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  1. Project Management
  2. PMP® Certification
  3. Boston, MA

PMP Certification Training in Boston, MA, United States

Ace Your PMP® Exam in Just Five Weeks!

Transform Your Career With PMP Classes in Boston

Enrolled135,000+ Enrolled
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Premier Authorized Training Partner
Our Secret Sauce for PMP Exam Success
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Premium 2000+ Question Bank
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Free PMP Exam Simulator
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Complimentary Mock Tests
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Guaranteed Exam Pass Study Plan
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Complimentary Self-Paced Course
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24/7 Support for Doubt Clarification
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Exam Application Assistance
  • 450K+
    Career transformations
  • 200+
    Workshops every month
  • 100+
    Countries and counting

PMP Training Highlights in Boston

The Most Effective PMP Exam Preparation

36 Contact Hours with Live, Instructor-Led Sessions

Free On-Demand Course with 24 Contact Hours

Mentor-Led Guaranteed Exam Pass Study Plan

2000+ Question Bank for Hands-On Practice

Free Mock Tests and Exams for Hands-On Practice

Free PMP Exam Simulator for Real Exam Experience

Flexible Access to Live Classes: 180-Day Grand Pass

180 Practice Questions, directly from PMI

Job Boost 360 for Comprehensive Career Support

Pursuing PMP certification in Boston is one of the best investments that you can make in your career. Boston’s ever-evolving job landscape, ongoing projects, accessible training providers and multiple networking opportunities are a well-laid path for students looking for direction in the field of project management.

To advance your career in project management, make sure you complete your certification and ace the exam with flying colours. The PMP prep course in Boston is not a piece of paper, it is a valid proof of your knowledge, skills, experience and expertise that makes you globally certified for project management opportunities around the world.

KnowledgeHut is the right place to get PMP certification because here you get the most comprehensive guided support in project management certification and your PMP exam prep. Moreover, our PMP program is led by Kevin Davis, our Program Director with over two decades of experience and expertise in project management. He has trained thousands of students across domains like the US military.

From live instructor-led sessions, and complimentary self-paced courses to regular doubt-clearing sessions, refresher courses with 180-day grand pass and what-not! Here you can practice well with 2000+ solid question banks, a free PMP exam simulator, 5 full-length exams and mock tests to ace the exam with panache.

Expand your career prospects with the project management professional certification in Boston. With this certification, professionals can enhance their project management skills, and explore a new range of opportunities to grow professionally. The rising demand in the project management field says that 88 million individuals will be required to be skilled in project management roles by 2027. As per the PMI Salary Survey, PMP-certified professionals can earn an average of USD 111,000, which is 23% more than their non-certified peers.

KnowledgeHut is responsible for 450K+ career transformations with 250+ workshops every month in 100+ countries and counting. We are known for the most effective PMP exam prep because of our 36 contact hours with live, instructor-led sessions, free on-demand course with 24 contact hours, free mock tests and exams, free PMP exam simulator, flexible access to live classes, question bank, job boost 360 for comprehensive career support.

The project management professional course in Boston helps you gain an understanding of the Scrum/Agile framework, fundamentals and scope of project management, lessons on the business environment, and a depth into the essential concepts and business areas that are important to understand before diving into a project. You can check everything in the KnowledgeHut Curriculum section to understand more about what you’ll learn here.

Why not grab the chance to enhance your knowledge journey and save costs with our specially discounted PMP exam in Boston vouchers? Yes, you read it right! KnowledgeHut is thrilled to provide a special ATP discount on your PMP exam voucher whenever you purchase through us.