Elasticsearch Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Elasticsearch is a powerful and versatile search engine that is widely used for a range of applications. This guide will help you build your confidence and knowledge. The Elastic search Interview questions are divided into the following sections: Beginner, freshers, intermediate and advanced. This article will provide detailed step-by-step answers to the interview questions. With Elasticsearch Interview Questions and Answers, you will become confident to prepare for your interview.

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Elasticsearch serves as the beating core of ELK Stack, now the most widely used log analytics platform in the world (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana). Elasticsearch's significance in the stack's design has led to its name becoming synonymous with it. One of the most widely used database systems today, Elasticsearch is largely used for search and log analysis.

Elasticsearch is a cutting-edge search and analytics engine that was first introduced in 2010 and is based on Apache Lucene. Elasticsearch, a Java-based NoSQL database that is entirely open source, is a type of relational database. Since Elasticsearch stores data in an unstructured manner, SQL queries could not be used to access the data until recently.

It serves as a data indexing and storing tool and is used in conjunction with Logstash and Kibana, the other elements of the ELK Stack.

Elasticsearch's key features are one of the most frequently asked interview questions about Elasticsearch. The following are some of the features: 

  • A Java-based open-source search server. 
  • Indexes any type of heterogeneous data. 
  • Has a web-based REST API with JSON output. 
  • Near Real-Time (NRT) Full-Text Search 
  • JSON document store that is sharded, replicated, and searchable. 
  • A distributed document store that is schema-free, REST-based, and JSON-based. 
  • Support for multiple languages and geolocation 

Installing Elasticsearch Cluster 

Elasticsearch clusters can be set up in a variety of ways. To automate the procedure, we can use a configuration management tool like Puppet or Ansible. However, in this instance, well demonstrate how to manually set up a cluster with a master node and two data nodes running identical Ubuntu 16.04 instances on AWS EC2 in the same VPC. With SSH and TCP 5601, the security group was set up to permit access from anywhere (Kibana).

Installing Java

Java 8 (1.8.0 131 or later) or later is required to operate Elasticsearch, which was built using Java. Therefore, the first thing we need to do is install Java 8 throughout the cluster's nodes. Please be aware that every Elasticsearch node in the cluster needs to have the same version installed.

On each of the servers specified for your cluster, repeat the upcoming procedures. 

  1. Firstly, update your system by using the command - sudo apt-get update 
  2. Install the Java by using the command - sudo apt-get install default-jre    

If you now check your Java version, you should see something like this: 

openjdk version "1.8.0_151" 
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-8u151-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-b12) 
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode) 

Installing the Elasticsearch nodes 

Installing Elasticsearch is what we will do next. Repeat these steps on each of your servers as before.

To verify the downloaded package, you must first add Elastic's signing key (we can skip this step if we have already installed packages from Elastic): 

wget -qO - https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo apt-key add - 

For Debian, we need to then install the apt-transport-https package: 

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https 

The next step is to add the repository definition to your system: 

echo "deb https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/6.x/apt stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-6.x.list 

update your repositories and install Elasticsearch: 

sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install elasticsearch 

Configuring the Elasticsearch cluster 

The cluster must now be configured in order for the nodes to connect and communicate with one another. 

For each node, open the Elasticsearch configuration file: 

sudo vim /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml 

There are numerous parameters for various areas in this lengthy file. Enter the following configurations (replacing the IPs with your node IPs) after looking over the file: 

#give your cluster a name. 
cluster.name: my-cluster 
#give your nodes a name (change node number from node to node). 
node.name: "es-node-1" 
#define node 1 as master-eligible: 
node.master: true 
#define nodes 2 and 3 as data nodes: 
node.data: true 
#enter the private IP and port of your node: 
http.port: 9200 
#detail the private IPs of your nodes: nodes:discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["", "",""] 
Save and Exit. 

Runing your Elasticsearch Cluster 

We are now prepared to launch your Elasticsearch nodes and check that they are interacting as a cluster. 

Run the following command in each case: sudo service elasticsearch start We should be able to access your Elasticsearch cluster if everything was configured properly. Use any of the cluster nodes to query Elasticsearch to confirm everything is operating as expected: 

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/” 

The response should detail the cluster and its nodes: 

{  "cluster_name" : "my-cluster",  "compressed_size_in_bytes" : 351,  "version" : 4,  "state_uuid" : "3LSnpinFQbCDHnsFv-Z8nw",  "master_node" : "IwEK2o1-Ss6mtx50MripkA",  "blocks" : { },  "nodes" : {    "IwEK2o1-Ss6mtx50MripkA" : {      "name" : "es-node-2",      "ephemeral_id" : "x9kUrr0yRh--3G0ckESsEA",      "transport_address" : "",      "attributes" : { }    },    "txM57a42Q0Ggayo4g7-pSg" : {      "name" : "es-node-1",      "ephemeral_id" : "Q370o4FLQ4yKPX4_rOIlYQ",      "transport_address" : "",      "attributes" : { }    },    "6YNZvQW6QYO-DX31uIvaBg" : {      "name" : "es-node-3",      "ephemeral_id" : "mH034-P0Sku6Vr1DXBOQ5A",      "transport_address" : "",      "attributes" : { }    }  }, … 

In the realm of relational databases, Elasticsearch Indices are logical divisions of documents and are comparable to a database.

Using the e-commerce app as an example, you might have two indexes: one for all the data pertaining to the products, and the other for all the data pertaining to the customers.

Elasticsearch allows for as many defined indices as you like, however this can impact performance. These will then contain records that are particular to each index. 

When carrying out various operations (such as searching and removing) against the documents that are contained in each index, lowercase names are used to identify the indexes. 

This is the most frequently asked question in Elasticsearch interview, don't miss this one!

The fundamental unit of storage in an Elasticsearch index is a document, which is a JSON object. Documents can be compared to rows in tables in the realm of relational databases.

In documents, data is defined through fields with keys and values. A value can be anything of many different sorts, including a string, a number, a Boolean expression, another object, or an array of values. A key is the field's name. 

In addition, documents have reserved fields like _id, _type, and _index that make up the document metadata.

The most frequent reason for Elasticsearch crashes is index size. Since there is no restriction on the number of documents that can be stored on a single index, an index may use more disc space than the hosting server can accommodate. Indexing will start to break down as soon as an index gets close to this limit.

Indexes can be broken up horizontally into shards as one solution to this issue. This makes it possible to spread out operations among shards and nodes to boost performance. These "index-like" shards can be hosted on any node in your Elasticsearch cluster, and the number of shards per index is something you can regulate.

Here are some of Elasticsearch's key advantages: 

  • Stores schema-less data while also creating a schema for it. 
  • Use Multi-document APIs to manipulate your data record by record. 
  • Filter and query your data to gain insights. 
  • Based on Apache Lucene, it offers a RESTful API. 
  • Aids in vertical and horizontal scaling. 

ELK Stack is a collection of three open-source products developed, managed, and maintained by Elastic: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Beats' introduction and subsequent addition made the stack a four-legged project.

A log aggregator called Logstash gathers data from numerous input sources, performs various upgrades and transformations, and then sends the data to a variety of supported output destinations. Elasticsearch has a visualization layer called Kibana on top of it that allows users to study and view the data. 

  • Elasticsearch is an acronym that stands for log storage. 
  • L is an abbreviation for Logstash, which is used for both shipping and processing and storing logs. 
  • Kibana is an open source visualization tool (web interface) that is hosted by Nginx or Apache. 

It's no surprise that this ELK Stack pops up often in Elasticsearch basic Interview Questions.

ELK Stack is intended to enable users to take data from any source, in any format, and search, analyze, and visualize it in real-time. 

  • Logs: Server logs that require analysis are identified. 
  • Logstash: Log and event data collection. It can also parse and transform data. 
  • Elasticsearch: Logstash transformed data is Stored, Searched, and Indexed. 
  • Kibana: Kibana explores, visualizes, and shares data using Elasticsearch DB. 

Here are some of the benefits of using ELK stack: 

  • ELK performs best when logs from multiple enterprise Apps are consolidated into a single ELK instance. 
  • It provides incredible insights for this single instance while also removing the need to log into a hundred different log data sources. 
  • Quick on-site installation. 
  • Simple to implement Vertical and horizontal scales. 
  • Elastic provides a variety of language clients, including Ruby. Python. PHP, Perl,. NET, Java, JavaScript, and other programming languages. 
  • Libraries for various programming and scripting languages are available.

Elasticsearch enables users to create replicas of shards, which let us quickly recover from system faults like unexpected downtime or network problems. Replicas are not provisioned on the same node as the shard they are copied from because they were created to achieve high availability. The number of copies can be set when the index is created but can be changed later, much like shards.

An index can be deleted together with its documents, shards, and metadata. Kibana components that are tied to it, like data views, visualizations, or dashboards, are not deleted. 

The data stream's current write index cannot be deleted. You must roll the data stream over in order to build a new write index before you can delete the old one. The previous write index can then be deleted using the remove index API. 


DELETE /<index> 

Path parameters  

<index> - Wildcards (*) and _all are not supported by default for this argument. Set the action to utilize _all or wildcards. cluster setting for destructive requires name is false. 

Query parameters 

allow_no_indices - (Boolean, optional) If this is not the case, the request fails if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value only targets closed or missing indices. Even if the request is directed at other open indices, this behavior will still occur. For instance, if an index starts with foo but no index starts with a bar, a request targeting foo*, bar* produces an error. 

Defaults to true. 

expand_wildcards - The kind of index that can match wildcard patterns. This option controls whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams if the request can target specific data streams. supports values with commas between them, such as open and hidden. Valid values include 

  • all - Match any data stream or index, even those that are concealed. 
  • open - Match open, non-hidden indices. Also matches any non-hidden data stream. 
  • closed - Match closed, non-hidden indices. Also matches any non-hidden data stream. Data streams cannot be closed. 
  • hidden - Match hidden data streams and hidden indices. Must be combined with openclosed, or both. 
  • none - Wildcard patterns are not accepted.


(Optional, Boolean) If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index. Defaults to false. 


(Optional, time units) Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s. 


(Optional, time units) Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s. 

Elasticsearch allows you to create mappings based on the data in the request body provided by the user. Its bulk feature allows us to add multiple JSON objects to the index, adds new fields to a data stream or index that already exists. This API can also be used to modify the existing fields' search options.

These modifications are automatically made to all backup indices for data streams. 


Put /<target>/_mapping 
Path Parameters 

<target> - (Required, string) a list of data streams, indices, and aliases that were utilized to restrict the request, separated by commas. allows for wildcards (*). Use * or _all to target all data streams and indices if this option is left out.

We need to have the manage index privilege for the destination data stream, index, or alias if the Elasticsearch security features are enabled. 

Defining a document's storage and indexing strategy for the fields it includes is known as mapping.

Each document consists of a number of fields, each of which has a different data type. You make a mapping definition, which includes a list of fields relevant to the document, when you map your data. Metadata fields in a mapping definition can also be used to control how a document's related metadata is handled, such as the _source field.

Elasticsearch is a distributed document store with different types of directories. Complex data structures that can be serialized as JSON documents can also be retrieved.

Tools are as follows: 

  • Puppet: puppet-elastic search 
  • Chef: cookbook-elastic search 
  • Ansible: ansible-elastic search 

A cluster is a collection of one or more nodes that holds all of your data and provides federated indexing and search capabilities across all nodes.

NRT is an abbreviation for (Near Real-Time Search) platform. It is a search platform that operates in near real time. It means that there is a slight delay (usually one second) between when you index a document and when it becomes highly searchable.

X-Pack settings can be customized. It has configuration features in the Elasticsearch, Logstash, and kibana.yml (ELK stack) files.

The software required to run Elasticsearch on devices is the latest JDK 8 or Java version 1.8.0.

The following steps describe the procedure: 

  • Step1: Click on the Windows Start button in the bottom-left corner of the desktop screen. 
  • Step 2: To open a command prompt, type command or cmd into the Windows Start menu and press Enter. 
  • Step 3: Change to the bin folder of the Elasticsearch folder that was created after it was installed. 
  • Step 4: To start the Elasticsearch server, type /Elasticsearch.bat and press Enter. 

 ELK log analytics successfully designed use cases are listed below: 

  • Compliance 
  • E-commerce Search solution 
  • Fraud detection 
  • Market Intelligence 

A. Common Data Types 

  • Binary: A binary value that is encoded as a Base64 string. 
  • Boolean: A true or false value. 
  • Keywords: The keyword family, which includes the keyword, constant keyword, and wildcard. 
  • Numbers: Numeric types such as long, double, float, bytes, integer, etc. 
  • Dates: Date types, such as date_nano, date. 
  • Alias: Represents the alias of an existing field. 

B. Objects and Relational Type 

  • Object: It represents a JSON object. 
  • Nested: JSON object that maintains a relationship between its subfields. 
  • Flattened: JSON object represented by a single field value. 
  • Join: Establishes a parent/child relationship between documents within an index. 

C. Structured and Spatial Data Types 

  • Range: Range types, like date_range, long_range, float_range, double_range, and IP_range. 
  • Point: Arbitrary cartesian points. 
  • Geo_point: Longitude and latitude points 
  • Shape: Arbitrary cartesian geometries. 
  • Geo_shape: Complex shapes like polygon

You can use fuzzy search to find documents that contain terms that are similar to your search term based on a Levenstein edit distance measure. The number of single-character changes or edits required to change one term into another is referred to as the edit distance. Among these modifications are: 

  • Change one character (box → fox) 
  • Remove one character (black → lack) 
  • Insert one character (sic → sick) 
  • Transpose two adjacent characters (act → cat)

One of Elasticsearch's most important features is that it tries to get out of our way so we can start exploring our data as soon as possible. To index a document, we do not need to first create an index, define a mapping type, and define your fields simply index the document, and the index, type, and fields will appear automatically. 

PUT data/_doc/1  
"count"5 } 

creates the _doc mapping type, the count field with the long data type, and the data index. 

Dynamic mapping is the automatic identification and adding of new fields. We can modify the dynamic mapping rules to meet our needs by: 

Dynamic field mappings:- The rules governing dynamic field detection. 

Dynamic templates: - Custom rules to configure the mapping for dynamically added fields.

In many directories, elastic search results are kept in a distributed document. Additionally, complicated data structures that are serialized as JSON documents can be retrieved by a user.


The ingest node is used to pre-process documents prior to indexing them. It aids in intercepting bulk and index requests. It also performs transformations before returning the documents to the bulk API and index.

The Elastic Stack extension X-Pack offers a variety of features, including security, alerting, monitoring, reporting, machine learning, and many others. X-Pack is installed by default when Elasticsearch is installed.

This question is frequently asked in Elasticsearch intermediate interviews and is a must-know for anyone heading into an interview.

This section begins with a brief overview of Elasticsearch's data replication model, followed by a detailed description of the CRUD APIs listed below: 

  • Get API: It returns the specified JSON document from an index. 
  • Index API: Makes a JSON document searchable by adding it to the specified data stream or index. If the target is an index and the document already exists, the request updates it and increments its version number. 
  • Delete API: It removes JSON documents from the specified index. 
  • Update API: It updates the document from the specified scrip

An aggregation presents our data in the form of metrics, statistics, or other analytics. 

Elasticsearch categorizes aggregations into three types: 

  • Metric aggregations that compute metrics from field values, such as a sum or average. 
  • Bucket aggregations divide documents into buckets (also known as bins) based on field values, ranges, or other criteria. 
  • Pipeline aggregations that take input from other aggregations rather than documents or fields. 

Consider a node to be a single server that is part of our cluster. Roles are assigned to nodes, which describe their functions and responsibilities. Every cluster node can handle HTTP and transport traffic by default. The transport layer is used for communication between nodes, while the HTTP layer is used by REST clients. Nodes in a cluster are aware of one another and can route client requests to the appropriate node.

An index is a collection of documents that are similar in some way. As an example, we can have a customer data index, a product catalogue index, and an order data index. When indexing, searching, updating, and deleting documents contained within an index, the name (which must be all lowercase) serves as an identifier for the index.

To stop or disable Elasticsearch service on a Linux server, you must 'kill' the running process. It is accomplished by sending the process a SIGTERM request, which ends or terminates it.

To start the shutdown process, you must first find the process identifier (PID) for the Elasticsearch service you want to stop. The Grep command can be used to quickly locate processes. If you want to find all Elasticsearch-related processes running on a server, use this command.

We know more about our data than Elasticsearch, so while dynamic mapping is useful for getting started, we will eventually want to specify our own explicit mappings.

When we create an index or add fields to an existing index, we can create field mappings.

This is one of the most frequently asked technical Elasticsearch interview questions. Let's 

To create a new index with an explicit mapping, we can use the create index API. 

PUT /my-index-000001 
  "mappings": { 
    "properties": { 
      "age":    { "type""integer" },   
      "email":  { "type""keyword"  },  
      "name":   { "type""text"  }      

Here, age creates an integer field, email is a keyword field, and name is a text field. 

The update mapping API can be used to add one or more new fields to an existing index. 

The following example adds employee-id, a keyword field with a value of false for the index mapping parameter. This means that employee-id field values are saved but not indexed or searchable. 

PUT /my-index-000001/_mapping 
  "properties": { 
    "employee-id": { 

Match query creates simple queries after analyzing the input request. Exact matching is conducted while in term inquiry. For instance, if we search for a document that has the name Anurag, and if any document also contains the name Anupriya, then that document will also appear in the search results when using a Match query. 

On the other hand, a word query uses exact matching. Therefore, the document with the name: Anupriya won't be returned. 

Elasticsearch may indeed be integrated with other programmers and systems. The two tools that make up ELK stack, Logstash and Kibana, are the most widely used ones. Other tools that Elasticsearch can integrate with are listed below: 

Services provided by: 

  • Amazon  
  • Elasticsearch  
  • Couchbase  
  • Contentful  
  • Datadog 

We can get the following details of the cluster in Elasticsearch by using the command 


We can add the Mapping in an index by using the command 


We can retrieve a document by ID by using the command 

GET <index_name>/_doc/<_id>

The skills required to become an agile coach may vary significantly depending on what your company wants, but in general, you will need the following: 

  • Soft skills: 

A lot of soft skills are required to be an effective agile coach. These qualities include being able to communicate clearly and effectively, building relationships and trust, encouraging and inspiring others, and supporting learning and change. An agile coach must also be patient, adaptive, and open-minded, as well as believe in agile concepts and values. To effectively educate agile teams, you must possess three critical soft skills. 

  • Hard Skills: 

Becoming a good agile coach necessitates a wide range of soft skills. These qualities include the ability to motivate and inspire others, build relationships and trust, and support learning and change. An agile coach must be patient, versatile, and open-minded, in addition to having a strong commitment to the concepts and values of agile. These critical soft skills are required for coaching agile teams effectively. 

  • Additional Competencies: 

Strong facilitation skills: Agile coaches must be able to effectively conduct talks and workshops in order to aid teams in discovering and resolving challenges. 

Effective communication and interpersonal skills: Agile coaches must interact clearly and effectively with team members, stakeholders, and sponsors. They must also be able to build rapport and trust with the rest of the team. 

Strong problem-solving abilities: Agile coaches must be able to recognize and address problems in a timely and effective manner. 

Strong organizational and time management skills: To fulfill deadlines and deliverables, agile coaches must be able to efficiently manage their time and resources. 


When a tokenizer receives a stream of characters (text), it tokenizes it (usually by splitting it up into individual words or tokens) and outputs the stream of words/tokens. Elasticsearch includes a number of tokenizers that you can use to create custom analyzers. When it encounters whitespace, a whitespace tokenizer, for example, splits the text into individual tokens.

When indexing data in Elasticsearch, the Analyzer assigned to the index internally transforms the data. An analyzer, in essence, specifies how text should be indexed and searched in Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch includes a number of ready-to-use analyzers. Custom analyzers can also be created by combining the built-in character filters, tokenizers, and token filters. 

  • Character Filter: A tool for removing or changing unused characters. 
  • Tokenizer: A programmed that divides or breaks text into tokens (or words) based on certain criteria (e.g. whitespace). 
  • The token filter receives tokens and applies filters to them (such as changing uppercase terms into lowercase). 

Elasticsearch employs an inverted index, a HashMap-like data structure that enables fast full-text searches. The inverted index lists all of the distinct words that appear in one or more documents and identifies all of the documents in which those words appear. It allows you to conduct quick searches across millions of documents to find relevant information.

Elasticsearch API results are typically displayed in JSON format, which can be difficult to read. When looking at a terminal, human eyes require compact and aligned text. Cat APIs (compact and aligned text APIs) were created to address this need. Thus, Elasticsearch's cat APIs feature enables an easier-to-read and comprehend printing format for Elasticsearch results. Cat APIs return plain text rather than traditional JSON, which users can understand.

Below are the cat commands listed from the Cat APIs: 

  • GET_cat/aliases?v: This command displays information on routing, filtering, and alias mapping with indices. 
  • GET_cat/allocation?v: This command shows the number of shards present on each node as well as the disc space designated for indexes. 
  • GET_cat/count?v: This command displays the number of documents in the Elasticsearch cluster. 
  • GET_cat/fielddata?v: This shows how much memory is used by each field for each node. 
  • GET_cat/health?v:To assess cluster health, it shows cluster status such as how long it has been operational, how many nodes it has, etc. 

Yes, we must install X-Pack if you use Elasticsearch. X-Pack is essentially an Elastic Stack extension that combines or bundles alerting, reporting, monitoring, security, and graphing capabilities into a single package that can be quickly and easily installed. Although the X-components Pack's work seamlessly together, we can enable or disable the features we require. Because X-Pack is an Elastic Stack extension, we must first install Elasticsearch and Kibana before we can install X-Pack. The version of X-Pack must match the versions of Elasticsearch and Kibana. 

The following X-Pack commands can assist you in configuring security and performing other tasks: 

  • elasticsearch-certgen 
  • elasticsearch-certutil  
  • elasticsearch-reset-password 
  • elasticsearch-setup-passwords 
  • elasticsearch-syskeygen

Yes, Elasticsearch has the ability to have a schema. The schema is a description of one or more fields in a document that describe the type of document and how different fields in the document are to be handled. A schema describes the fields in JSON documents, their data types, and how they should be indexed in the Lucene indexes in Elasticsearch. As a result, this schema is referred to as a "mapping" on Elasticsearch.ch.

However, Elasticsearch can be schema-less, which means that documents can be indexed without explicitly specifying a schema. If no mapping is specified, Elasticsearch will generate one by default when newly added fields are detected during indexing. 

Here are a few ways to search in Elasticsearch: 

  • Using the search API: You can use the search API to search and aggregate data stored in Elasticsearch data streams and indices. 
  • URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) search: By providing request parameters, the search request is executed using a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). 
  • Request a search of the body: Within the body, the search request should be carried out using DSL (Domain Specific Language). 

To define queries, Elasticsearch typically provides a query Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on JSON. There are two types of clauses in Query DSL: 

  • A leaf query clause searches for specific values in a field or fields. They can be used separately. These queries include matches, terms, and range queries.
  • A compound query clause is made up of a leaf query and several other compound queries. These queries combine several queries to produce the desired results. 

Elasticsearch can handle a wide variety of queries. The query starts with a query keyword, then conditions and filters in the form of a JSON object. Here are some of the questions: 

  • Match All Query: This is a straightforward query that returns all of the documents in the specified index. 
  • Full-text queries: High-level queries are available for performing full-text searches over full-text fields. Full-text queries typically work based on the analyzer associated with a specific document or index. Full-text queries can be of various types, such as match queries, multi-match queries, query-string queries, and so on. 

When we search Elasticsearch for a document (a record), we want to get the relevant information that we are looking for. The Lucene scoring algorithm calculates the probability of receiving relevant information based on relevance. 

The Lucene technology aids in the search of a specific record, i.e. a document, based on the frequency of the term in search appearing in the document, how frequently it appears across an index, and query which is designed using various parameters.

Token filters are used to compare text tokens for search conditions after receiving text tokens from tokenizers. These filters check the tokens with the stream being searched, yielding a true or false Boolean value.

The functionality of a master node centers around cluster-wide operations such index creation, index deletion, and monitoring or keeping track of the nodes that make up a cluster. As a result of steady Elasticsearch cluster health, these nodes also decide how many shards should be allocated to particular nodes.

The nodes that are elected to be Master Nodes are known as Master eligible nodes.

Elasticsearch's analyzer does not necessarily require a character filter. By substituting a text token with a value mapped to the key, these filters change the input stream of the string.

Character filters for mapping can be used; they employ parameters like mappings and mappings path.

REST API is a method of system-to-system communication that uses the hypertext transfer protocol to transmit data requests in both XML and JSON formats.

The statelessness of REST protocol and the separation of the user interface from the server and storage data make the user interface more portable across different platforms. Additionally, it enhances scalability by enabling the separate implementation of the components, making programmers more adaptable to use.

We can extract and condense data about the documents and terms in an Elasticsearch data stream or index using the graph explore API. 

Using the Graph UI to investigate connections is the simplest method to comprehend how this API behaves. The Last request panel allows you to see the most recent request sent to the _explore endpoint. See Getting Started with Graph for further details.

A seed query is included in the first request to the _explore API and identifies the relevant documents as well as the fields that will be used to define the vertices and links in the network. We can use subsequent _explore queries to spider out from more interest vertices. Vertices that have already been returned can be excluded.

Here, the features that Graph AP provides: 

  1. Security will be activated automatically when you launch the Elastic Stack. 
  2. Configure security manually.  
  3. Creating passwords for both built-in and native users. 
  4. Profiles of users.  
  5. Security spheres.  
  6. JWT verification.  
  7. Searching for users without being authenticated. 
  8. Examine the occurrences & securing integrations and clients. 

After Elasticsearch is updated to a newer version, a migration API is implemented. The X-Pack indices are updated into the most recent/newer version of the Elasticsearch cluster using this migration API.

We can implement more than simply full-text search with the help of the Elasticsearch search APIs. Additionally, they support the implementation of suggesters (term, phrase, completion, and more), rating evaluation, and even comments on why a document was or wasn't returned with the search.

The search API aids in locating data from certain shards of the index using a routing parameter. It returns the search hits that match the query defined in the request. Allows us to execute a search query and get back search hits that match the query. We can provide search queries using the q query string parameter or request body. 

Feature of searchAPI:  

  • Search 
  • MultiSearch 
  • Async Search 
  • Point in time 
  • Suggesters 

Run the search with a search template 

 GET my-index/_search/template 
  "id": "my-search-template", 
  "params": { 
    "query_string": "hello world", 
    "from": 0, 
    "size": 10 

We need to have the read index privilege for the destination data stream, index, or alias if the Elasticsearch security features are enabled. See Configure remote clusters with security for information on cross-cluster search. 

The ELK Stack, a log analysis system, includes Kibana. It is a free visualization tool that examines expanding logs in a variety of graph styles, including line, pie-bar, coordinate maps, etc. You can use Kibana to browse the Elastic Stack and give your data structure. Kibana allows you to: 

  • Search, keep an eye on, and safeguard your data. Kibana is your doorway for accessing these features and more, including document discovery, log analysis, and security vulnerability detection. 
  • Review your data. Find hidden insights, display them using charts, gauges, maps, graphs, and other visuals, and combine them into a dashboard. 
  • Control, keep an eye on, and protect the elastic stack. Control who has access to what features, keep an eye on the health of your Elastic Stack cluster, and manage your data. 

All data formats are compatible with Kibana. Your data may include text that is organized or unstructured, numbers, time series, geospatial information, logs, metrics, security incidents, and more. Kibana can assist you in finding patterns and relationships in your data and in visualizing the findings. 

Best Kibana Dashboard Examples 

  • Global Flight Data 

An overview of global flight data is provided by this dashboard. This dashboard includes the following data points among others: 

Elastic's dashboard displays information about flights. It can be used by airlines, airport staff, and those looking for flight information. 

Analysts that are examining aero plane, as well as passenger travel tendencies and patterns, activity as well as passenger travel tendencies and patterns can also use it. 

  • E-commerce Revenue Dashboard 

Another Kibana visualization dashboard example is provided by Elastic (makers of Kibana). This is the dashboard we will use if we ran an online store and wanted to use Kibana to track all of the data, sales, and performance in one location.

We can use this dashboard to monitor the performance of our eCommerce company. We will be able to tell if we are making enough money and selling enough goods each day to reach our goals.

Data can be retrieved through the reporting API in PDF, PNG, and CSV spreadsheet formats, which can then be shared or saved as needed.


Elasticsearch Interview Preparation Tips and Tricks

5 tips for lowering Elasticsearch search latency and improving search performance: 

1. Size Parameter 

When a large value is assigned to the size parameter, Elasticsearch computes massive amounts of hits, resulting in severe performance issues. Rather than setting a large size, batch requests in small sizes.

2. Shards and Replicas 

Optimize index settings that are critical to Elasticsearch performance, such as the number of shards and replicas. Having more replicas can often help improve search performance.

3. Deleted Documents 

As explained in this official document, having a large number of deleted documents in the Elasticsearch index causes search performance issues. The Force merge API can be used to remove a large number of deleted documents while also optimizing the shards.

4. Search Filters 

Filters in Elasticsearch queries can dramatically improve search performance because they are 1) cached and 2) capable of reducing the number of target documents to be searched in the query clause.

5. Implementing Features 

In Elasticsearch, there are several ways to implement a specific feature. Autocomplete, for example, can be implemented in a variety of styles. Opster's blog provides a comprehensive overview of both functional and non-functional features (especially performance).

If you want to learn about Elasticsearch, consider taking an Elasticsearch course that covers the fundamentals and how to use queries and filters.

There are several job roles that involve working with Elasticsearch, including: 

  • Elasticsearch Engineer 
  • Data Engineer 
  • DevOps Engineer 
  • Search Engineer 
  • Data Analyst 
  • Solutions Architect

The list of some companies that use Elasticsearch along with Logstash and Kibana: 

  • Uber 
  • Instacart 
  • Slack 
  • Shopify 
  • Stack Overflow 
  • Wikipedia
  • Netflix
  • Accenture.

How to Prepare for an Elasticsearch Interview?

  • Having good practical knowledge of beginner and advanced Elasticsearch interview questions will provide you the confidence to deal with your interviews.  
  • You should review all of the Elasticsearch fundamentals that will help you pass your interviews. 
  • If you are an intermediate user with more than two years of experience, you should be familiar with the Elasticsearch commands and many others. 
  • Also, it requires to have better practical knowledge and hands-on real-world simulations and case studies. Looking for ways to improve your chances of landing your dream web development job? Try implementing these interview tips and strategies.

So, if you are looking for a Web Design course online that will provide you with a comprehensive course on FSD, React, Node, Elasticsearch, etc., that will assist you in grasping all of the fundamentals of this search engine. 

What to Expect in an Elasticsearch Interview?

In an Elasticsearch interview, any kind of interview questions on Elasticsearch can be asked of you. It may ask you fresher or intermediate types of interview questions depending on your experience.

The interviewer can also give you practical queries to solve or ask some of the fundamental concepts that you should have the knowledge of to crack in the interview. Here, are the frequently asked Elasticsearch interview questions and answers for Experienced as well as freshers candidates.

  • What is Elasticsearch?  
  • What are the important features of Elasticsearch? 
  • What is a Cluster? 
  • Explain Index. 
  • What is a document in Elastic Search? 
  • Define the Term Shard 


Elasticsearch is a document-based search engine that is open-source, RESTful, scalable, and based on the Apache Lucene library. Using a CRUD REST API, Elasticsearch maintains JSON documents that may be used to retrieve and manage textual, numerical, geographic, structured, and unstructured data. You can go for Elastic Search course which will enhance your skills and performance in interview.

We sincerely hope you were able to find the solutions to the most typical interview queries. To perform with confidence in the elasticsearch query, technical interview questions, practice, refer to, and modify these Elasticsearch interview questions and answers.

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