VB.NET Interview Questions and Answers for 2025

VB.NET (Visual Basic .NET) is a high-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It is an evolution of the classic Visual Basic language and is based on the .NET framework, which provides a common platform for developing and running applications on Windows. VB.NET is used for developing a variety of applications, including desktop applications, web applications, and mobile applications. In this VB.NET interview questions and answers guide, we will be discussing basic, intermediate, and advanced questions related to VB.net interview. Some common topics that will be covered in a VB.NET interview are fundamentals of the .NET framework and VB.NET, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, VB.NET syntax and language features, Windows Forms and WPF, Web development using ASP.NET, ADO.NET and database programming, Exception handling and debugging and more. Studying VB.net interview questions and answers will help you prepare technical responses to inquiries concerning this programming language and your expertise with it.

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Visual Basic, sometimes known as VB.NET, is an Object-oriented programming language built on Microsoft's.NET Framework. VB.NET is used to create Windows applications, Web applications, and Web services. VB.NET is an expansion of the historical Visual Basic programming language; however, VB.NET is not compatible with older VB6, and all earlier version programs will not compile in VB.NET. VB.NET fully supports object-oriented concepts. Mono is an open-source replacement for the.NET framework. It is able to run VB.NET apps on Linux and Mac, in addition to Windows. Although VB6 has been mostly replaced by VB.NET, it is still important to have good knowledge of VB6. 

For better chances of getting hired, you can opt for practical courses, we recommend you Software Programing course to help you develop a practical programming skill set.

VB.NET has the following features: 

In VB.NET, all elements are objects, including primitive types (such as Short, Integer, Long, Float, String, Boolean, and so on), user-defined types, assemblies, and events. All objects inherit the fundamental class object. The architecture of VB.NET is handled by Microsoft's .NET framework. It has full access to all of the libraries from the .NET Framework. Applications created with the .NET frameworks are platform-independent. The framework was designed to be compatible with the following programming or scripting languages: Visual Basic, COBOL, C++, along with JavaScript, and many more. 

Each of these languages may communicate with one another and utilize the framework. The .Net framework is a collection of a vast code library that is used by client technologies such as VB.Net. These languages employ object-oriented approaches. 

This is one of the most frequently asked basic VB.NET interview questions. The following are some advantages of utilizing VB.NET: 

  • VB.NET is a contemporary, general-purpose programming language. 
  • It is object-oriented in nature. 
  • VB.NET is easy to learn for a beginner. 
  • It is also structure-oriented. 
  • VB.NET may be created on a variety of platforms. 
  • VB.NET supports Conditional Compilation. 
  • VB.NET includes a Standard Library as well as Automatic Garbage Collection. 
  • It allows Property and Event support. 
  • Delegate and event management is also aided by VB.NET. 
  • There is support for generics, indexers, and multithreading.

Metadata is described as "data on the data's body" and may be located in library catalogues. In practice, metadata is used to evaluate database data, but it may also be used for other reasons. 

Namespaces are just an organized way of describing classes, hierarchies, and interfaces in the.NET language. Namespaces, which seem to be hierarchically organized indexes of something like a class library, are available to all.NET Languages. 

JIT is an abbreviation for Just in Time compiler, which is an element of the runtime execution environment. 

JIT is classified into three types: 

  • Normal JIT compiles called functions or procedures at execution of the program initially at the time when they are run for the first time. 
  • Pre-JIT: A pre-JIT compiles an application before deploying it. 
  • Econo-JIT: At runtime, Econo JITs compile all of the called functions and procedures. 

The System. 

A data namespace is a way to access and manage information from a specific data source. This domain only handles data from the given database.

It's no surprise that this one pops up often in Visual Basic.Net Interview Questions.

These are the cornerstone of .NET programs and are said to be the most important aspect of all.NET projects. They might be DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) or executable files. The following are the two types of assemblies: 

  • Private assemblies are ones that are used by only one application and are stored in the application's directory. 
  • Public - Public assemblies, sometimes known as shareable assemblies, are kept in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), whom numerous applications can access. 

Strong Name is a feature of .Net that is used to uniquely identify shared assemblies.  

A strong name is a solution that addresses the issue of several objects being created that have the same name, and it could be provided using Sn.exe. 

In general, any data type may be implicitly transformed in .Net programming language, as it gives this option. 

Option Strict is implemented to prevent data leaking during data type conversions and to ensure compile-time notice of specific types of conversions. 

Option Explicit is a file keyword that is used to exclusively define each variable utilizing declare keywords which include Dim, Private, Public, and Protected. When an undefined variable name is identified, an error is thrown at compilation time. 

The constructor is used in conjunction with the keyword NEW. It can be used as a modifier or an operator. When used as a modifier, the NEW keyword conceals derived members from parent class members. When it's used as an operator, it generates objects for calling constructors. The NEW keyword generates a new object instance, imposes a constructor constraint on something like a type parameter, or declares another function to be a class constructor.  

A declaration or an assignment statement can both contain a NEW clause. When we execute the statement, it executes the appropriate constructor of said specified class, supplying whatever parameters we have supplied. 

Below is an example of how to use the NEW keyword: 

Dim teacher11 As New Teacher()

The ReDim statement is used to resize or expand a dynamic array that has already been declared officially with empty parentheses using a Private, Public, or Dim declaration (which are without dimension subscripts). Just use ReDim assertion repeatedly to change the array's number of elements as well as dimensions in an array. However, except if the array is part of a Variant, it is not possible to construct one data type array and then use ReDim to change to a different data type.  

If the array is kept in a Variant, the elements' types can be altered using an As type clause, except if the Preserve keyword is used, where in, in that case no data type modifications are permitted. 

Here's an example of how to use the ReDim keyword: 

Dim DemoArray() As Integer ' Declaring a dynamic array.  
Redim DemoArray(10) ' Allocating 10 elements.  
For J = 1 To 10 ' Looping for 10 times.  
DemoArray(J) = J ' Initializing the DemoArray.  
Next J 

In the above example, the ReDim command is used to allocate and reallocate data storage for dynamic array variables. It is assumed that the Option Base is 1. The ReDim keyword would be only applied to arrays and can be utilized to alter the size of one or more aspects of a previously defined array. Redim will free up space or help in adding elements to something like an array as needed.  

These are some VB.net OOPs interview questions that mostly come in the interviews.

Class access modifiers are keywords that can be used to indicate the declared visibility of a member or type. The following are the numerous forms of class access modifiers: 

  • Public  
  • Private 
  • Protected 
  • Internal 
  • Protected Internal 

Globalization refers to the process of customizing our program to many cultures. We must acknowledge that our application's users may speak a language other than English and also that their language, in contrast to being a distinct language, observes some other conventions. Certain languages, for instance, should be presented from left to right, whilst others ought to be displayed from right to left. We must now examine not just the different languages, but also the different currencies, time and date settings, and colors associated with different civilizations. Globalization allows us to make programs available to anyone from any part of the world, irrespective of their language.

A.NET Framework assembly manifest is a text file that includes metadata about the script in a CLI assembly. It explains the relationships and dependencies of the components, in addition to the assembly's versioning, scope, and security permissions. The Manifest file format may be stored as a PE file. We may store the Version, Assembly Name, Culture, and key token as a Manifest.  

Nested classes are those that may be declared within the scope of another class. These classes are covered by the scope of the enclosed class and are accessible within that class's scope. 

An Enumerator or Enum is a value type that has a collection of constants supplied to the collection of the list. Enumeration is used when over one number must be defined.

CTS (Common Type System): The Common Type System defines the data types which managed programs can utilize (CTS). CTS specifies how these types are defined, used, and handled during runtime. It facilitates cross-language integration, safety, and high-performance code execution. The CTS rules may be used to construct lasses and values. Alternatively, we can understand something like this: CTS handles data types. As a result, we have a variety of languages, each with its own data type. While the data type of one language may be unintelligible to another, the.NET Framework language can grasp any data types. 

C# and VB.NET both provide integer data types. As a consequence, following compilation, a variable given as an int in C# and Integer in VB.NET uses the same structure Int32 from CTS as illustrated in the image below. CTS's structures and classes are shared with all languages and serve to promote language independence. As a result, it is referred to as CTS. 

CLS (Common Language Specification): CLS (Common Language Specification) is a subset of CTS. It defines a set of rules and limitations that every language which runs on the.NET framework must adhere to. CLS Compliant languages include those that adhere to this set of guidelines. CLS supports cross-language integration, often known as interoperability. For example, if we are discussing C# versus VB.NET, every sentence in C# must conclude with a semicolon. Although it is commonly referred to as statement Terminator, each statement in VB.NET must not end with a semicolon (;). 

While the syntax rules differ from language to language, CLR can comprehend them all because, in.NET, each language is turned into MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) program after compiling, and MSIL code constitutes CLR's language specification. 

Managed code is a form of code written to take advantage of the features of a regulated runtime environment, like the CLR (Common Language Runtime) in the.NET Framework. Instead of being conducted directly by the windows OS, it is always carried out by the controlled runtime environment. The controlled runtime environment offers several functionalities to programs, including asgarbage collection, exception handling, type checking, bounds checking, and other functions that do not require human participation. It also provided a memory for the code, as well as type safety and other features. 

Built-in languages for applications, such as Java, VB.Net, and others, are always directed at realtime environment services to control execution, and programs written in all of these languages generally considered as managed code. 

In the.NET Framework scenario, the compiler always compiles the managed code in MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) before building an executable. When the programmer executes the executable, the CLR's Just In Time (JIT) Compiler converts the intermediate language into native code specific to the architecture underlying. This method is executing in a controlled runtime execution environment, and the environment controls the functioning of the code. 

The managed code is run as shown below, also with source code written in any .NET Framework language. Because managed code is converted into an intermediate representation; the JIT compiler converts this intermediate language into platform-independent instructions. 

An assembly is a component of a .NET program that serves as the primary unit of all .NET applications. This assembly may be a DLL or an executable file. 

Strong Name is a significant feature of .Net that is used to uniquely identify shared assemblies. Strong name has resolved the issue of having several objects with the same name, and it may be assigned using Sn.exe.

There are two kinds of assemblies: 

  • Private assemblies are often used by a unified platform and are kept in the application's directory. 
  • A public assembly, also known as a shared assembly, is stored in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), which may be used by several apps. 

Assembly is the physical grouping of any and all units, whereas Namespace is the logical grouping of classes. A namespace may include many assemblies. 

In general, .Net supports implicit conversion of all data types. Option Strict is applied to avoid data loss in data type conversion, and it assures compile time notice of certain sorts of conversions. 

Option Explicit is a file keyword that is used to explicitly declare any variables that employ declaration keywords such as Dim, Private, Public, or Protected. If an undeclared data type persists, then build error occurs. 

The redim keyword is only applicable to arrays and can be utilized to modify the size of one or even more elements of an already specified array. When needed, Redim can help open up space or add new elements to an array. 

Dim intArray(7, 7) As Integer 
ReDim Preserve intArray(7, 8) 
ReDim intArray(7, 7) 

The INTERNAL keyword comes among the access specifiers visible in a particular assembly, i.e., a DLL file. This is accessible throughout the assembly as a single binary component. 

The System.string class is not updateable, and it will produce new string objects rather than altering existing ones. Stringbuilder class allows for updating within the same string object. As a result, the string constructor procedure is both faster and more effective than the string class.

Hashtable elements are defined as key-value pairs. Keys are referred to as indexes, and a rapid search for values may be conducted by scanning through the keys. 

A class that may be defined within another class's scope. These classes are deemed to be inside the scope of the contained class and are therefore accessible inside that class or scope.

An Enumerator, often known as an Enum, is a value type that has a collection of constants assigned to the subset of the list. When more than a number has to be defined, enumeration is utilized. 

A delegate is an object that may be used to refer to a method. When we attach a delegate to a method, it functions precisely like that method. 


public delegate int performaddition(int z, int b); 

VB.Net supports the following languages: 

  • C# 
  • VB.Net 
  • COBOL 
  • Perl 

Deep copy is nothing more than generating a new object and afterwards copying the existing object's non-static fields to the new object.

Garbage collector invokes the Finalize function, which allows us to free up unmanaged resources. Other resources, such as window handles and database connections, are managed through iDisposable interface. 

The Disposable interface handles the dispose method, which is used to explicitly release unneeded resources. Dispose can be invoked even if there are other references towards the object that are still alive.

Collection is indeed known as automated memory management, and it is used to recycle dynamically allocated memory automatically. Garbage collection is handled by a garbage collector, who will reclaim memory if it is demonstrated that it will be utilized.


The following are the distinctions between C# and VB.Net: 

  • Optional parameters are permitted in VB.Net, they are not case sensitive, nothing is utilized to release unmanaged resources, and both structured and unstructured error handling is supported. 
  • Optional parameters are not permitted in C#, case is sensitive, 'Using' is used to release unmanaged resources, and unstructured error handling is supported. 

The following are the distinctions between VB and VB.Net: 

  • VB is platform dependant, backward compatible, handles exceptions using 'On Error..... Goto', is interpretable, and cannot be used to create multi-threaded programs. 
  • VB.Net is platform independent, it is not backward compatible, it has a compiler language, exception handling via 'Try....Catch,' and it is simple to construct multi-thread programs.

Metadata is defined as "data about the content of data" and is found in library catalogues. In practice, it is used to evaluate database data, although it may also be utilized for other purposes. 

A namespace is a structured means of describing the.NET language's classes, structures, and interfaces. Namespaces are a hierarchically structured index of a class library that is accessible to all.NET Languages. 

It is an abbreviation for the Just in Time compiler, which is part of the runtime execution environment. JIT is classified into three types: 

  • Normal JIT - Compiles called methods at runtime and compiles them the first time they are called. 
  • Pre-JIT - Compiles an application at the moment of deployment. 
  • Econo-JIT - Compiles called methods at runtime. 

An assembly is a component of a.NET programme that serves as the primary unit of all.NET applications. This assembly might be a DLL or an executable. There are two kinds of assemblies: 

  • Private: A private assembly is generally used by a single programme and is saved in the directory of the application. 
  • Public: A public assembly, also known as a shared assembly, is stored in the Global Assembly Cache and may be accessed by several apps. 

 A strong name is a key feature of .Net that is used to uniquely identify shared assemblies. 

Strong Name has solved the problem of generating several objects with the same name, and it may be assigned using Sn.exe.

In general, Net permits implicit conversion of any data type. Option strict is used to avoid data loss during data type conversion, and it assures compile-time notice of certain sorts of conversions. 

Option Explicit is a file keyword that is used to explicitly declare all variables that employ declaring keywords such as Public, Dim, Private, or Protected. 

An error occurs at compilation time if an undeclared variable name persists. 

The keyword INTERNAL is one of the access specifiers that will be displayed in a specific assembly 

in a DLL file. This is visible throughout the assembly as a single binary component. 

With the function Object() { [native code] }, a new keyword is used, which may be used as a modifier or an operator. 

It conceals inherited members from the base class member when used as a modifier. It produces an object to invoke constructors when used as an operator.

The jagged array is a collection of arrays. Each array entry is another array that can contain any number of objects.

The Protected keyword in the declaration statement refers to components that may only be accessed from within the same class or from a class specified by this class.

Interfaces specify which attributes, events, and methods classes can implement. We can describe features as tiny collections of closely linked attributes, methods, and events using interfaces. We may describe features as tiny groups of closely related individuals using Interfaces.

A data adapter is used by ADO.NET as a bridge between the dataset and the data source, which is the real database. The Fill() functions of Data Adapter are used to obtain data from the database and populate the dataset.  

  • VB is an Interpreted Language, whereas VB.NET is a Compilable Language. 
  • Visual Basic is backward compatible, but Visual Basic.NET is not. 
  • VB cannot be utilised to create Multi-threaded programmes, however VB.NET can help.

JIT stands for Just in Time. It is essentially a Compiler and a tool that CLR uses to translate Intermediate Language into Machine Level Code. The method calls are invoked for compilation into native code when the Assembly is loaded. Assembly files from the.NET framework, such as DLL and exe, cannot be run by the target processor until they are translated to native code.

The Friend keyword in the declaration statement defines that the elements can only be changed from inside the same assembly, not from outside. 

A DLL that solely includes resource strings is known as a satellite assembly. Satellite assemblies in vb.net are used to localise the application's resources.

The following are the VB.NET development tools: 

  • Mono Development Platform (Linux)  
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 

A Destructor is used to release or remove items generated by Constructor. The Garbage Collector in VB.NET automatically handles the allocation, assignment, and release of memory for the managed objects in our application. However, we may need Destructors to destroy unmanaged resources created by the programme. A class can have only one destructor.

Inheritance is a notion in Object Oriented Programming. It allows us to construct a reusable New Class that may extend or alter the behaviour described in another class. By default, all classes in Visual Basic inherit from the Object class, which supports the.NET class hierarchy and offers low-level services to all classes.

the.net framework is a collection of several classes and functions that serve as a layer between.net programmes and the underlying operating system. the.net framework is made up of several web forms, window forms, and console apps.

Explain how an Array List in VB.NET represents an ordered collection of objects that may be indexed individually. In plain terms, it is an array alternative with the difference that we may add and delete items from a list at a given place using an index and the array automatically resizes itself.  

CLR or Common Language Runtime is in charge of the program's code execution, which includes code verification, garbage collection, code access security, and intermediate language (IL).

The quiz is intended to assess our command of the language. There are a few key differences that we must describe here, including: 

  • VB.net is a programming language, whereas VB6 is a scripting language. 
  • Unlike VB6, Vb.net is an object-oriented programming language. 
  • Whereas vb6 utilised ADO as a data access technology and record-sets to develop data access applications, vb.net leverages ADO.NET and datasets. 
  • Unlike VB6, Vb.net allows for multiple versions as well as multithreading

Data type conversion is the process of transforming one variable type to another. In VB.NET, this is also known as casting. The purpose of data conversion is to prevent loss of data or corruption by maintaining data integrity and embedded structures.


To assess your proficiency in coding-related VB.NET queries, the hiring manager might pose this technical interview question. 

In the code below, an array of arrays named scores of Integers is presented. Also, it is known as a Jagged array. Creating or declaring a jagged: 

Dim marks As Integer()() = New Integer(10)(){} 

The following code sample demonstrates how to utilize a jagged array: 

Module demoArray 
Sub Main() 
' a jagged array of 3 integers 
Dim arr As Integer()() = New Integer(2)() {} 
arr(0) = New Integer() {5, 6} 
arr(1) = New Integer() {15, 10} 
arr(2) = New Integer() {32, 60} 
Dim a, b As Integer 
' printing the value of all array elements  
For a = 0 To 3 
For b = 0 To 1 
Console.WriteLine("arr[{0},{1}] = {2}", a, b, arr(a)(b)) 
Next b 
Next a 
End Sub 
End Module 

The following is the outcome of the aforementioned code snippet: 

arr[0][0]: 5 
arr[0][1]: 6 
arr[1][0]: 15 
arr[1][1]: 10 
arr[2][0]: 32 
arr[2][1]: 60  

One of the most frequently posed VB.NET Interview Questions for experienced professionals, be ready for it!

Garbage collection, widely also known as automated memory management, in VB.NET is a mechanism for automatically discarding dynamically allocated memory. A trash collector is in charge of garbage collection, and it is checked whether this memory will be needed in the future, if yes, it will be recycled. 

The garbage collector calls the Finalize() function, which helps with unmanaged resource cleaning. The iDisposable interface is used to manage other resources including window handles and database connections. 

The IDisposable interface handles the Dispose() function, which is used to explicitly remove unneeded resources. Dispose() can be invoked regardless of whether other references to that same object are still alive. 

Delegates are objects that are able to refer to methods. When a delegate is assigned to a method, it behaves exactly like that method. Delegates are objects that act as method placeholders. They are also known as type-safe function pointers since they are similar to function pointers found in other programming languages. Delegates in Visual Basic, unlike function pointers, are indeed a reference type centered on the class System.Delegate.

There are three generations of trash collectors: 

  • Generation 0: It indicates a completely new object that has not previously been tagged for collection. 
  • Generation 1: It indicates an object that is classified as part of a collection but is not yet deleted. 
  • Generation 2: This indicates that the item has been collected by the Garbage Collector multiple times. 

Authentication is the process of obtaining information from users and evaluating their authenticity. Authorization is the process of allowing access to authenticated resources. The permission is as follows: Authentication and authorization may be accomplished in a variety of methods. For example, users can be granted several types of access to the program, including READ ONLY access, Write Access, Delete Access, and so on. Authentication is an issue for both IT system architects and developers. Applications that hold sensitive data must be protected from malicious attacks and rivals seeking to steal information or intellectual property. 

When developing a security model for the application, we should consider the business requirements for authentication as well as the influence that security model selection may have on performance, scalability, and deployment. 

Authentication can be classified into several types: 

  • Basic Authentication 
  • Passport Authentication 
  • Windows Authentication 
  • Digest Authentication 
  • Form Authentication 
  • Anonymous Authentication 
  • Port Authentication 
  • Using Cookies  
  • Certificate Authentication 

In VB.net, trash collection is a low-priority operation that acts as an automated memory manager. The primary goal of this is to control the allocation and release of memory for the programs.

This is one of the most frequently asked advanced VB.NET interview questions asked by recruiting managers. The Protected and Friend keywords in the declaration statement combined describe that the components are in the same assembly or both. 


Protected Friend demoString As String 

It can only be used at the class level, not at the Source File or Namespace level, or within an Interface, Module, Structure, or Procedure. 

Private assembly, also known as Shared Assembly, is installed in the Global Assembly Cache. It makes no physical copies, and once put in GAC, the Assembly may be referenced to any.NET programme.

A framework is a layered structure that defines the kind of programmes that may or should be constructed, as well as how they would interact with one another. 

Some publications incorporate real programmes, define computer programming interfaces, and provide programming tools for using the frameworks. It is essentially a conceptual structure or a system designed to aid in the creation of anything that grows the structure into something useful. 

Objects are the fundamental Run-time elements in an Object-oriented system. They can represent a location, a bank account, or a person. Objects are just variables of class types.

MSIL stands for Microsoft Intermediate Language. It is comparable to Java Byte Code. Its primary goal is to create platform-independent programming. MSIL must be translated to CPU-specific code via Just in Time Compiler prior to execution.

Datasets are objects that include data tables in which data can be temporarily stored for usage in an application. We can import data into a dataset if the application demands it. We may also run or alter data in the dataset when it is offline.

A message box is a dialogue box that shows the user application-related information. Message boxes can also be used to ask the user for information.

The following are some of the features that are not available in VB but are available in C#: 

  • For enhanced efficiency, C# enables unsafe code blocks. 
  • C# also allows for multi-line comments and static classes. 
  • Partial interfaces and anonymous methods.

These are used to move a person from one web page to another. The Reaction. The redirect method asks for and specifies a new URL. The Server's name. The transfer technique ends the current page's execution and begins the execution of a new page.


How to Prepare for a VB.Net Interview?

The job interview is an important part of the job-search process. Here are 5 suggestions for a successful VB.NET developer job interview: 

1. Arrive to the Interview on Time

It is critical to be on time for a job interview. Come early rather than late. It will show your future boss that you are punctual and organized.  

2. Perform Preliminary Research on the Company

You should know the firm like the back of your hand. Visit their website to discover more about their history and guiding values. They may also enquire as to why you are pursuing this position. 

Prepare to answer questions regarding the job offer by working on it. What, for example, are job-related tasks? 

3. Don't Dismiss Non-verbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is extremely significant during a job interview. Are you keeping an eye on your feet? Do you have your arms crossed? Do you recline in your chair? All of these symptoms will point to the interviewer's inward-looking perspectives, and he will be hesitant to get to know you more.  

Always keep this in mind. Employers will also scrutinize your appearance and how you present yourself. Dress conservatively and properly. Don't forget to provide a firm handshake before and after the interview. 

4. Background Glimpse

You should know the firm like the back of your hand. Visit their website to discover more about their history and guiding values. They may also enquire as to why you are pursuing this position. 

Prepare to answer questions regarding the job offer by working on it. What, for example, are the job-related tasks? 

5. Be Polite to Everyone

Of course, with everyone! Give everyone you meet your warmest smile and be pleasant. Following your interview, the firm may poll its employees to see what they thought of you. 

6. Be Prepared for your Interview

If you want to convey your sincerity and enthusiasm for the job, always bring your CV, cover letter, and references. Your organizational skills will wow your boss. Remember to read books as well. 

Job Roles

  • Web developer 
  • Software engineer 
  • Programmer 

Top Companies

  • Getinge 
  • Uline 
  • NavCare 
  • ePayPolicy 
  • Cognizant 
  • HCL 

Tips and Tricks to Prepare for VB.NET Interview

Step one is to study these VB dot net interview questions on a regular basis in the weeks preceding up to the interview. Here are some more hints and tips to crack interview questions on VB.NET: 

  1. Keep Paper and Pencil Handy: most coding interviews are performed over the phone or via videoconference. You may benefit from taking notes while the interviewer talks or performing rapid calculations before answering a question.
  2. Learn About the Company: Where possible, incorporate company information into your responses. Your interviewer would want to know that you are enthusiastic and passionate about their business and ambitions.
  3. Practice In-front of the Mirror: You may be unaware of your proclivity to minimize eye contact or babble during an interview. Examine your eye movements as well as facial expressions while answering questions in the mirror. This will help you gain awareness and confidence.
  4. Investigate More Difficult Questions: Are there any of these responses that feel forced or odd when you repeat them? You may not completely grasp the principles. To handle more difficult problems, conduct further study, attend a tutorial, or perhaps even consider taking a course. It is also important to revise the answers to all visual basic programming questions more than once.

What to Expect in a VB.Net Interview?

The subjects under VB.net interview questions range from basic to advanced and include Controller, View, Routing, Data Sharing, Razor, HTML Helper Class, Model, Validation, Scaffolding, Ajax, Area, Master Page, Partial View, Authentication, web API, and so on. Although it is hard to predict which one the interviewer will ask, you can expect a coding round in which they will examine your practical abilities.  


If you want to succeed in the toughest VB.NET interview questions, you must exhibit your ability to devise creative solutions to problems, write outstanding code, and solve problems. To give you a sharper edge during the VB.NET interview, you can think of attending a credible course like KnowledgeHut IT Programming courses, it will brush up your knowledge further.You may become a more informed software expert by consciously preparing for technical interviews, especially the difficult ones. When you attend interviews and perform well, your confidence grows. 

This brings us to the end of our examination of VB.NET basic interview questions. We hope the VB.net practical interview questions and answers in this post helped you to broaden your knowledge. All the best for your interview!

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