in the below screenshot, you can see that emp1 and emp2 both have name and haveFun. But the drinkBreak is inside the __proto__, which is a reference to Prototype object.

JS Code

JavaScript is a lightweight and interpreted programming language that introduced in 1995 as LiveScript.  Brendan Eich developed it and the language became an ECMA standard in 1997.

Let us now see why JavaScript is needed:

  • Less load on Server

You can validate input before sending it to the server. This leads to faster loading on the server.

  • Easier Implementation

Executing JavaScript code is not a tedious task. Add your code in an HTML document. When user requests this HTML page with JavaScript in it, the script is sent to the web browser.

  • Loading

JavaScript can load content into the document whenever you need it. And while doing that, you don’t need to reload the complete page.

  • Animate

Use JavaScript to show and hide information on click. Move DOM elements around the page based on some pattern using JavaScript.

  • Text-Animation

With JavaScript, you can also animate text.

  • Game Development

You can develop games as well if you have advanced knowledge of JavaScript and its practical implementation.

  • Validation

JavaScript validates form data on the client's computer. And this task is accomplished before sending the data to the server.

  • JavaScript

JavaScript is a lightweight and interpreted programming language that introduced in 1995 as LiveScript.  Brendan Eich developed it and the language became an ECMA standard in 1997.

  • Java

Java is a programming language developed by James Gosling. It is a language used in my desktop application, web applications, games, etc. Java is a platform independent object-oriented language.

The following is the difference between Java and JavaScript:

DefinitionJava is a programming language developed by James Gosling. It is a language used in my desktop application, web applications, games, etc. Java is a platform independent object-oriented language.
JavaScript is a lightweight and interpreted programming language that introduced in 1995 as LiveScript.  Brendan Eich developed it and the language became an ECMA standard in 1997.
OOPJava is an OOP programming language
JavaScript is an OOP scripting language.
Running on BrowserJava creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser
JavaScript code is run on a browser only.
Compiled vs. InterpretedJava Program is compiled.
JavaScript scripts are Interpreted.
Type CheckingJava has static type checking. The type of a variable is checked at compile-time.
JavaScript has dynamic typing. The type safety is verified at runtime.
Type of VariableThe type of variable should be specified.
It is not required to specify the type of variable.

JavaScript is a lightweight and interpreted scripted/ programming language introduced in by Brendan Eic. It has a lot of advantages like validation, animation, interactions, etc. However, like any other programming language, it has some limitations too like you cannot write files on server, browser compatibility issues, etc.

Let us see the limitations of JavaScript one by one:

Writing files on server

JavaScript cannot directly write files on server. However, they can do this using server-side script.

Disable JavaScript

Due to security reasons, every web browser provides an option to disable JavaScript.

The screenshot displays how to enable or disable JavaScript:

screenshot displays how to enable or disable JavaScript

  • Networking

It cannot be used for Networking applications.

  • Browser Compatibility

Applications may behave differently in different web browsers. To support all modern browsers, you need to write cross browser codes.

  • Security

Since the code executes on client’s computer, the chances are high for vulnerability and can be exploited for malicious purposes

  • Databases

JavaScript cannot access databases. You need AJAX and a server-side script for this.

Note: New developments in JavaScript introduced accessing client-side databases.

One of the most frequently posed advanced JavaScript interview questions, be ready for this conceptual question.

The === is a comparison operator in JavaScript. It checks for the value as well type.

Same value and type

Let us see an example wherein we have assigned a numeric value to variable “val1” and checked it with a numeric value for equality (type and value):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JavaScript === operator</h2>
<p id="test"></p>
var val1 = 20;
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = (val1 === 20);

The output displays that the variable has the same value and type. Therefore, true is returned as output:

 variable has the same value and type

Same Value and Different Type

Let us see an example wherein we have assigned a numeric value to variable “val2” and checked it with a value of another type for equality (type and value):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JavaScript === operator</h2>
<p id="test"></p>
var val2 = 5;
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = (val2 === "5");

The output displays that the variable has same value but different type. Therefore, false is returned as output:

 variable has the same value and type

Yes, JavaScript is case-sensitive. Therefore, the following identifiers are different:


The case-sensitivity feature remains the same for variables, function names, and any other identifiers. The consistent capitalization of letters should be considered. For example, “for loop” should be written as “for”, not “FOR” or “For”.

Let us see an example wherein we have three variables with different case. All of these 3 variables are considered different:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>Popular Programming Languages</h3>
<p id="test"></p>
 var language, LANGUAGE, Language;
 language = "C#";
 LANGUAGE = "Java";
 Language = "Python";
 document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = LANGUAGE;

The output:

popular programming languague java

Let’s see the following two ways with which you can create an object in JavaScript:

  • Object creation with constructor method
  • Object creation with Object Literal

Let us understand them one by one:

Object creation with constructor method

To create an object in JavaScript, use “new” as shown below. It is followed by the constructor method Object():

var department = new Object();

Let us see an example to create an object using Object() constructor:

         var department = new Object(); = "Finance";  = 005;
         department.location = "North";
      <h2>Department Details</h2>
         document.write("Department Name = " + + "<br>");
         document.write("Department Id = " + + "<br>");
          document.write("Department Location = " + department.location);

Object creation with constructor method

Above, firstly we have created an object:

var department = new Object();  

After that properties are assigned: = "Finance";  = 005;
department.location = "North";

Object creation with Object Literal

An object can also be created in JavaScript using object literal as shown below:

var department = {
  id: 11,
  name : "Finance",
  Location     : "North"

We can write it as:

var department = { id: 11, name : "Finance", Location     : "North"};

Let us see another example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>Department Details</h2>
<p id="test"></p>
var department = { id: 11, name : "Finance", Location : "North"};
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = + " Department is in " + department.Location + " location.";

The output: 

Department Details

The array variable is to be set empty if you want to empty an array.

Let’s say we have the following array:

var myArr = ["shirt", "trousers", "watch"];

To empty the above array, just set it to empty:

myArr = [];

Here we converting our array to empty array:

      <title>Empty Array in JavaScript</title>
         var myArr = ["shirt", "trousers", "watch"];
         document.write("<br />Array: " + myArr );
         // set array to empty
         myArr = [];
         document.write("<br />New array (Empty now): " + myArr );

The output:

Array: shirt,trousers,watch
New array (Empty now):

This is a common yet one of the most tricky JavaScript interview questions and answers for experienced professionals, don't miss this one. Here is how to answer this -

Using the <scrip>t tag you can store the JavaScript code in an external .js extension file. The tag with the “src” attribute allows you to include this js file in your HTML.

If you are using the same JavaScript code in almost every page, then it’s a good practice to create an external JS file and include it in HTML of every page. This enhances the loading time.

Here’s how you can create external JavaScript file with the extension .js. After creating, add it to the HTML file in the script tag. The ”src” attribute is used to include the external JavaScript file in your HTML:

<script src="myfile.js" ></script>

Let’s say the following is the content of our external JS file “myfile.js”:

function show () {  
   alert("Learning is fun!");  

The following is our HTML file, wherein we will include the external file “myfile.js”:

        <input type="button" value="Click" onclick="show()"/>  
      <script src="show.js">

On running the above “myfile.js” file, the following is visible. Press the button “Click”:


On clicking above, the following alert is visible which we added in the external file by creating a JavaScript function:

JavaScript function

Events handle JavaScript's interaction with HTML. Events can be related to a button being click or a web page loaded. Resizing a window also comes under event.

The following are the events. A function in JavaScript gets executed against the event:

When the window loses focus
When an element change.
On a mouse click
On a mouse double-click
When an element is dragged
At the end of a drag operation
When an element has been dragged to a valid drop target
When an element is being dragged over a valid drop target
At the start of a drag operation
At the start of a drag operation
Dragged element is being dropped
When the length of the media is changed
When an error occurs
When an element gets user input
When an element is invalid
When a key is pressed
When a key is pressed and released
When a key is released
Triggers when a mouse button is pressed
Triggers when the mouse pointer moves
Triggers when the mouse pointer moves out of an element
Triggers when the mouse pointer moves over an element
Triggers when a mouse button is released
Triggers when the mouse wheel is being rotated

Let us see an example of onclick event in JavaScript wherein the event gets triggered when left button of the mouse is clicked:

            function show() {
               alert("This is a message!")
      <p>Click the below button:</p>
         <input type="button" onclick="show()" value="Display" />

The output:

Event gets triggered when you click on the button “Display” to agenerate the following alert:

DisplayLet us see another example wherein we are displaying the current date and time on click of a button:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('myid').innerHTML=Date()">Time</button>
<h2 id="myid"></h2>

The following output generates on the click of a button that we created in the example above:

output generates on the click of a button

In JavaScript, you can use the same variable to hold different data types. This is why it is called that JavaScript has dynamic types.

It is not required to specify the type of variable in JavaScript. For example, the following is a variable, which is a number:

var val = 10;

Now, the same variable is a String:

var val = “Bingo”;

Now, you can also set it as a Number with decimal:

var val = 3.6;

Let us see them in an example to understand the dynamic types wherein we are showing the same variable can easily hold different types:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>Dynamic Types</h2>
<p id="myid"></p>
var a;         // a is undefined
a = "Bingo";   // a is a String
a = 10;        // a is a Number
a = 3.6;       // a is a Number with Decimal
document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = a;

The output:

Dynamic Type

In the above example, we have set different types for the same variable “a”:

var a;         // a is undefined
a = "Bingo";   // a is a String
a = 10;        // a is a Number
a = 3.6;       // a is a Number with Decimal

If you want to check the type of an object at runtime, then use the instanceof operator. The result is a boolean.

Check for Array

Let’s say we are checking if a variable is an array or not using instanceof operator. The syntax:

variable_name instanceof Array

The following is our example and we are checking whether array exists or not:

        var department = [ "Finance", "Operations", "Marketing", "HR" ];
        if (department instanceof Array) {
          alert('This is an Array!');
        } else {
          alert('This is not an array!');

The output displays that array exists since the if condition is true:

displays that array exists since the if condition is true

Check for Object using instanceof

To check for an object, use the instanceof operator, the following is the example:

        var myObj = {};
        if (myObj instanceof Object) {
          alert('This is an object!');
        } else {
          alert('This is not an object!');

The output displays ‘this is an object!’ in an alert box, since the if condition is true: 

this is an object!’ in an alert box

Remove a Single Element

To remove a single element from an array in JavaScript, the splice() method is used. With that you can also replace, and/or add elements in an array.

Let’s say we have the following array:

var myArr = ["Java", "PHP", "HTML", "jQuery", "Eclipse", "NetBeans"];

We are using the splice() method to remove a single element by setting the location from where it start, and the number of elements to be removed. Here, we have set 1, therefore only a single element will get removed:

myArr.splice(3, 1);

The following is an example:

      <title>JavaScript Splice Method</title>
         var myArr = ["Java", "PHP", "HTML", "jQuery", "Eclipse", "NetBeans"];
         document.write("<br />Array before removing an element = " + myArr );
         rem = myArr.splice(3, 1);
         document.write("<br />Removed element = " + rem);
         document.write("<br />Array after removing an element = " + myArr );

The output: 

Array before removing an element = Java,PHP,HTML,jQuery,Eclipse,NetBeans
Removed element = jQuery
Array after removing an element = Java,PHP,HTML,Eclipse,NetBeans

Remove more than one element

To remove more than one element and in a range,  use the splice() method.

Let’s say we have the following array:

var myArr = ["Java", "PHP", "HTML", "jQuery", "Eclipse", "NetBeans"];

We are using the splice() method to remove more than one element by setting the location from where it starts, and the number of elements to be removed. Here, we have set 3, therefore three elements will get removed:

We are using the splice() method to remove more than one element by setting the location from where it starts, and the number of elements to be removed. Here, we have set 3, therefore three elements will get removed:

myArr.splice(2, 3);

In the following example, we are deleting 3 elements starting from the 3rd position:

      <title>JavaScript Splice Method</title>
         var myArr = ["Java", "PHP", "HTML", "jQuery", "Eclipse", "NetBeans"];
         document.write("<br />Array before removing 3 elements = " + myArr );
         // removing multiple elements
         rem = myArr.splice(2, 3);
         document.write("<br />Array after removing 3 elements = " + myArr );

The output displays the array after removing 3 elements:

Array before removing 3 elements = Java,PHP,HTML,jQuery,Eclipse,NetBeans
Array after removing 3 elements = Java,PHP,NetBeans

ECMAScript introduced to standardize JavaScript. The implementations of ECMAScript include JavaScript, ActionScript, JScript, etc. ECMAScript is a standard for these. It is a trademark scripting language specification. 

JavaScript is a lightweight and interpreted programming language that introduced in 1995 as LiveScript.  Brendan Eich developed it and the language became an ECMA standard in 1997.

ECMAScript is a standard for JavaScript. The first edition of ECMAScript came in 1997. JavaScript 2.0 conforms to Edition 5 of the ECMAScript standard. The 8th edition of ECMAScript is ECMAScript 2017, introduced in June 2017. The full form of ECMA is European Computer Manufacturers Association

The current version is the 9th edition of ECMAScript, which came in the year 2018. The ECMA-262 Specification defined a standard version of the core JavaScript language.

Let’s say the following is our variable declaration of strings:

var val = "e\nx\na\nm\np\nl\ne";

To replace newlines, use the replace() method. The method replaces all occurrences of a character in the given string. The replace(char1, char2)  has the following parameters:

  • char1: The character to be replaced
  • char2: The new character to be added in place of char1

Here the g flag on the regular expression to perform a global match. The 2nd parameter is a space (“ “), which we want in place of new line (\n):

val = val.replace(/\n/g, " ");

The following is an example that replace newline with spaces:

<!DOCTYPE html>
var val = "e\nx\na\nm\np\nl\ne";
val = val.replace(/\n/g, " ");
document.write("After removing new line: "+val);

The output:

After removing new line: e x a m p l e

Library in JavaScript has a function with a leading semicolon:

;(function ) {

Let us see the different uses of including a leading semicolon:

  • Concatenate

The purpose to include semicolon is to safely concatenate several JS files into one.

  • Preceding Code

A leading semicolon protects from preceding code, which may have been improperly closed. A semicolon prevents this from occurring. If this is the case, then adding a semicolon will fix it.

  • Appending

The leading semicolon in immediately-invoked function expressions prevent errors when appending the file during concatenation. This concat is to a file containing an expression improperly concluded with a semicolon

Let’s see an example. Let’s say we are concatenating two files with self-invoking functions:

  • Function ONE
  • Function TWO
  • Now concatenating it will give the following result:
(function(){...ONE...})() (function(){...TWO...})()
  • Function TWO can have a leading semicolon:
  • Now after concatenation, you can see the semi-colon is visible:

This helps in preventing any kind of errors when appending the file during concatenation.

One of the most frequently posed advanced JavaScript interview questions, be ready for this conceptual question.

The comma operator in JavaScript evaluates each of its operands. It returns the value of the last operand.

  • Multiple Expressions

With the usage of comma operator, you can easily add multiple expressions. The syntax:

exp1, exp2, exp3, ……exp

Here, exp1, ex,2 exp3 are the expressions.

  • Multiple parameters in for loop

Add multiple parameters in a for loop using the comma operator:

for (var a = 0, b = 5; a <= 5; a++, b--)
  • Return Statement

Use the comma operator in a return statement. Process before returning using comma:

function show() {
  var x = 0;
  return (x += 1, x);
  • Declare multiple variables at once

With comma operator, you can declare multiple variables at once. Let’s say you have three variables. To declare and initialize them on new lines, you can declare them in a single line as shown below:

var a = 5, b = 10, c = 30;
  • Multiple arguments in a function call

You can also use the comma operators to call multiple arguments in a function call. Let’s say you have a function “calculate” and you need to find the multiplication of three numbers. For that, use the comma operators

calculate(33, 47, 79);

JavaScript used previously had the type attribute usage like this:

      <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

Above, you can see we have set the script language as “javascript” and the type as “text/javascript”.

The usage of type=”text/javascript” was necessary before the introduction of HTML5. But, when HTML5 came, JavaScript became its default language. Therefore, adding “text/javascript” is optional.

To validate decimal numbers in JavaScript, you can use regular expressions for matching with the match() method:

Let’s say we have the following decimal with string representation:

var val = "5.9"; 

The following regular expression you can use: 

var reg = /^[-+]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/;  
var res = val.match( reg );

For validation, we used the above regular expression and test it using the match() method. It gives us whether the given value is decimal or not:

        var val = "5.9";
         var reg = /^[-+]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/;  
         var res = val.match( reg );
           document.write("Decimal!" );
           document.write("Not a decimal!" );

The output displays ‘decimal’ since the if statement is true:


Let us see another example with a different input i.e. a number:

        var val = "7";
         var reg = /^[-+]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/;  
         var res = val.match( reg );
           document.write("Decimal!" );
           document.write("Not a decimal!" );

The output is ‘not a decimal!’, since the if statement is false:

Not a decimal!

Let us see another example and check for string:

        var val = "abc";
         var reg = /^[-+]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/;  
         var res = val.match( reg );
           document.write("Decimal!" );
           document.write("Not a decimal!" );

The output displays ‘not a decimal!’ since the if statement is false:

Not a decimal!

Arrays in JavaScript are used to store multiple values in a single variable. Let us see the two ways to create an array in JavaScript:

Using Array Literal

The easiest way to create an array in JavaScript is with array literal. Here, we have a variable and we are setting multiple values to it in an array:

var cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];

Let us see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="myid"></p>
var department = ["HR", "Finance", "Operations", "Marketing"];
document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = department;

The output:


Using keyword new

With JavaScript, you can also create an array using the new operator:

var department = new Array("HR", "Finance", "Operations", "Marketing");

Let us see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="myid"></p>
var department = new Array("HR", "Finance", "Operations", "Marketing");
document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = department;

The output:


One of the most frequently posed advanced JavaScript interview questions, be ready for this conceptual question.

Yes, constants do exist in JavaScript. The “const” keyword is used to create constant in JavaScript.

The const variables in JavaScript must be assigned a value when they are declared. Once declared, you cannot change and declare the value of constant again.

For example:

const val = 100;

Another example include:

const PI = 3.14159265359;

With const, you can declare local variables with block scope rather than function scope. Let’ say we have a constant variable “a”. After declaring a value like a constant variable, you can’t assign a new value to it.

Here’s an example wherein we are trying to reassign value to a const variable. As expected an error generates:

// declared a constant variable.
const val= 150;
// Error, since we try to assign a new value to the constant
val = 0;

The following also gives an error since we are trying to change the primitive value:

const PI = 3.14159265359;
PI = 3.14;

You cannot even reassign a constant array. Let us see an example for this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="myid"></p>
try {
  const department = ["Finance", "HR", "Marketing", "Operations"];
  department = ["Operations", "IT", "Accounting", "Production"]; // error
catch (e) {
  document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = e;

The output displays an error as shown below since we cannot assign to a constant variable:

TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

To compare two dates in JavaScript, firstly add two date objects and set dates.

Here, our first date is the current date:

To compare two dates in JavaScript, firstly add two date objects and set dates.

Here, our first date is the current date:

var one, two;
one = new Date();        
two = new Date( "Mar 10, 2017 20:15:10" );

And the second date we have set as past date:

two = new Date( "Mar 10, 2017 20:15:10" );

Now, let us compare the above two dates using the below given code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  var one, two;
  one = new Date();
  two = new Date( "Mar 10, 2017 20:15:10" );
  if (one > two) {
      document.write("<br>First date is the recent date.");
  } else {
      document.write("<br>Second date is the recent date.");

Let’s say the following is our string with numbers:

var strNum = "only123!"; 

To fetch the digits from the above string, the following RegExp is used:


Above we have set the g flag to perform global match.

The following is the code:

      <title>Regular Expression in JavaScript</title>
        var strNum = "only123!";
        var regExp = /\d/g;
        document.write("String with numbers: "+strNum)
        var res = strNum.match(regExp);
        document.write("<br>Getting Digits = "+res);

The output:

String with numbers: only123!
Getting Digits = 1,2,3

The new way to define a variable in JavaScript is using the let statement. The ECMAScript 2015 introduced it. As you know that variables can also be declared with var, but the usage of var are scoped to the function block level.

Declare variables that are limited in scope to the block, statement, or expression using the let. Redeclaring a variable inside a block will not redeclare the variable outside the block.

Example of let

Let us see an example of let. The variable declared in the loop does not redeclare the variable outside the loop:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>JavaScript let</h3>
<p id="myid"></p>
let i = 2;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = i;

The output displays 2 as the variable i value: 

Displays 2 as the variable i value

Example of var

Let us see the same example using var this time instead let keyword:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>JavaScript var</h3>
<p id="myid"></p>
var i = 2;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = i;

The output displays 10 as the value of variable i:

Displays 10 as the value of variable i

To search for a string in a string, use the search() method. The method searches a string for a specified value. The returned value is the position of the match. However, -1 is returned if the match isn’t found.

Let’s say we have the following string:

var myStr = "Popular Programming Languages";

We want to search the below string from the above string:


For that, use the search() method:

var res ="Languages");

Let us see the example wherein the string is successfully searched and the result (position) is displayed on button click:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click the below button...</p>
<button onclick="show()">Search</button>
<p id="myid"></p>
function show() {
    var myStr = "Popular Programming Languages"
    var res ="Languages");
    document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = res;

The output displays the position:

Displays the position

Let us now see another example, wherein -1 is returned since the string to be found isn’t there: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click the below button...</p>
<button onclick="show()">Search</button>
<p id="myid"></p>
function show() {
    var myStr = "This is an example!"
    var res ="demo");
    document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = res;

The output on button click displays -1:

output on button click displays -1

In the unsigned right shift operator (>>>), the bits shifted on the left are always zero.

The zeros get filled in from the left with the operator. It shifts all bits in a 32-bit number to the right.

The following is an example:

         var val1 = -23;
         var val2 = 2;
         document.write("val1 >>> val2 = ");
         res = (val1 >>> val2);

The output:

val1 >>> val2 = 1073741818

Let us see another example wherein we have a positive number. In this case the operator works the same as a signed right shift:

         var val1 = 7;
         var val2 = 2;
         document.write("val1 >>> val2 = ");
         res = (val1 >>> val2);

The output:

val1 >>> val2 = 1

Cookies has a plain text record of fields: Expires, Domain, Path, Secure, etc. They are generally used to track preferences, commissions, etc. It stores information on your computer in the form of plain text. Cookies are saved in name-value pairs. It gets deleted when the web browser is closed.

Let us see how we can create a cookie in JavaScript:

The document.cookie property is used in JavaScript to create cookies. With the same property, you can also read and delete cookies.

Create a cookie:

document.cookie = "username=Knowledge Hut";

Add an expiry date to the cookie created above:

document.cookie = "username= Knowledge Hut; expires=Thu, 12 Dec 2018 12:00:00 UTC";

To read a cookie in JavaScript:

var a = document.cookie;

The above displays the cookies in name-value form i.e.:

cookie1=value; cookie2=value;

To delete a cookie, you need to just set the cookie to the past date (expire). The date is included using the expires parameter:

document.cookie = "username=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;";

Let us see an example that creates a cookie:

            function displayCookie()
               if( == "" ){
                  alert("Enter some value!");
               val = escape( + ";";
               document.cookie="name=" + val;
               document.write ("Setting Cookie <br> " + "name=" + val );
      <form name="one" action="">
         Enter Department: <input type="text" name="dept"/>
         <input type="button" value="Input Cookie" onclick="displayCookie();"/>

The output displays an input box, wherein we add a value to set as cookie:

we add a value to set as cookie

On clicking “Input Cookie” above, you can see that we have set the cookie successfully:

Input Cookie

The typeof operator is a unary operator in JavaScript. It is used to check the data type of its operand, like a variable is string, numeric, boolean, etc.

Let us see a simple example for number:

         var val = 10;
         document.write(typeof val);

The output displays that it is a number: 


Let us now see another example for string:

         var val = "Sachin";
         document.write(typeof val);

The output displays that it is a string:


In the same way, we can check the type of a value entered, which is a boolean:

         var val = true;
         document.write(typeof val);

The output display that the value entered is a boolean:


As we saw some examples above, here is the list of the values returned by the typeof operator:

String Returned
Number type
Returns “number”
String type
Returns “string”
Object type
Returns “object”
Boolean type
Returns “boolean”
Returns “null”

The following are the different ways in which we can include JavaScript code in an HTML file. We can add JavaScript in the same file or an external file:

Java Script in the same file

Add the JavaScript code in the same HTML file using any of the following ways:

In head section

If you want the script to run on some event, then add the JavaScript code in the head section of the HTML file. Let us see an example:

            function show() {
      <input type="button" onclick="show()" value="Click" />

In body section

If you want the script to run on page load, then add the JavaScript code in the body section of the HTML file. Let us see an example:


JavaScript in an external file

Using the <script> tag you can store the JavaScript code in an external .js extension file. The tag with the “src” attribute allows you to include this js file in your HTML.

If you are using the same JavaScript code in almost every page, then it’s a good practice to create an external JS file and include it in HTML of every page. This enhances the loading time.

Here’s how you can create external JavaScript file with the extension .js. After creating, add it to the HTML file in the <script> tag. The src attribute is used to include the external JavaScript file in your HTML:

<script src="myfile.js" ></script>

Let’s say the following is the content of our external JS file “myfile.js”:

function show () {  
   alert("Learning is fun!");  

The following is our HTML file, wherein we will include the external file “myfile.js”:

        <input type="button" value="Click" onclick="show()"/>  
      <script src="show.js">

Press the button “Click”: 


On clicking above, the following alert is visible which we added in the external file by creating a JavaScript function: 

JavaScript function

The following are the types of pop-up boxes available in JavaScript:

Alert Box

The alert box is for an alert or message to the user. User needs to click “OK”. The alert() method is used to add a message in the alert:

Let us see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Alerts in JavaScript</h1>
<button onclick="show()">Display</button>
function show() {
  alert("This is an alert box!");

The output displays an alert on the click of a button:

Alerts in javascript

On clicking the above button, the following alert generates: 

Alert box

Prompt Box

To input a value from the user and display it, use the prompt box. Users need to click “OK” to return the entered input, else click “Cancel” to return null.

Let us see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="show()">Display</button>
<p id="myid"></p>
function show() {
  var res;
  var department = prompt("Enter your Department", "Operations");
  if (department == null || department == "") {
    res = "Prompt cancelled!";
  } else {
    res = "Department is " + department;
  document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = res;

The output first displays the button which you need to click: 

On clicking the above button, a prompt box is visible wherein user input is requested: 

prompt box

On clicking “Ok”, the input is displayed on the web page: 

Confirm Box

The confirm box is used in JavaScript to take user’s consent or accept something. User need to click “OK” to return true, else click “Cancel” to return false.

Let us see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="show()">Display</button>
<p id="myid"></p>
function show() {
  var res;
  if (confirm("Press a button!")) {
    res = "OK is pressed!";
  } else {
    res = "Cancel is pressed!";
  document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = res;

The following is the output. The button is visible. You need to click it: 


On clicking the above button, a confirm box generates that wants users’ consent on clicking the button: 

confirm box

On pressing OK, the following is visible: 

Display Box

To handle exceptions in JavaScript, use the try, catch, throw and finally statements.

The try statement defines a block of code to be tested for errors, whereas the catch statement allows defining a block of code to be executed if an error occurs in the try.

The try block must be followed by either exactly one catch block or one finally block.

Let us see an example of try, catch and finally: 

            function show()
               var val = 5;
               try {
                  alert("Value = " + val );
               catch ( e ) {
                  alert("Error = " + e.description );
               finally {
                  alert("Finally block executes!" );
      <p>Click below:</p>
         <input type="button" value="Display" onclick="show();" />

The output on running displays the following button:

Dispaly box

On clicking the above button, an alert box is visible: 

alert box

No error is there. On clicking “OK”, the “finally” statement executes. The alert box in the “finally” generates the following alert: 

alert box

To return the division remainder, use the Modulus operator in JavaScript.

Let’s say the following are our two variables for which we want the modulus:

var val1 = 20;
var val2 = 8;

Now, let us use the % operator to find the remainder:

var res = val1 % val2;

The example finds the division remainder using the Modulus operator:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo"></p>
var val1 = 20;
var val2 = 8;
var res = val1 % val2;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = res;

The output displays the remainder:

Displays the remainder

The eval() function is used in JavaScript to evaluate or execute an argument. The method evaluates the expression, if the argument is an expression, else for arguments as statements, it executes the statements.

The parameter in the eval(string) function is a string, which can be an expression, variable, statement, or sequence of statements:


Note: Do not call eval() method to evaluate an arithmetic expression

Let’s say we have the following two variables:

var val1 = 20;
var val2 = 7;

Now, with a new variable we will perform some calculations with the eval() method:

var calc1 = eval("val1 * val2") + "<br>";
var calc2 = eval("99 + val1") + "<br>";

The example demonstrates the role of eval() in JavaScript:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="show()">Display</button>
<p id="myid"></p>
function show() {
    var val1 = 20;
    var val2 = 7;
    var calc1 = eval("val1 * val2") + "<br>";
    var calc2 = eval("99 + val1") + "<br>";
    var res = calc1 + calc2;
    document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = res;

The output displays a button, which on pressing generates the following result: 


Let us see another example: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="show()">Display</button>
<p id="myid"></p>
function show() {
    var val1 = 15;
    var val2 = 10;
    var calc1 = eval("30 * 3") + "<br>";
    var calc2 = eval("val1 + val2") + "<br>";
    var calc3 = eval("5 * val1") + "<br>";
    var calc4 = eval("10 + val2") + "<br>";
    var res = calc1 + calc2 + calc3 + calc4;
    document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = res;

The output displays a button, which on pressing generates the following result:


To increase the size of the text, you need to use the JavaScript big() method. Using it, you can easily display a string in a font size bigger than the normal font.

The following is an example to create a text with big font:

      <title>JavaScript big()</title>
         var myStr = "Demo Text";
         document.write("Normal font: "+myStr)
         document.write("<br>Bigger font: "+myStr.big());

The output displays normal as well as bigger font using the <big> element: 

Bigger font Using the <big> element

Cookies has a plain text record of fields: Expires, Domain, Path, Secure, etc. They are generally used to track preferences, commissions, etc. It is store information on your computer in the form of plain text. Cookies are saved in name-value pairs. It gets deleted when the web browser is closed.

Let us see how we can create a cookie in JavaScript:

The document.cookie property is used in JavaScript to create cookies. With the same property, you can also read and delete cookies.

Create a cookie:

document.cookie = "username=Knowledge Hut"; 

Add an expiry date to the cookie create above: 

document.cookie = "username= Knowledge Hut; expires=Thu, 12 Dec 2018 12:00:00 UTC";

To read a cookie in JavaScript:

var a = document.cookie;

The above displays the cookies in name-value form i.e.: 

cookie1=value; cookie2=value; 

To delete a cookie, you need to just set the cookie to the past date. The date is included using the expires parameter:

document.cookie = "username=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;";

Let us see an example that creates and set a cookie: 

            function displayCookie()
               if( == "" ){
                  alert("Enter some value!");
               val = escape( + ";";
               document.cookie="name=" + val;
               document.write ("Setting Cookie <br> " + "name=" + val );
      <form name="one" action="">
         Enter Department: <input type="text" name="dept"/>
         <input type="button" value="Input Cookie" onclick="displayCookie();"/>

The output displays an input, wherein we add a value to set as cookie: 

value to set as cookie

On clicking “Input Cookie” above, you can see that we have set the cookie successfully:

Input Cookie

The onclick event gets triggered in JavaScript when a user clicks on any of the HTML element such as on click of a button.

Let us see an example of onclick event in JavaScript wherein the event gets triggered when left button of the mouse is clicked:

            function show() {
               alert("This is a message!")
      <p>Click the below button:</p>
         <input type="button" onclick="show()" value="Display" />

The output displays a button:

displays a button

Event gets triggered when you click on the button to generate the following alert: 

Alert box

Let us see another example wherein we are displaying the current date and time on click of a button: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('myid').innerHTML=Date()">Time</button>
<h2 id="myid"></h2>

The following output generates on the click of a button that we created in the example above: 

Indian standard Time

To join two or more strings, use the JavaScript concat() method. A new string is returned with the joined strings.

The syntax:

string.concat(str1, str2, str3..., strn)

Here, str1, str2, and str3 are the strings you want to join.

Let’s say the following are our two strings to be joined:

var myStr1 = "One";
var myStr2 = "Time!";

Now, use the concat() method to join both the strings:

var res = myStr1.concat(myStr2);

The example demonstrates how to join two strings:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="show()">Joined Strings</button>
<p id="myid"></p>
function show() {a
    var myStr1 = "One";
    var myStr2 = "Time!";
    var res = myStr1.concat(myStr2);
    document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = res;

The output:How to join two strings output

Let us now see another example wherein we will join three strings. Now we have three strings:

var myStr1 = "Only";
var myStr2 = " One";
var myStr3 = " Time!";

Join three strings with the concat() method but with an extra parameter for the 3rd string:

myStr1.concat(myStr2, myStr3);

The example that joins three strings:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="show()">Joined Strings</button>
<p id="myid"></p>
function show() {
    var myStr1 = "Only";
    var myStr2 = " One";
    var myStr3 = " Time!";
    var res = myStr1.concat(myStr2, myStr3);
    document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = res;

The output displays the result of three strings in a new string on the click of a button:

Three strings in a new string output

Let’s say the following is our string with numbers and special characters: 

var strNum = "DEMO989#@#@"; 

The following RegExp is used to get a non-digits: 


Above we have set the g flag to perform global match.

The following is the code:

      <title>Regular Expression in JavaScript</title>
        var strNum = "DEMO989#@#@";
        var regExp = /\D/g;
        document.write("String with numbers and characters = "+strNum)
        var res = strNum.match(regExp);
        document.write("<br>Getting Non-Digits = "+res);

The output displays non-digits:

String with numbers and characters = DEMO989#@#@
Getting Non-Digits = D,E,M,O,#,@,#,@

The trim() method is used to remove whitespace from both sides of a string.

Let’s say we have the following string with leading and trailing whitespace:

var myStr = "     Cup of tea!    ";

To remove whitespaces, use the trim() method: 

myStr.trim( )

The example demonstrates how to remove whitespaces from both the sides of a string in JavaScript: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    var myStr = "     Cup of tea!    ";
    document.writeln("String (after removing leading and trailing whitespace): "+myStr.trim());

The output displays the same string after removing the leading and trailing whitespace:

String (after removing leading and trailing whitespace): Cup of tea! 

Events handlers assist in JavaScript's interaction with HTML. Events can be related to a button being click or a web page loaded. Resizing a window also comes under event.

The following are the event handlers in JavaScript:

Event Handers
onblurWhen the window loses focus
onchangeWhen an element change.
onclickOn a mouse click
ondblclickOn a mouse double-click
ondragWhen an element is dragged
ondragendAt the end of a drag operation
ondragenterWhen an element has been dragged to a valid drop target
ondragleaveWhen an element is being dragged over a valid drop target
ondragoverAt the start of a drag operation
ondragstartAt the start of a drag operation
ondropDragged element is being dropped
ondurationchangeWhen the length of the media is changed
onerrorWhen an error occur
oninputWhen an element gets user input
oninvalidWhen an element is invalid
onkeydownWhen a key is pressed
onkeypressWhen a key is pressed and released
onkeyupWhen a key is released
onmousedownTriggers when a mouse button is pressed
onmousemoveTriggers when the mouse pointer moves
onmouseoutTriggers when the mouse pointer moves out of an element
onmouseoverTriggers when the mouse pointer moves over an element
onmouseupTriggers when a mouse button is released
onmousewheelTriggers when the mouse wheel is being rotated

Let us see an example of onclick event in JavaScript wherein the event gets triggered when left button of the mouse is clicked:

            function show() {
               alert("This is a message!")
      <p>Click the below button:</p>
         <input type="button" onclick="show()" value="Display" />

The output: Event gets triggered when you click on the button to generate the following alert: India Standard Time

Let us see another example wherein we are displaying the current date and time on click of a button:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('myid').innerHTML=Date()">Time</button>
<h2 id="myid"></h2>

The following output generates on the click of a button that we created in the example above:
JSON String

The “use strict” is a literal expression introduced in ECMAScript version 5. It indicates that the code should be executed in "strict mode", which in turn considered a good practice.

The key use of this mode is if you won’t declare a variable and use it, then an error would be visible. Let us see what we discussed using the following example:

"use strict";
// a is not defined
a = 10;  

Since, variable “a” is not defined above, the following error would be visible if you will Press F12 for debugging:

a is not defined

The following is not allowed in strict mode with “use strict”:

Case1: It is not allowed to delete a variable in strict mode

"use strict";
// error
var a = 10;
delete a;  

Above generates the following error in strict mode, when you will enable debugging with F12 on web browser:

Error: Deletion of an unqualified identifier in strict mode

Case 2: Using Octal numeric literals are not allowed

"use strict";
// error
var a = 012;

Above generates the following error in strict mode, when you will enable debugging with F12 on web browser:

Error: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode

When data is sent to a web server, it has to be in the form of string. The JSON.stringify() method is used in JavaScript to convert an object to string.

Let’s say we have the following object in JavaScript:

var ob = { deptname: "Finance", deptid: 2, deptlocation: "East", deptEmployees: 150 };

Now use the JSON.stringify() method to convert the above object into string:

var res = JSON.stringify(ob);

Now, display it with innerHTML. Let us see the example: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JSON String</h2>
<p id="myid"></p>
var ob = { deptname: "Finance", deptid: 2, deptlocation: "East", deptEmployees: 150 };
var res = JSON.stringify(ob);
document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = res;

The output generates the string: 

Javascript let output

The Math.abs() method is used in JavaScript to find the absolute value of a number.

The following is the parameter of abs(val) method:

  • val: The number for which you want the absolute value:

The method returns:

  • A Number representing the absolute value of the specified number, or
  • NaN, if the value is not a number, or
  • 0 if the value is null

Let us see an example to get the absolute value of a negative number:

var val = -9.50;

To get the absolute value:


The entire example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  var val = -9.50;
  document.write("Number: "+val);
  var res = Math.abs(val);
  document.write("<br>Absolute Value: "+res);

The output returns the negative value:

Number: -9.5
Absolute Value: 9.5

Let us see another example for “null” as input:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  var val = null;
  document.write("Number: "+val);
  var res = Math.abs(val);
  document.write("<br>Absolute Value: "+res);

The output:

Number: null
Absolute Value: 0

Let us see another example to get the absolute value:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  var val = 15+30+55;
  document.write("Number: "+val);
  var res = Math.abs(val);
  document.write("<br>Absolute Value: "+res);

The output:

Number: 100
Absolute Value: 100

The NEGATIVE_INFINITE property is a property of the Number Object in JavaScript, which is negative infinity.

The following is the syntax:


The return value is -Infinity. Let us now see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    var val = 5;

The output:


Don't be surprised if this question pops up as one of the top interview questions for JavaScript in your next interview.

To display a blink text, use the blink () method in JavaScript. The string blinks using this method.

Note: The blank() method is not part of the standard now and the <blank> element is obsolete. Therefore, it may not work on modern web browsers.

Let us see an example:

        var myStr = "Learn!";
        var res = myStr.blink();

The output displays the text and it may or may not blink, since the method is not part of the standard now:


To reference an object's properties or methods, use the with keyword.

The syntax: 

with (obj){
   properties used without the object name and dot

The “obj” becomes the default object for the duration of the block that follows. Now the object’s properties and methods can be used without even naming the object.

The example demonstrates the usage of with keyword:

   <title>JavaScipt with keyword</title>
         function stock(count){
               inventory = count;
         function product(pname, category, id){
            this.pname = pname;
            this.category  = category;
    = id;
            this.inventory = 0;
            this.stock = stock;
         var p = new product("Shirt", "Clothing", 17);
         document.write("Product Name : " + p.pname + "<br>");
         document.write("Product Category : " + p.category + "<br>");
         document.write("Product ID : " + + "<br>");
         document.write("Product Inventory : " + p.inventory + "<br>");

The output:

Product Name : Shirt
Product Category : Clothing
Product ID : 17
Product Inventory : 100

It is said in JavaScript that almost everything is an object. JavaScript has many native or built-in objects.

Let us see some of them:

  • The Number object represents numerical date, i.e. integers or floating-point numbers.
  • The Boolean object represents two values, i.e. "true" or "false".
  • The String object lets you work with a series of characters.
  • The Array object stores multiple values in a single variable.
  • The Date object is a datatype built into the JavaScript language. Date objects are created with the new Date().
  • The math object provides you properties and methods for mathematical constants and functions.

Example: Create an object

Let us now see how to create an object in JavaScript. To create an object in JavaScript, use “new” as shown below. It is followed by the constructor method Object():

var department = new Object();

Let us see an example to create an object using Object() constructor:

         var department = new Object(); = "Finance";  = 005;
         department.location = "North";
      <h2>Department Details</h2>
         document.write("Department Name = " + + "<br>");
         document.write("Department Id = " + + "<br>");
          document.write("Department Location = " + department.location);

The output:

Above, firstly we have created an object: 

var department = new Object();  

After that properties are assigned: = "Finance";  = 005;
department.location = "North";

Example: Create a Boolean Object

The Boolean object represents two values, i.e. "true" or "false". Let us now see an example wherein we will create a Boolean object and return the value. We are using Boolean valueOf() method:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   var val = new Boolean(true);
   document.write( "Value = " + val.valueOf() );

The output: 

Value = true

Here is another example wherein we are returning the string representation of a Boolean value. We are creating a Boolean object first:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   var val = new Boolean(false);
   document.write( "String = " + val.toString() );

The output:

String = false

Example: Create a Number Object

The Number object represents numerical date, i.e. integers or floating-point numbers.

Let us now see how to create a Number object:

var val = new Number(25);

Let us now create an object with floating-point value:

var val = new Number(35.90)

An example here is to get the value of the specified Number object. We are creating a Number object:

      <title>JavaScript Number Object</title>
         var val = new Number(35.70);
         document.write("Value = " + val.valueOf());

The output:

Value = 35.7

Let us now create another Number object and represent it in String:

      <title>JavaScript Number Object</title>
         var val = new Number(90);
         document.write("String: " + val.toString());

The output: 

String: 90

Yes, <noscript> element do exist in JavaScript. Use this element to set a message for users if the web browser they are using do not support JavaScript. This is also useful if the scripts have been disabled in the web browser.

The following is an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML noscript</title>
            document.write("This is demo text!")
         Your browser does not support JavaScript!

The above code will allow the web browser that doesn't support JavaScript to display the text which we added under <noscript> tag i.e. "Your browser does not support JavaScript!".

The JavaScript engine adds a prototype property to the function when a function is created. This prototype property is an object. The objects inherit the properties and methods from their prototype.

Access the function’s prototype property using the following syntax:

Here’s an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="details"></p>
function Team(rank, name) {
    this.rank = rank; = name;
var res = new Team("3", "Jacob");
document.getElementById("details").innerHTML =
"The name of the Player is " +;

The output: function’s prototype outout

This is a common yet one of the most tricky JavaScript interview questions and answers for experienced professionals, don't miss this one.

JavaScript Closures

A closure is a function in JavaScript which have access to the parent scope, even after closing the parent function.

Let us see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Increment by 5</p>
<button type="button" onclick="show()">Count!</button>
<p id="myid">0</p>
  var sum = (function () {
  var count = 0;
  return function () {count += 5; return count;}
function show(){
  document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = sum();

The output: 

Increment by 5

After clicking “Count” above, the value increments by 5: 

Increment by 5

In the above example, the following variable is assigned the return value of a function which is self-invoking: 

var sum = (function () {

The self-invoking function sets the count to zero:

var count = 0;
return function () {count += 5; return count;}

It returns a function expression as you can see above. This makes it a function and can access the count in the parent scope as well. This is what we can call closure in JavaScript.

Anonymous functions

Creating a function without a name is what we call Anonymous functions. Let us see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo"></p>
var res = function (val1, val2, val3) {return val1 * val2 * val3};
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = res(5, 10, 15);

The output: 


Above, we have function without a name:

var res = function (val1, val2, val3) {return val1 * val2 * val3}; 

To enable JavaScript in Windows, you need to work on “Internet Options” in Windows.

Here are the steps:

Go to “START” on Windows, type “Internet Options” and click on it:

JavaScript in Windows

On clicking, the following dialog box would be visible:

JavaScript in Windows

Go to “Security” tab now and click “Custom Level”. Now you will reach the “Security Settings” dialog box:

JavaScript in Windows

Now under “Active Scripting”, enable “JavaScript” as shown in the following screenshot: 

JavaScript in Windows

Click “Ok”, then “Apply” one by one on both the dialog boxes to successfully enable JavaScript on Windows.

This is a common yet one of the most tricky JavaScript interview questions and answers for experienced professionals, don't miss this one.

The object properties are variables used internally in the object's methods. These variables can also be globally visible throughout the page. The properties are the values associated with a JavaScript object.

Let us see how to create and access object properties:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="myid"></p>
var department = {
  id: 5,
  name : "Finance",
  Location     : "North"
document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = + " is " + + " department's id.";

The following is the output: object properties in JavaScript

Above we access the object properties as:

As shown above, we used to access object properties. Here, “Department” is our object whereas “name” is our property: 

Global variables are widely used and do not create any security concern.

But Global variables should be avoided in JavaScript because these kinds of variables can be easily overwritten by others scripts. On adding a new variable with the same name can create errors if we are not cautious about its placement. To avoid such confusions, it is a good practice to avoid global variables.

Use closures and avoid the usage of global variables. The process is to work with local variables and wrap the code in closures as shown below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="myid"></p>
var department = {
  id: 5,
  name : "Finance",
  Location     : "North"
document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = + " is " + + " department's id.";

To find whether the web browser supports JavaScript or not, you can test it on your local system.

Create an HTML file and use the <noscript> tag. Run the file in your browser and if it does not support JavaScript, then the message set under the <noscript> would be visible.

The <noscript> tag is used in JavaScript to allow adding an alternate message if JavaScript is disabled in the web browser. In this way a user can know whether the web browser has JavaScript or not. If it’s not there, then the message added using the <noscript> is visible.

The following is an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML noscript</title>
            document.write("This is demo text!")
         Your browser does not support JavaScript!

The above code will allow the web browser that doesn't support JavaScript to display the text which we added under <noscript> tag i.e. "Your browser does not support JavaScript!".

Place the JavaScript anywhere within your web page, but it is recommended to include it within the <head> or <body> tag.

The following are the different ways in which we can include JavaScript code in an HTML

In head section

If you want the script to run on some event, then add the JavaScript code in the head section of the HTML file.

Let us see an example:

            function show() {
      <input type="button" onclick="show()" value="Click" />

In body section

If you want the script to run on page load, then add the JavaScript code in the body section of the HTML file. Let us see an example:


The best way to check if a variable exist in JavaScript is to verify it with null.

Let us see an example:

        var a = 4;
        if(a != null) {
           document.write("Variable do exist!");

The output: 

Variable do exist! 

Above, we worked on the condition that a variable exist if it is not null. Therefore we checked the value if variable a like this:

if(a != null) {
   document.write("Variable do exist!");

Use CSS and jQuery to replace the default JavaScript alert pop up. Let us first see how to create an alert in JavaScript and how the default looks:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Alerts in JavaScript</h1>
<button onclick="show()">Display</button>
function show() {
  alert("This is an alert box!");

The output displays a button, which is to be clicked to generate an alert: 

Alerts in javascript

On clicking the above button, the following alert generates: 

Alert box

Let us now see how we can create a fancy alert box using JavaScript library jQuery and CSS: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script src="">
         function myAlertBox(msg, myYes) {
            var box = $("#test");
            box.find(".yes").unbind().click(function() {
         #test {
            display: none;
            background-color: blue;
            border: 2px solid #aaa;
            color: white;
            position: fixed;
            width: 250px;
            height: 80px;
            left: 50%;
            margin-left: -80px;
            margin-top: 50px;
            padding: 10px 10px 10px;
            box-sizing: border-box;
            text-align: center;
         #test button {
            background-color: white;
            display: inline-block;
            border-radius: 5px;
            border: 1px solid #aaa;
            padding: 5px;
            text-align: center;
            width: 80px;
            cursor: pointer;
         #confirm .msg {
            text-align: left;
      <div id = "test">
         <div class = "message">Welcome to the website!</div>
         <button class  ="yes">OK</button>
      <h2>Fancy Alert Box</h2>
      <input type = "button" value = "Display" onclick = "myAlertBox();" />

Under <style> above, we added the CSS code.

The output displays a button which is to be clicked to generate an alert:
Fancy Alert box

On clicking the above “Display” button, the following alert is visible which we styled. The background color is not blue. The button color and style is also changed: 

Fancy Alert box

The <noscript> tag is used in JavaScript to allow adding an alternate message if you disable JavaScript in the web browser. In this way a user can know whether the web browser has JavaScript or not. If it’s not there, then the message added using the <noscript> is visible.

The following is an example that ells itself whether JavaScript is disabled in the web browser or not:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML noscript</title>
            document.write("This is demo text!")
         Your browser does not support JavaScript!

The above code will allow the web browser that doesn't support JavaScript to display the text which we added under <noscript> tag i.e. "Your browser does not support JavaScript!".

An inline function is assigned to a variable created at runtime. It is assigned to a variable and can be easily reused.

The following code snippet display that inline functions are assigned:

var show = function() {

    alert ('This is inline!')


Creating a function without any name is what we call Anonymous functions.

Let us see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo"></p>
var res = function (val1, val2, val3) {return val1 * val2 * val3};
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = res(5, 10, 15);

The output:


The javascript:void(0) evaluates an expression even if its addition to a web page brings unwanted output.

Use the void(0) to get the undefined primitive value. Here, we are preventing the page from loading on clicking the hyperlink:

      <p>On clicking the below link, nothing will happen...</p>
      <a href="javascript:void(0)">Try to click me!</a>

The output is displayed below. Nothing happens when the link is clicked: 

javascript:void(0) output

Get the pixels of the current document scrolled to from the upper left corner of the window, vertically using the pageYOffset property. An example displays the same and returns the pixels:

<!DOCTYPE html>
div {
    height: 1300px;
    width: 1300px;
function display() {
  window.scrollBy(200, 200);
  alert("pageYOffset pixels = " + window.pageYOffset);
<button onclick="display()" style="position:fixed;">Display</button>


Let’s say the following is your array:

var a = [99, 150, 299, 340, 390, 450, 590, 600];

Now, get the length of the array:

var len = a.length;

Loop until the length of the array is more than 0. Use Math.random() to randomize the elements. Decrement the value of len (length) after every iteration for each element:

while (len > 0) {  
   index = Math.floor(Math.random() * len);  
   t = a[len];          
   a[len] = a[index];          
        a[index] = t;      

The following is an example that shuffles an array:

         function show(a) {      
            var len = a.length;
            var t, index;  
            while (len > 0) {  
               index = Math.floor(Math.random() * len);  
               t = a[len];          
               a[len] = a[index];          
               a[index] = t;      
            return a;    
         var a = [99, 150, 299, 340, 390, 450, 590, 600];
         document.write("Array = "+a);
         document.write("<br>Shuffling the array = "+show(a));  

The output:

Array = 99,150,299,340,390,450,590,600
Shuffling the array = 390,340,150,590,99,450,299,600

JavaScript provides a join() method to join the elements of an array. While joining, you can set the separator as well:


Here, separator is the resultant array would be specified by this separator. Comma is the default separator.

The return value is the strings as array elements separated by the separator.

Let us see an example wherein we have the following array:

var products = ["Shoes", "Cap", "TShirt", "Shirt", "Trousers"];

The example to convert array into comma-separated list: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    var products = ["Shoes", "Cap", "TShirt", "Shirt", "Trousers"];

The following is the output:


The var and let are used to declare a variable in JavaScript. The new way to define a variable in JavaScript is using the let statement. The ECMAScript 2015 introduced it. As you know that variables can also be declared with var, but the usage of var are scoped to the function block level.

Declare variables that are limited in scope to the block, statement, or expression using the let. Redeclaring a variable inside a block will not redeclare the variable outside the block.

Example of let

Let us see an example of let. The variable declared in the loop does not redeclare the variable outside the loop:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>JavaScript let</h3>
<p id="myid"></p>
let i = 2;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = i;

The output displays the value if i variable as 2:

JavaScript var

Example of var

Let us see the same example and place var in place of let to work with variables:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>JavaScript var</h3>
<p id="myid"></p>
var i = 2;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = i;

The output displays the value of i variable as 10:Department Details

The Number object is for integers, floating-point numbers, etc. Let us now see how to create a Number object:

var val = new Number(10);

Let us now create an object with floating-point value:

var val = new Number(25.90);

An example here is to get the value of the specified Number object. We are creating a Number object:

      <title>JavaScript Number Object</title>
         var val = new Number(25.90);
         document.write("Value = " + val.valueOf());

The output: 

Value = 25.9

Let us now create another Number object and represent it in String:

      <title>JavaScript Number Object</title>
         var val = new Number(40);
         document.write("String: " + val.toString());

The output:

String: 40

Don't be surprised if this question pops up as one of the top interview questions for JavaScript in your next interview.

The length property is used in JavaScript to get the length of a string:

The syntax:


Let’s say the following is our string:

var myStr = "This is an example!";

Now get the length of the string in a new variable:

var res = myStr.length;

The following is an example that displays the string length:

      <title>JavaScript String Length</title>
         var myStr = "This is an example!";
         var res = myStr.length;
         document.write("Length = " + res);

The output:

Length = 19

Let us now see what we will get when we will try to find the length of an empty string:

      <title>JavaScript String Length</title>
         var myStr = "";
         var res = myStr.length;
         document.write("Length = " + res);

The output displays 0 since it is an empty string:

Length = 0

The document.write() method writes JavaScript code to a document. It also writes HTML expressions.

The syntax:

document.write(expression1, expression2, expression3, ...)

Here, expression1, expression2, expression3 are the expressions to be written to the output stream.

Let us now see an example to write HTML elements with document.write():

<!DOCTYPE html>
document.write("<p>John Cena</p>");

The output:

John Cena

Let us see another example to write text to stream with document.write():

<!DOCTYPE html>
  document.write("<p>Travis Head</p>");

The output:

Travis Head

To display an alert box in JavaScript, use the alert() method. The alert box would have an OK button.

The syntax:


Here, msg is the text which is to be displayed in the alert box. Shown below under alert():

function show() {
  alert("This is an alert box!");

The following is an example: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Below button displays an alert...</p>
<button onclick="show()">Display</button>
function show() {
    alert("This is an alert box!");

The output:Joined String

On clicking the above button, the following alert generates and the message we added as parameter is visible:

Alert Box

You may be wondering how we can add a multi-line message in an alert box in JavaScript. For that, just use \n as shown below: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Below button displays an alert with multi-line content...</p>
<button onclick="show()">Display</button>
function show() {
    alert("This is first line!\nThis is next line!");

The output: 

On clicking the above button, the following alert generates and the multi-line message we added as parameter is visible:

Alert Box

Unfortunately, Boolean Typed array do not exist in JavaScript. The following typed arrays exist in JavaScript: Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, etc.

Let us see an example of Int8Array typed array. The Int8Array typed array represents an array of twos-complement 8-bit signed integers.

The following is the syntax:

new Int8Array();
new Int8Array(length);
new Int8Array(typedArray);

The following is an example: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
  var val = new Int8Array(5);
  val[3] = 9;
  // length of array
  document.write("Array Length  = "+val.length);
  // displaying array elements
  document.write("<br>Array elements...");

The output:

Array Length = 5
Array elements...

“True” and “False” are the two values in a Boolean object. Let us now see how to create a Boolean object:

var val = new Boolean(false);

Let us now see an example wherein we will create a Boolean object and return the value. We are using Boolean valueOf() method:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   var val = new Boolean(true);
   document.write( "Value = " + val.valueOf() );

The output:

Value = true

Here is another example wherein we are returning the string representation of a Boolean value:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   var val = new Boolean(false);
   document.write( "String = " + val.toString() );

The output: 

String = false

To display the unicode of the character at a specified index in a string with JavaScript, use the charCodeAt() method.

Let us now see the syntax:


Here, “index” is the index of the character we are willing to return.

The method returns the Unicode of the character. However, "NaN" is returned if no character is found at the index we added as the parameter. 

The following is an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   var myStr = "Chatting!";
   var res = myStr.charCodeAt(0);
   document.write( "Unicode = " + res.toString() );

The output displays the returned Unicode of the 1st character, since we added parameter as 0: 

Unicode = 67

The following is another example wherein we will find out the Unicode for character at index 2: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
   var myStr = "Hit Wicket!!";
   var res = myStr.charCodeAt(2);
   document.write( "Unicode = " + res.toString() );

The output displays the returned Unicode of the 3rd character, since we added parameter index as 2:

 Unicode = 116

Let us see a condition in which we are finding the character at a position where there is no character:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   var myStr = "abc";
   // 5th character does not exist
   var res = myStr.charCodeAt(5);
   // NaN is returned
   document.write( "Unicode = " + res.toString() );

Above, “NaN” is returned since there is no character at position 5th: 

Unicode = NaN 

The Date() method is to be used in JavaScript to get today’s date and time.

The following is the syntax:


Let us see the example to display the current date and time: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
var date = Date();
document.write("Date and Time = " + date );

The output displays today’s date and time:

Date and Time = Fri Dec 14 2018 20:16:22 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

Let’s say you need to only fetch the time portion of the date. For that, use the toTimeString() method:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   var date = new Date(2018, 12, 14, 10, 11, 30);
   document.write( date.toTimeString() );

The output displays only the current time: 

10:11:30 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) 

The Date.parse() method is used in JavaScript to parse a string representation of date and time.

Let us first see the syntax:


Here, str is the date string.

The method parses the date and returns the number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970.

Let us see an example now:

<!DOCTYPE html>
var res = Date.parse( "Dec 14, 2018 16:45:00" );
document.write( "Number of milliseconds between the date mentioned above and 1970 = " + res );

The output:

Number of milliseconds between the date mentioned above and 1970 = 1544786100000 

To convert a date object to string in JavaScript, use the toLocaleString() method.

The following is the syntax:


Create a Date object: 

var date = new Date();

Now convert the above date object to string:


The example demonstrates how to convert Date object to string:

<!DOCTYPE html>
var date = new Date();
var res = date.toLocaleString();

The output:

12/14/2018, 8:25:52 PM

The Math.random() method displays a floating-point pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.

Note: The value is inclusive of 0 and exclusive of 1

The following is an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
var num = Math.random( );
document.write("Random number = " + num );

The output displays any random number between 0 and 1: 

Random number = 0.8085646074894297

When we will run the above program again, a new random value between 0 and 1 will get generated as shown below: 

Random number = 0.1117848013962992

To remove the last element from an array in JavaScript, use the pop() method.

The following is the syntax:


Let’s say we have the following array:

var arr = [20, 11, 44, 39, 88, 48, 89, 47 ];

To remove an element, use the pop() method:

var element = arr.pop();

Let us see an example wherein we are removing 5 elements:

The method returns the removed element from the array. In the below example, we have an array and we have removed the last element from the array. With that we have removed 4 more elements from the end one by one using the pop() method:

<!DOCTYPE html>
var arr = [20, 11, 44, 39, 88, 48, 89, 47 ];
document.write("Array = "+arr);  
document.write("<br><br>Removing 5 elements...<br>");        
var element = arr.pop();
document.write("Popped Element = " + element );
var element = arr.pop();
document.write("<br />Popped Element = " + element );
var element = arr.pop();
document.write("<br />Popped Element = " + element );
var element = arr.pop();
document.write("<br />Popped Element = " + element );
var element = arr.pop();
document.write("<br />Popped Element = " + element );

The output:

Array = 20,11,44,39,88,48,89,47
Removing 5 elements...
Popped Element = 47
Popped Element = 89
Popped Element = 48
Popped Element = 88
Popped Element = 39

Yes, we can add one or more element to the front of an array using the unshift() method.

Let us first see the syntax of the unshift() method to understand it further:

array.unshift( e1, e2, e3, ..., eN );

Here, e1, e2, e3, … , en are the elements to be added in the front of the array.

We added the following elements to the array:

var arr = [20, 11, 44, 39, 88, 48, 89, 47 ];

Let’s say we need to add a new element in the front of the above array. For that set the element value as a parameter in the unshift method as shown below:

var len = arr.unshift("5");

The following is an example wherein we are adding an element in the beginning of an array:

<!DOCTYPE html>
var arr = [20, 11, 44, 39, 88, 48, 89, 47 ];
document.write("Array = "+arr);  
// adding element 5 in the front
var len = arr.unshift("5");
// displaying the new array
document.write("<br>New array = " + arr );
document.write("<br /> Length of the array = " + len );

The output:

Array = 20,11,44,39,88,48,89,47
New array = 5,20,11,44,39,88,48,89,47
Length of the array = 9

The !! operator is the not operator twice. It is useful in working through the truth value and returns a Boolean value.

Let us see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
var val1 = "This is an example";
var val2 = !!val1;

The output:


Let us see another example for integer and apply double not to it: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
var val1 = 10;
var val2 = !!val1;

The output:


NaN suggests that the entered value is not a legal number. It is a JavaScript property, which can also be considered as a "Not-a-Number" value.

To determine the entered value is a number or not, you can use the Number.isNaN() method. If the result is “True”, then it would that the given value is not a number, whereas “False” would mean the value is a legal Number.

Let us see an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    var a = "Grill";

The output displays True since the above value is not a legal number: 


Let us see another example: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    var a = 10;

The output since the above value is a legal number: 


Let us see another example: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    var a = 0/0;

The output generates True since 0/0 is not a legal number: 


The “undefined” is used to unset a variable in JavaScript.

Declare and initialize a variable:

]var a = 50;

Now reassign the variable with undefined since we wish to unset it: 

a = undefined; 

The following is an example: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    var a = 50;
    a = undefined;

The output displays undefined:


If you are implicitly declaring the variable without var keyword, then use the delete to unset a variable: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    a = 10;
    delete a;

The double NOT Bitwise operator is a “double tilde” (~~) operator in JavaScript.

Let’s say we have the following variable:

var val1 = 3.7;
var val2;

Now, use the double tilde operator and assign it to another variable: 

val2 = ~~val1; 

The example to work with double tilde operator: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
 var val1 = 3.7;
 var val2;
 val2 = ~~val1;

The output: 


You can achieve the same result from Math.floor() in JavaScript, but double tilde is considered faster: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
 var val1 = 3.7;

The same output is visible: 


Generally, in JavaScript we create functions using the function keyword:

var points = [98, 45, 78, 65, 99];
var demo = {
  return val + val;

Using the Fat arrow function reduces line of code and even avoids you to write the keyword “function” again and again.

The syntax of fat arrow function includes =>, wherein it shows fat arrow:

arg => exp

For multiple arguments:

(arg1 [, arg2]) => exp

Let’s see what you need to do with fat arrow function while implementing the code snippet we saw above: 

var points = [98, 45, 78, 65, 99];
var demo = => val+val);

The substr() and substring() methods are simpler, yet they have some differences. The 2nd argument of the substring() method is the index to halt the search, whereas the 2nd parameter of substr() is the maximum length.

Note: We will be taking the same string and the same parameter value for both the functions to make it easier to understand

substr() method

The substr() method returns the characters in a string beginning at the specified location. It goes through the number of characters which is specified by the user.

The parameters of substr(start, len):

  • start − Location start extracting characters.
  • length − The count of characters to extract.

Let us see an example.

We have the following string:

var myStr = "Knowledge Hut!";

Now, we will use substr() as discusses above with the parameters to get 5 elements beginning from 3rd index:


The example: 

      <title>JavaScript substr()</title>
         var myStr = "Knowledge Hut!";
         document.write("(3,5): " + myStr.substr(3,5));

The output from 3rd index.

5 is the length of elements after beginning with 3rd index:

(3,5): wledg 

substring() method

The substring() method returns subset of a string.

The parameters of substring(i1, i2):

  • i1 – Index from where you want the substring.
  • i2 − Index till when you want the substring.

Let us see an example.

We have the following string:

var myStr = "Knowledge Hut!"; 

Now, we will use substring() as discussed above with the parameters to get substring from 3 to 5, since we set the parameter as 3 and 5:


The example: 

      <title>JavaScript substr()</title>
         var myStr = "Knowledge Hut!";
         document.write("(3,5): " + myStr.substring(3,5));

The output from substring 3 to 5: 

(3,5): wl 

A staple in JavaScript technical interview questions and answers, be prepared to answer this using your hands-on experience.


Prototypal inheritance is to add new capabilities to a constructor function using Prototype.
Let’s first understand what are Constructor functions. They are basically JavaScript way to implement the concept of Classes.
Let’s consider the example below, where we have a “Car” constructor function. In it we have a “model”, which we are also returning by getModel(). Now we can create a new instance of it by using the “new” keyword. Each instance will have its own “this” and have its own getModel(). 

let Car = function(model) {
  this.model = model;
  this.getModel = function() {
    return this.model;
let harryCar = new Car('toyota');
console.log(harryCar.getModel()); //toyota
let maryCar = new Car('nissan');

console.log(maryCar.getModel()); //nissan

Now, the problem is that every time we create a new instance we get a new copy of getModel(). Suppose we have 100 instances, then we will have 100 copies. Below console log shows the same thing.


We should somehow move the logic for getModel() outside our Constructor function and that is where the concept of Prototype helps.

In JavaScript as you know everything is an Object. Whenever a function is created there are two object one is the function object another is the prototype object. Now to access the Prototype object we have a property on the function object also known as “prototype”.


Every instance created from the function have access to the Prototype object.  Now, let’s move our getModel() outside our Constructor function using prototype.

let Car = function(model) {
  this.model = model;
Car.prototype.getModel = function() {
    return this.model;
let harryCar = new Car('toyota');
console.log(harryCar.getModel()); //toyota
let maryCar = new Car('nissan');
console.log(maryCar.getModel()); //nissan

We get the same result and this is known as Prototypal Inheritance. Also, each new instance don’t have its own getModel(), which we can see in below console log.

 Prototypal Inheritance

JavaScript is a synchronous, blocking, single-threaded language. That just means that only one operation can be in progress at a time. 

Many people think JavaScript is asynchronous because we can do async tasks like setTimeout, callbacks, promises in it. But the asynchronous behaviour of JavaScript(setTimeout, callbacks, promises) is not a part of JavaScript itself and built on top of JavaScript language in browser and accessed through browser APIs.

The browser have a Call Stack, Browser API and Message Queue and the order of their processing is called event loop.

We will see the working of the classic interview question to understand how the event loop and with it the asynchronous behaviour of JavaScript works.

function main() {



The output will be A C B , even after the setTimeout() was set to display “b” after 0 ms. This happens because of the internal working of the browser. Let’s look into the step of execution.

The main() is pushed into Call Stack, which then console logs A. Then it is popped out and the setTimeout is pushed into Call Stack. Now the setTimeout() uses Browser API, so it is pushed there and the console log C is pushed into Call Stack.

JavaScript synchronous or asynchronous

  • Even with the delay of 0ms the exec() for setTimeout have to go to the Message Queue.
  • After all the statements of main() is run and the Call Stack is empty, then only the exec() from Message Queue can be pushed to the Call Stack.

This is how event loop works and the asynchronous, non-blocking part of JavaScript comes from.

Every function in JavaScript have call, apply and bind methods. These methods can be used to set the custom value of “this” to the execution context of the function.

Let’s say that we have an object called obj. It only has one property called num, which has a value of 3. Let’s also make a function called addNumbers

Now, in addNumbers we have this.num. But how do we pass the value obj.num to it. We need to pass it a context, which means the value of “this”. We will do this my call method by passing a first argument as obj, so the “this” is the obj now.

let obj = {num: 3};
let addNumbers = function(a, b, c){ 
  return this.num + a + b + c;
console.log(, 1, 4, 6));  //14 

It is totally similar to call, but the only difference is that we can pass array as the second argument. We will use the same code for apply also. But now we have an arr, to be passed as second argument. 

let obj = {num: 3};
let addNumbers = function(a, b, c){ 
  return this.num + a + b + c;
let arr = [7, 3, 8];
console.log(addNumbers.apply(obj, arr)); //21

Bind works in a bit different way then call and apply. It works by returning a copy of the function. We will take the returned function in bindFunc and then execute it in the next line.

let obj = {num: 3};
let addNumbers = function(a, b, c){ 
  return this.num + a + b + c;
let bindFunc = addNumbers.bind(obj);
console.log(bindFunc(7, 3, 8)); //21

There are four solutions to access “this” inside the innerFunc().

Solution 1
Use a “that” variable in cleanRoom() for accessing “this” inside innerFunc(). Basically “that” is nothing but the outer “this”.

const cleanRoom = function(soap) {
  let that = this;
  const innerFunc = function(_soap) {    
    console.log(`Cleaning ${} with ${_soap}`)      
let harrysRoom = {
  room: "Harry's room"
}, "Harpic");
//Output - Cleaning Harry’s room with Harpic

Solution 2
Use call method to use the outer “this” inside the innerFunc().

const cleanRoom = function(soap) {
  const innerFunc = function(_soap) {    
    console.log(`Cleaning ${ } with ${_soap}`)      
  }, soap);
let harrysRoom = {
  room: "Harry's room"
}, "Harpic");
//Output - Cleaning Harry’s room with Harpic

Solution 3
Use bind method to use the outer “this” inside the innerFunc().

const cleanRoom = function(soap) {
  const innerFunc = function(_soap) {    
    console.log(`Cleaning ${ } with ${_soap}`)      
let harrysRoom = {
  room: "Harry's room"
}, "Harpic");
//Output - Cleaning Harry’s room with Harpic

Solution 4
Use arrow function in the innerFunc(). Arrow functions have special meaning for “this” and it is that, it takes the value of “this” from the enclosing scope and is very useful in this case.

const cleanRoom = function(soap) {
  const innerFunc = (_soap)=> {    
    console.log(`Cleaning ${ } with ${_soap}`)      
let harrysRoom = {
  room: "Harry's room"
}, "Harpic");
//Output - Cleaning Harry’s room with Harpic

 One of the main use of “call” is to change an array like object to array.

There is an array like object arguments  available for every normal function(not arrow function). It is very useful in functions, as we can get the number of arguments passed to it.  Let’s convert the arguments into array, because arrays have a lots of functionality.

Consider the below example, where we console log arguments. If we expand it in dev console, it shows it’s not and array and it’s __proto__ doesn’t have array functionalities.

let sumNumbers = function() {
sumNumbers(1, 2, 3, 4);

Javascript code

Now to convert it we will take an empty array and use it’s slice method. Then call it through call, by passing the argument Object. Now it is converted into array and the __proto__ have all array functionalities. So, we are using the array reduce method available to do the sum of the number of arguments passed to it.

let sumNumbers = function() {
  const argsToArray = [];
  return argsToArray.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr);
console.log(sumNumbers(1, 2, 3, 4)); //10
console.log(sumNumbers(1, 2, 3)); //6

Javascript code

The second application of call is in inheritance , using constructor functions. 

Consider the below example. Here in the Cat function, we called its parent Mammal using call method with “this” of Cat.

let Mammal = function(legs) {
  this.legs = legs;
let Cat = function(legs, isDomesticated) {, legs);
  this.isDomesticated = isDomesticated;
let tiger = new Cat(4, false);
let homeCat = new Cat(4, true);
console.log(tiger); // { legs: 4, isDomesticated: false }
console.log(homeCat); // { legs: 4, isDomesticated: true } 

One of the practical use of apply is to pass an array to a function, which expects arguments only.

Consider the case of Math.max, which gives the maximum of the arguments passed. So, now to pass an array like in below code, we convert it through apply. Note the first argument is null because we are not passing any Object for “this” binding.

let arr = [20, 6, 29, 12];
console.log(Math.max(20, 6, 29, 12)); // 29
console.log(Math.max.apply(null, arr)); // 29

One of the practical use of bind is in React. In React whenever we call a function from render(), we have to bind it’s “this” in constructor.

Consider the below code. We bind the “this” of the event handler to the component instance in the constructor, we can pass it as a callback without worrying about it losing its context.

class Foo extends React.Component{
  constructor( props ){
    super( props );
    this.state = {
      text: ''
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
    return (
      <input type="text" value={this.state.text}
      onChange={this.handleChange} />
  <Foo />,

This is one of the most frequently asked JavaScript interview questions and answers for freshers in recent times.

The output logged will be:

Johnny Deep

The first console.log prints undefined because heroIdentity()is been invoked in the global context (i.e., the window object) where the _name property doesn’t exists.

The way to fix it is by binding, it to hero object by using bind.

var heroIdentity = hero.getIdentity.bind(hero);

The output logged will be:


When inside the method, fn() is called the “this” of the function fn is at window level. So, “this.length” will produce 10.
Now, when arguments[0]() is called, then argument[0] is equivalent to “fn” and function fn is called. But “this” now is the arguments array, which is of length 2 because it contains two arguments (fn, 1). So, “this.length” will produce 2.

The output logged will be: null

The reason is for prototype chaining. The __proto__ of ‘hello’ is the global String.


JavaScript Code

Then the __proto__ of it is the global Object.


JavaScript Code

Now, the Object is the final thing from which everything in JavaScript is created and it points to null.

This is one of the most frequently asked JavaScript interview questions and answers for freshers in recent times.

Nested promises are set of promises in which , the result of one promise we call another in the .then statement. It is very useful in practical applications, where the result of fetch from an API endpoint will result in sending the data to another endpoint. Nested promises can also be done with callback functions, but the code get complicated soon.

Let’s look at an example of nested promises. Here we have three functions which return promises- movieTicketQueue, buyPopcorn and happyPartner. Now only the movieTicketQueue is returning resolve() or reject() depending on random number. The other two functions are returning only resolve() for simplicity sake.

Now, when the movieTicketQueue function is run and return a resolve(), then the immediate .then block will be run or else we will go to the .catch block. In the .then we are returning the next buyPopcorn and in its .then we are returning the happyPartner. We are passing the message from one function to other, so it will be appended.

JavaScript Code

On running the code and getting a resolve, because we random number greater than 0.5, we get below output. 

Random number greater than 0.5 output

On running the code and getting a reject, because we random number less than 0.5, we get below output.

Random number less than 0.5 Output

We can implement the Array.prototype methods by using callbacks and actually this is the way it is implemented in JavaScript internally.


We are implementing our version of forEach as myEach by having the callback attached to the prototype, which is available to every JS function. Here “this” is equal to the array. So, we are iteration over it using traditional for loop and calling the callback function on each iteration.

forEach code


We are implementing our version of map as myMap, by creating an empty array in our function and then pushing it in the iteration. From inside the push we are calling our callback, so when we are calling it we can use something like Math.round(line 17) to change an individual item or just return it like in line 13.

map code


We are implementing our version of filter as myFilter. The process is quite similar to map, where we create an empty array ad push to it. But as we know that filter goes through the array and gives an subset of elements depending on boolean expression.
Here when we iterate through the array and call the callback in an if statement, and if it’s true we are pushing the item into the array.

filter code

We will be implementing some, every and reduce by using of callbacks, in the same way, we used to implement forEach, map and filter in the previous question.


The Array prototype method some returns true if any element of the array fulfils the condition we are testing. Here also like filter, we will have the callback been checked in an if statement in every iteration. This will test our condition and even if one of it pass we return a true and get out of loop. If the iteration is complete, it means not a single element satisfy condition and we return false.

some vanilla JavaScript code


It is the opposite of some. The method “every” will return true only if every element passes the test. Here we do a trick in the if statement. We check the opposite of the test, so say if element should be greater than 10, we are checking for less than 10. So, if even one is less than 10 we return false. And if we iterate through whole loop, means all element satisfy the condition so we return true.

Every vanilla JavaScript code


The method reduce is considered the hardest in the Array prototype methods to master. It is because it’s concept is quite different. It takes the whole array and iterate through it and returns a single value. It is useful to do sum/multiply/subtract of all the elements of an array, but is more powerful than that. To do this it have an accumulator, which is used to hold the number in each run. This accumulator will be operated with the current value of the iteration.
Now in our implementation, we first check whether an accumulator was supplied or else make it to undefined. Now inside the loop we update the accumulator variable by using the callback.

Reduce vanilla JavaScript code

 Named after Haskell Brooks Curry, currying is a technique of evaluating function with multiple arguments, into sequence of function with single argument.

In other words, when a function, instead of taking all arguments at one time, takes the first one and return a new function that takes the second one and returns a new function which takes the third one, and so forth, until all arguments have been fulfilled. 

Here is a simple example to write a simple multiply function and then the function asked in the question with currying.

urrying in JavaScript and implement multiply

Currying works because of JavaScript concept of closures. The closure created by the nested functions to retain access to each of the arguments. So inner function which do “return a * b * c * d” have access to all arguments.

Expect to come across this, one of the top JavaScript interview questions for experienced professionals in web development, in your next interviews.

Map and WeakMap are data structures that were introduced in ES6.

Map is a collection of elements where each element is stored as a Key, value pair. Map object can hold both objects and primitive values as either key or value. When we iterate over the map object it returns the key,value pair in the same order as inserted.

Let’s find out the reason for Map by analysing a problem with Objects. In the below example, we have an object “x” and another object “a”. Now we are using “a” as a key and push a value to “x”. Now, if we console log “x” the key is shown as [object object], but then also we can extract it’s value by x[a].

Javascript code

But the real problem occurs when we add another object to “x” for key. It over-writes the earlier object. This occurs because in JavaScript we can have only 1 key as an object.

Javascript code

Now we will look at how Maps help. We create Map by the new keyword. And also to add to Map we need use one of its method set.
In the below example the objects “a” and “b” are been added as key successfully.

Notice that the __proto__ object contains Symbol.iterator, so the for..of loop can be used to iterate over it like arrays. The same is not true for Objects.