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HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentOverview of Angular Architecture Concepts and Patterns

Overview of Angular Architecture Concepts and Patterns

22nd Sep, 2023
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    Overview of Angular Architecture Concepts and Patterns

    Before you begin utilizing the framework, it is critical that you understand how it works. Let's have a look at some of the most significant Angular principles and building pieces in this tutorial.

    Components are the first major change in Angular over AngularJs. AngularJS's Controllers are replaced with Components. However, this is the extent of their resemblance. There are no Angular Components that resemble Controllers. There are a lot of similarities between Components and AngularJs directives. Check out Full Stack Developer Online Course with placement for more information.   

    Angular Architecture Concepts and Patterns

    An Angular application's architecture depends on a few core ideas. NgModules organize Angular components, which are the framework's fundamental building elements. An Angular application is defined by a collection of NgModules, each of which serves a specific purpose. Typically, an application contains many more feature modules than just a root module for bootstrapping. 

    Angular architecture may pick and alter screen elements based on your program logic and data when using components to construct views. It is the responsibility of services, not views, to deliver the precise functionality required by components. Components may be made more modular, reusable, and efficient by injecting service providers as dependencies. 

    Decorators are applied to classes like modules, components, and services. Decorators like this one indicate their type and give Angular the information it needs to know how to utilize it. A component class's metadata links it to a view-defining template. A template is a combination of HTML and Angular directives and binding syntax that enable Angular to alter the HTML before it is rendered for 

    For each service class, Angular provides the necessary metadata to make it accessible through dependency injection (DI) Numerous views are often defined by an application's components, which are organized in a hierarchical way. Navigation pathways may be defined using the Router service in Angular. The router's in-browser navigation features are quite advanced. To know more you can check angular course duration.

    An Overview About Angular Architecture

    Angular Architecture

    Components are the foundation of angular architecture. The Root Component is the first component in an Angular application. To create a tree of loosely linked components, we begin by adding child components. Simple Task List Application, like the one seen above. You may add a new task near the bottom of the application's list of Tasks. 

    Although the above application seems to be straightforward, a closer glance at the Angular code reveals that it is really divided into many sections. In the picture provided, you can clearly see this. Three main components make up the system: Services that are injected into the components and directives that assist to alter the DOM. 

    There are three of them in our app. At the very top, we have rootComponent. Other components may be found under the root component. You may add and manage new tasks using TaskAddComponent and TaskComponent; the latter also serves as a list display. 

    @component Decorator is used to specify the Angular Components as JavaScript classes. With this Decorator, the component gets a template and class metadata for displaying. 

    A data binding mechanism is used by the Components to transfer data between the Component and our View (Template). The Angular Template Syntax, a unique HTML syntax, is used to do this. 

    It's on the right that we see an Angular Services implementation. We may use the Angular Services to collect data from the database using Task Service, record application events using Logger Services, and make an HTTP request to the back-end server using HTTP service, just to name a few examples of angular architecture diagram. 

    Angular architecture Injector bears the burden of providing the Components with an instance of the Service. Dependency Injection is used to provide services to the components. 

    Structure (structural directives) and style (attribute directives) may both be manipulated using Directives. The directives allow us to customize the DOM to our specifications. A Web Development Course fee training may be the best option for you to know more. 

    A Typical Angular Application

    When it comes to creating client-side web apps, Angular 2+ (plus) is the framework of choice. It was created by Google and is written in TypeScript. Angular is a powerful framework for building client-side web apps. Angular is a single-page application framework that adheres to component-based design (SPA). It uses a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH versioning model for Angular's releases. 

    Component-based architecture is used by Angular to break down big applications into smaller, more manageable units. It is possible to utilize these components in any other portion of the program since they are reusable. This design makes Angular code very testable since each component can be tested on its own. 

    To put it another way, modules are collections of connected components, directives, pipelines and services that all work together to accomplish a single goal. A large corporate application is nothing more than a collection of Angular's built-in modules, such as the http module (for making HTTP calls from the application). It is possible to use the above picture order app as a part of a larger module, for example. There must be a root module in every angular architecture application. 

    The following are the essential components that go into creating an Angular Application. 

    • Modules 
    • Components 
    • Services 
    • Templates 
    • Metadata 
    • The process of tying data together. 
    • Directives 

    "Dependency Injection"  

    Official Angular documentation shows how these building elements interact with one another to produce an angular module and in the end modules are merged to make an angular Module. 

    Angular's http client module serves as an example of a module since it allows us to perform network calls using various building pieces such as components, services, templates, directives, and pipes. 

    Building pieces of the user interface, components may be reused between modules and applications. Class file, template (HTML template), and CSS/scss/less file for styling the component are all part of a single component in Angular. 

    Singletons in an Angular Application's object classes are known as services. Angular's frequent approach for sharing data across components is to inject services. As a building block for the user's view, a template is a piece of HTML code that serves as the HTML view. 

    In angular architecture best practices metadata is used to offer a class, a basic configuration by decorating it. Metadata in Angular may be seen, for example, in the use of the @Component decorator and the @pipe decorator. 

    Data binding: The ngModel directive in Angular facilitates binding of properties, events, and attributes from typescript components to the template view. Angular two-way data binding is also supported. 

    Angular uses directives to provide instructions to the DOM. Using directives, we may change the UI based on business logic or user interactions. 

    • Directives for Component 
    • Directives for Construction 
    • Specify Directives' attributes 

    A class may get dependencies from another class using dependency injection, which is a kind of dependency injection. In Angular, the majority of the time, a service class is injected into a component or module class.

    The angular architecture best practices is shown in the figure above, showing how it works and how it is put together. In Angular, directives allow us to alter views based on input from the user or data model and logic. Common directives like as *ngIf and *ngFor may be found in Angular, but we can also create our own custom directives from scratch. It is possible for Angular directives to have their own templates or views.

    Angular's basic functionality is also dependency injection. Dependency injection is nothing more than a method for supplying dependencies to a section of code, in this example, Angualar's components. Since the singleton approach is ubiquitous in Angular services, this shared instance of the service may be injected into numerous components to share data throughout the application and provide them access to functions and attributes of the service. 

    An angular architecture application is made up of numerous modules, each of which consists of many services, components, pipelines, and directives. 

    Angular Modules

    Angular Modules

    A module in Angular is a collection of connected components, directives, pipes, and services that may be used to build an application. An Angular application might be likened to a jigsaw puzzle, where each component (or module) is required to view the whole image. 

    Classes are a good example for Angular modules, as well. Methods may be made public or private inside a class. Other sections of our code may utilize the angular architecture and best practices of the public methods to communicate with it, whilst the implementation details of the private methods are kept secret. Like components and directives, pipes and services may be exported or hidden by a module. It's important to note that the exported components may be used by other modules, while those that are not exported (hidden) can only be used by the module itself. 

    The decorator NgModule must be used to define modules. 

    import '@angular/core' from '@ngModule'; 

    This class is exported by the @NgModule (which includes the following imports and declarations, as well as bootstrapping: 

    Using the NgModule decorator, we were able to transform the class AppModule into an Angular module. Imports, declarations, and bootstrap are all required by the NgModule decorator. An array of modules is expected by the property imports. The components of our puzzle are defined here (our application). The property declarations anticipate an array containing the module's components, directives, and pipes. Our module's root component is defined in the bootstrap attribute. In spite of the fact that this property is likewise an array, we are almost always going to declare a single element. 

    It is possible that more than one component is needed to start a module, but we are not going to go into detail about such situations here. 

    This is how a single component module m impo ight look like: 

    Import Component from @angular/core in app/app.component.ts; 
    Attribute: @Component (selector: 'app-root, template: 'h1>My Angular App'/h1>) 
    Import NgModule from '@angular/core'; import BrowserModule from '@angular/platform-browser'; export AppComponent from 'app' into a module in the app's code 
    './app.component' may be used to import 'AppComponent' 

    When a browser module is imported, its declarations and bootstrap are exported as the AppModule class, which is a subclass of @NgModule. 

    The file app.component.ts is nothing more than a "Hello, world!" component. Instead of establishing a module, we are specifying all of the modules and components that will be used in the project in the file app.module.ts, which is structured similarly to previous examples. 

    This is the first thing we notice, since our module explicitly imports the BrowserModule. Built-in browser modules export basic directives, pipelines and services to the web browser. Directives like *ngFor and *ngIf may no longer be used in templates without explicitly importing the required dependencies, as was the case with prior versions of Angular. 

    Due to the AppComponent being our module's only root component, it must be included in the bootstrap array. The AppComponent must be defined in the declarations property since we are meant to specify all the components or pipelines in our application. 

    A crucial clarification must be made before we go any further. Root modules and feature modules are the two sorts of modules that exist. 

    It's like a module, except in an application we only have one root module and zero or many feature modules, much as in a module In order for Angular to start up our application, we must tell it which module is the root. The imports property of a NgModule decorator may quickly reveal the presence of a root module. Importing either the BrowserModule or CommonModule determines whether the module is the root or a feature. 

    Building Blocks of Angular Application-Angular Architecture

    Building Blocks of Angular Application-Angular Architecture

    Components, angular architecture and best practices, Templates, MetaData, Data Binding, Directives, Services, Dependency Injection, and Routing are the primary building elements of every Angular Application. In this post, we'll take a closer look at the Angular framework's core components one by one. The key distinction between Angular 1 and Angular 2, Angular 4 and subsequent versions of Angular is that the architecture of Angular 2 revolves around components and modules. 

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    Let's take a closer look at the Angular Building Blocks. 


    Angular's architecture is built on components. The template, data, and logic are all contained inside a Component in an Angular application. There may be one or more components in an Angular application. 

    Consider the Product Review System as an example. Product List, Product Description, and Product Rating may all be included on a single page. 


    An Angular application wouldn't be what it is today without modules. Components in an Angular application are organized into modules. You may think of a module as a collection of connected components. The App Module or Root Module must be present in every Angular application. Angular applications may be broken down into smaller modules. 

    Multiple components may be included in a single product module, such as a Product List, Description, and Rating. 

    Let's start by building a module and then adding a component to it. 

    Open the command prompt and enter ng new myfirstapp> to build a new Angular app. Read this blog for additional information. Use the CLI to build an Angular application. Open your Angular app in Visual Studio 2017 once it's been developed. Visual Code is also an option. To create a new item in the app folder, right-click on it and choose New Item. Name it products.component.ts if you want to be specific. 

    Just paste the code below into it. 

    components imported from '@angular/core' should be used 

    @Component({ "products" as an option in the selection './products.component.html' as the templateUrl, ['./products.component.css'] styleUrls }) export ProductListComponent to your own class 'Products' is the title.} 

    Now, we need to add this component to a module so it can be used. It's time to add your new component to app.module.ts as demonstrated below. Type the component name and Intellisense will assist.

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    In order to become a highly skilled angular architecture pattern developer, or perhaps an Architect, you'll need to study these subjects in detail. Even though there's a great deal more to this, don't forget the basics: Javascript, CSS, Design Patterns and Clean Code, as well as Web Tooling. This is a good place to start. You can check KnowledgeHut’s angular course duration before enrolling your name. 

    You might also find it interesting to read about how to create libraries for angular apps? article. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the architecture of Angular?

    An Angular application's architecture depends on a few core ideas. NgModules organize Angular components, which are the framework's fundamental building elements. An Angular application is defined by a collection of NgModules, each of which serves a specific purpose. 

    2What is the architecture of Angular 10?

    Angular framework 10.0.0 is currently available. Angular 10 will be available on June 24, 2020, with the code name "Angular 10". A big release like Angular 10 has a significant impact on the platform, which includes the framework and Angular Material, as well as the CLI. 

    3What is the architecture of Angular 7?

    It is a platform and framework for creating HTML and TypeScript client apps. TypeScript is used to write Angular 7. TypeScript libraries, which you import into your project, are how Angular 7's core and optional capabilities are implemented.

    4What are the parts of Angular 8 architecture?

    There are eight major components of an angular architecture pattern, as shown in the picture below: 

    • Modules. 
    • Components. 
    • Templates. 
    • Metadata. 
    • Binding of data 
    • Directives. 
    • Services. 
    • Dependency injection is a useful technique. 
    5What are the main features of Angular?

    Benefits and Features 

    • Across Different Media Types 
    • Web Apps That Are Always Getting Better 
    • Deliver app-like experiences by using the advantages of current web platform 
    • Efficacy and Quickness 
    • The creation of computer code 
    • Productivity 
    • Templates 
    • The Whole Story of How It Happened 
    • Testing. 
    6Is Angular a framework or language?

    AngularJS is a framework for building dynamic web applications with reusable components. Your application components may be expressed using HTML's syntax in a way that is simple and concise. You don't have to create as much code using AngularJS' data binding and dependency injection.


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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